Mirror, Mirror On the Wall, Who’s the Most Reactionary of Them All?

Mother Jones

Over at Wonkblog, Pablo Barberá uses Twitter to rank all the presidential candidates from most liberal to most conservative. I’ll leave it up to the experts to debate whether his methodology is sound, since, you know, Twitter. Anyway, here it is:

What I liked about this ranking was that Barberá included a handful of media outlets in order to provide some landmarks for comparison, and he had the good taste to include Mother Jones as one of them. It turns out we rank in between Martin O’Malley and Lincoln Chafee, and right smack in the ideological middle of the congressional Democratic caucus.

Is that good or bad? I don’t know. But I figured everyone would want to know.

POSTSCRIPT: Also, note where Scott Walker is. The guy is really conservative.

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Mirror, Mirror On the Wall, Who’s the Most Reactionary of Them All?

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