Bernie Sanders Wants DOJ to Investigate “Potential Fraud” by Exxon Over Climate Research

The presidential candidate argued the company’s actions could “qualify as a violation of federal law.” Albert H. Teich/Shutterstock Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Tuesday joined a push for the Department of Justice to investigate allegations that ExxonMobil hid research confirming fossil fuels contribute significantly to climate change. In a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Sanders accused the oil giant of a ”potential instance of corporate fraud,” which he added could “ultimately qualify as a violation of federal law.” “Exxon Mobil knew the truth about fossil fuels and climate change and lied to protect their business model at the expense of the planet,” Sanders, who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, wrote. Last week, two House Democrats sent Lynch a very similar letter, pressing her to launch an investigation into Exxon’s actions. Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, another Democratic presidential candidate, has also indicated support for an official inquiry. The requests come after in-depth reports by the Los Angeles Times and Inside Climate News revealed that decades of research conducted by senior Exxon scientists warned burning fossil fuels could lead to increasing global temperatures. […] Last week, Exxon spokesman Alan Jeffers said the company “unequivocally” rejects the allegations outlined in the articles and letters being sent to Lynch. “Suggestions that ExxonMobil suppressed its climate research are completely without merit,” Jeffers said. Read the rest at The Huffington Post. Jump to original –  Bernie Sanders Wants DOJ to Investigate “Potential Fraud” by Exxon Over Climate Research ; ; ;

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Bernie Sanders Wants DOJ to Investigate “Potential Fraud” by Exxon Over Climate Research

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