John Oliver Has a Plan to Save Net Neutrality Rules Once Again
Mother Jones
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As President Donald Trump pursues plans to eliminate Obama-era net neutrality rules, John Oliver on Sunday resurrected his call to protect equal and open access to the internet.
The Last Week Tonight host first highlighted the issue early in its first season back in 2014, when the Federal Communications Commission was first considering a new set of rules. Net neutrality is again under threat, with Trump’s newly-appointed FCC head Ajit Pai indicating his desire to take a “weed-whacker” to current protections in place, and potentially allow internet service providers to regulate themselves.
“Net neutrality is more than just about speed,” Oliver said. “At its heart, it is the principle that internet service providers or ISP’s should not be able to engage in any sort of fuckery that limits or manipulates the choices you make online.”
He continued by urging viewers to visit, a domain Oliver created to make it easier for people to post directly to the FCC’s comments section and voice their outrage.
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John Oliver Has a Plan to Save Net Neutrality Rules Once Again