We applaud biofuels support in President Obama’s Climate Action Plan


We applaud biofuels support in President Obama’s Climate Action Plan

Posted 25 June 2013 in


Fuels America commends President Obama’s commitment to reducing our nation’s greenhouse gas emissions through the development and deployment of advanced transportation technologies like renewable fuel. The Administration’s Climate Action Plan is a great blueprint for transitioning America from oil to cost-effective, homegrown alternatives.

Today, the U.S. continues to consume almost 20 million barrels of oil per day, more than any other country. This addiction not only makes American consumers vulnerable to a commodity dictated by global markets and external forces like OPEC, but is also a huge contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. The transportation fuel sector accounted for about 31 percent of U.S. CO2 emissions, in 2011, with nearly two-thirds of those emissions stemming from gasoline consumption for personal vehicle use.

Renewable fuel is already part of the solution. In 2012, the 13.2 billion gallons of ethanol produced in the U.S. reduced greenhouse gas emissions from on-road vehicles by 33.4 million tons. And the industry is working to rapidly develop the next-generation of renewable fuel that will further reduce carbon emissions.

The President’s support of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) recognizes that renewable fuel is already addressing climate change, while reducing consumer pain at the pump, enhancing national security, and fostering economic development.

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We applaud biofuels support in President Obama’s Climate Action Plan

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