Author Archives: LyndaSifford

Clinton Once Said Democrats Should Never Attack Each Other Over Universal Health Care

Mother Jones

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Hillary Clinton is going after Bernie Sanders on health care reform. On Monday, she warned that his proposal for universal single-payer health care was a “risky deal” that would tear apart the Affordable Care Act and “start over.” On Tuesday, her daughter, Chelsea Clinton, followed suit. It’s an abrupt shift one month before the Iowa caucuses, but perhaps an inevitable one given Sanders’ rising poll numbers.

It’s also reverses the tactic her campaign embraced eight years ago. In the 2008 Democratic primary, it was Clinton who found herself on the defensive after then-Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign sent mailers to Ohio voters warning that her plan would force every citizen to buy health insurance. In a now-famous moment, Clinton held a press conference to trash the mailer and tell her opponent, “Shame on you”:

The Obama mailer was “not only wrong, but it is undermining core Democratic principles,” Clinton said at the time. “Since when do Democrats attack one another on universal health care? I thought we were trying to realize Harry Truman’s dream. I thought this campaign finally gave us an opportunity to put together a coalition to achieve universal health care.”

“This is wrong and every Democratic should be outraged because this is the kind of attack that not only undermines core Democratic values, but gives aid and comfort to the very special interests and their allies in the Republican Party who are against doing what we want to do for America,” she continued. “So shame on you, Barack Obama. It is time you ran a campaign consistent with your messages in public. That’s what I expect from you. Meet me in Ohio. Let’s have a debate about your tactics and your behavior in this campaign.”

Then again, Obama’s tactics worked—and his campaign promises didn’t stop him from making the individual mandate, floated by Clinton, a critical part of his health care plan as president.

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Clinton Once Said Democrats Should Never Attack Each Other Over Universal Health Care

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Pope Francis Will Officially Recognize Palestinian Statehood

Mother Jones

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The Vatican is set to sign a new treaty to formally recognize the state of Palestine. The statement was released by a joint commission of Vatican and Palestinian officials on Wednesday, and indicated an agreement had been “concluded,” with an official signing to take place soon.

Though the Vatican has long hinted at supporting an official recognition, Wednesday’s news signals the Vatican’s first legal shift from recognizing the Palestinian Liberation Organization to the state of Palestine, according to the AP. In 2012, the Vatican applauded the United Nations’ decision to formally observe a Palestinian state.

Shortly after the statement’s release, Israel expressed disappointment in the Vatican’s decision.

“This move does not promote the peace process and distances the Palestinian leadership from returning to direct and bilateral negotiations,” the Israeli foreign ministry said, according to the AP. “Israel will study the agreement and will consider its steps accordingly.”

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Pope Francis Will Officially Recognize Palestinian Statehood

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Can the Electric Car Save Your Life?


Can the Electric Car Save Your Life?

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