Author Archives: Alisa97Gjk

Climate deniers are smart enough not to bet against Bill Nye

Climate deniers are smart enough not to bet against Bill Nye

By on May 16, 2016Share

No one’s surprised that last month was the hottest April on record. And, it turns out, not even climate change deniers would bet against it.

In April, Bill Nye bet two prominent climate change deniers $20,000 each that this year will be among the top 10 warmest years recorded and our current decade will be the warmest on record. Neither Marc Morano, the director of the denier film Climate Hustle, nor Joe Bastardi, a climate-denying meteorologist, agreed to the bet.

Smart of them, because last month’s heat record is by no means an isolated incident. The Guardian points out that April is the seventh month in a row to break global temperature records, and it’s the third consecutive month to break the monthly heat record by the largest margin ever, according to NASA figures.

Like the rest of us, climate change deniers can recognize the pattern of global temperatures spiraling out of control. Deep down, beneath quibbles about satellite measurements, skewed graphs, and scientific conspiracies, they understand that betting against climate change is looking more and more like a sure loss.

So why do they deny it so often? Oh, right: money. Morano currently serves as executive director of Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), a pro-fossil fuel, anti-regulation lobbying organization. And Nye points out in a video that Bastardi has given many paid speeches for coal and gas companies.

Denying climate change can be lucrative — but betting against it is another story entirely. It looks like climate deniers aren’t comfortable defending their counter-science views by taking a gamble they’re sure to lose.

ICYMI, here’s Nye’s challenge from last month:

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Climate deniers are smart enough not to bet against Bill Nye

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No, the Spitting Attack on a Paralyzed Mom Was Not a Hoax

Mother Jones

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Jennifer Longdon Everytown for Gun Safety

Last week, Mother Jones published an in-depth report exposing vicious, degrading tactics used by gun-rights activists against women, from Arizona to Texas to Indiana. In response, right-wing pundit Dana Loesch and others have claimed that an assault on Jennifer Longdon—a mom, gun owner, and gun violence survivor paralyzed by a bullet—is a hoax. Their attack on Longdon (and Mother Jones) is as stupefyingly inane and illogical as it is wrong.

As I reported in detail last week, a man who recognized Longdon as a gun-reform advocate from a television broadcast approached her in the Indianapolis airport on April 25 and spat in her face. Loesch says that because no video evidence of the attack was presented with the story, it simply could not have happened. “I was in the same airport on April 25th and it was quite busy,” she wrote. “Should be easy to obtain security footage.” Beyond Loesch’s faith in the 24/7 surveillance state as the new standard of fact-finding—nothing is true unless you roll tape!—her comrades say that further proof of a conspiracy rests with CNN supposedly monopolizing all TVs in the Indy airport and having “no record” of the Longdon footage. Got it.

Longdon spoke to me in detail, in multiple interviews, about what she went through in Indianapolis. It was one of many such incidents of harassment and bullying she has endured over several years as an outspoken woman and advocate of gun reform. I confirmed her account of the spitting attack in the airport with other people who she spoke to about it at the time of the incident. The additional harassment and stalking she endured in Phoenix last year, also detailed in my report, was corroborated by a Phoenix police official directly involved in the case.

Each person I spoke with about Longdon in the course of my reporting conveyed that she is a person of integrity and fortitude, qualities you might not be surprised to hear attributed to a person who travels around the country in a wheelchair, in constant physical pain, to advocate for greater public safety. Nobody I spoke with relied on bizarre conjecture and a quick google search, keyword “CNN,” to insinuate she was a liar.

The tactics deployed by Loesch and others to try to discredit our report are nothing new. If they have one shred of evidence that the spitting assault on Longdon didn’t take place, we are all ears. Betcha a nickel—or heck, why not just make it a hundred bucks—that none will be forthcoming.

You can read the full Mother Jones investigation, and the pattern of bullying and harassment it documents in detail, here. You can also watch my discussion of what’s behind this troubling issue with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, below. Hayes, who also reported on this subject recently, describes the phenomenon this way: “What you’re getting is a gun movement that is dominated by a very small, very hardcore group of people, with very fringe views, who can be very aggressive. And we’ve seen this play out time and time again…in which you’re not just getting arguments about policy, you’re getting rank, pure intimidation.”

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No, the Spitting Attack on a Paralyzed Mom Was Not a Hoax

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