
The bestselling book that asks what dogs know and how they think, now in paperback. The answers will surprise and delight you as Alexandra Horowitz, a cognitive scientist, explains how dogs perceive their daily worlds, each other, and that other quirky animal, the human. Horowitz introduces the reader to dogs’ perceptual and cognitive abilities and then draw […]
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The Codex Astartes details the doctrine of the Space Marine Chapters, compiled and written by the Primarch of the Ultramarines, Roboute Guilliman. While not every Chapter follows the Codex completely, it lays the foundation for their organisation and tactics. About this series: The Adeptus Astartes are genetically engineered warriors, created by the Emperor […]
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For thousands of years, the Eldar of Iyanden have sailed through the sea of stars, defending the galaxy’s eastern rim from the threat of Chaos. They have won great victories, but have known terrible tragedy also; what was once the most populous of craftworlds is now but a shadow of its former glory. This supplement to Codex: Eldar allows you to ta […]
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Codex: Eldar is your comprehensive guide to wielding the deadly warhosts of the Craftworld Eldar upon the battlefields of the 41 st Millennium. This volume details the craftworlds of the Eldar, and the different types of army they field. The Eldar embody excellence in the arts of war, from their psychic might to their deadly aircraft, and their ranks co […]
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Grand Master Azrael Azrael is the Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels Chapter, the Keeper of Truth and bearer of the Lion Helm. Armed with the Sword of Secrets and Lion’s Wraith, Azrael guards the ancient lore of his Chapter and leads their hunt for the mysterious Fallen. About this series: The galaxy burns with the fires of countless wars and conflicts, […]
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The shuriken catapult is the preferred weapon of the Eldar and uses solid-state ammunition carved into monofilament discs, which are propelled into the enemy. Reliable and deadly Eldar Guardians use these weapons to great effect where their ‘shurikens’ cut easily through enemy armour and flesh. About this series: Weapons are the tools of war, and with them a […]
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For gardeners and backyard do-it-yourselfers, concrete is a revelation. It’s durable, weatherproof, impossible to steal, and it provides much-needed insulation for outdoor plants. Concrete weathers beautifully, softening around the edges, developing moss, and becoming more picturesque with age. Concrete Garden Projects takes advantage of concrete’s […]
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As Seen on “60 Minutes”! As a Navy SEAL during a combat deployment in Iraq, Mike Ritland saw a military working dog in action and instantly knew he’d found his true calling. Ritland started his own company training and supplying dogs for the SEAL teams, U.S. Government, and Department of Defense. He knew that fewer than 1 percent of […]
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Dreadnoughts are powerful fighting machines piloted by the entombed remains of great Space Marine heroes. Often used in shock assaults or boarding actions, Dreadnoughts are capable of using heavy weapons with deadly and brutal proficiency. About this series: The Adeptus Astartes are genetically engineered warriors, created by the Emperor of Mankind and tempe […]
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Long rifles are used almost exclusively by Eldar Rangers and Pathfinders. A peerless sniper weapon, the long rifle can cut down an enemy at extreme ranges, its unerring beam finding the weak points in even the most heavily armoured of foes. About this series: Weapons are the tools of war, and with them and other wargear, soldiers ply their bloody trade on co […]
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Monstanto vs. organics: court rules that a website promise is good enough