WATCH: This Thunderstorm Time Lapse Is Absolutely Nuts

Mother Jones

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Look! In the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s…OH JESUS LORD GOD, NO, THE GATES OF ANOTHER DIMENSION ARE OPENING!

The Washington Post explains:

Fledgling low pressure forming downwind of the Rockies spun up a towering thunderstorm so imposing that the footage almost seems fake – as if from a sci-fi movie or another planet.

Pray! Confess thy sins, for the dark days are upon us!

Spectacular cannot even describe the time lapse video from this spinning supercell storm that blossomed in eastern Wyoming Sunday evening, near Newcastle. The action really gets going about 55 seconds in.

It looks like Storm from the “X-Men” franchise and Thor from the “Thor” franchise teamed up and took the show on the road!

Anyway, have a nice day.


WATCH: This Thunderstorm Time Lapse Is Absolutely Nuts

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