Fox News Is Breaking Up With Donald Trump. Now He’s Freaking Out on Twitter

Mother Jones

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We may have Fox News to thank for the meteoric start to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, but could we soon credit the network for its impending doom? Judging by the thorny questions posed by Fox’s moderators during the first Republican primary debate last night, it looks as if the news outlet is initiating the breakup—and Trump is fighting back.

Soon after facing a barrage of pointed questions, the petulant GOP front-runner took to Twitter to slam the news outlet’s moderators with his reliable brand of petty insults:

Republican political consultant Frank Luntz was not the only recipient of his ire. Megyn Kelly called out Trump’s history of insulting women. “You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals,'” Kelly said. “Only Rosie O’Donnell,” Trump responded, prompting applause. He then took aim at the Fox News host:

The distancing of Fox News from Trump on Thursday could signal Fox chairman Roger Ailes is finally taking heed of Rupert Murdoch’s attempts to stop Fox from offering an uncritical platform for Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric. And without the support of Fox News, maybe Trump’s presidential ambitions will lose some momentum.

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Fox News Is Breaking Up With Donald Trump. Now He’s Freaking Out on Twitter

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