Yes, the "Brosurance" Keg Stand Obamacare Ad Is Real. Meet the Guy Who Made It.

Mother Jones

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If you are in college, don’t have health insurance, and love doing keg stands, then this ad will speak to you:


The pro-Obamacare “Brosurance” ad was posted online Tuesday morning. It’s the product of a collaboration between the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative (CCHI) and ProgressNow Colorado Education, the same organizations that started in 2011. The ad—a tongue-in-cheek portrayal of binge-drinking, ostensibly left-leaning “Bros for Life”—is part of the “got insurance?” campaign, which includes several other ads such as one showcasing grammatically challenged golfing frat boys.

“We were really focused on getting the word out to…young adults, families, women, and minority groups,” says Adam Fox, director of strategic engagement for CCHI and one of the guys (bros?) behind the ads. “We were trying to connect with young adults, and we thought, ‘What are things that might connect with college-age folks?'”

The “Bros for Life” in the ad aren’t from a stock photo—they’re friends with CCHI staff members and had recently graduated from college. “They had time on their hands, and decided to come do some poses and help us create some content,” Fox says. (Fox himself graduated from Pacific University in 2007.)

CCHI and ProgressNow plan on rolling out more content over the next couple of weeks, including more images. As companion pieces to the “Brosurance” ad, check out Jonathan Chait’s piece asking whether Obamacare is in fact a “War on Bros,” and Sarah Kliff’s post on “what bros need to know about Obamacare.”

h/t Igor Volsky

Originally posted here:  

Yes, the "Brosurance" Keg Stand Obamacare Ad Is Real. Meet the Guy Who Made It.

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