Bill Cosby Will Face Criminal Charges for Sexual Assault

Mother Jones

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Bill Cosby will face criminal charges for allegedly sexually assaulting Andrea Constand, a former Temple University employee, inside the comedian’s Pennsylvania home in 2004.

Kevin Steele of the Montgomery County district attorney’s office announced in a press conference Wednesday morning that Cosby is being charged with aggravated indecent assault. He is expected to be arraigned later this afternoon.

“Today, after examination of all the evidence, we are able to seek justice on behalf of the victim,” Steele said.

This is the first time Cosby has been formally charged with sexual assault, after decades of ongoing rape allegations against the 78-year-old entertainer.

Below is a docket listing the charges filed against Cosby:

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For more on the different statutes of limitations for filing rape or sexual assault charges in each state, head over to our explainer here.


Bill Cosby Will Face Criminal Charges for Sexual Assault

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