Sen. Boxer to form congressional ‘climate change caucus,’ which should do the trick

Sen. Boxer to form congressional ‘climate change caucus,’ which should do the trick

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) has decided that this is the perfect moment to launch a brand new congressional caucus. From The Hill:

[Boxer] said Tuesday that she’s forming a “climate change caucus,” and argues that Hurricane Sandy “changed a lot of minds” on the topic.

The move signals that Democrats might again be ready to aggressively promote bills to curb greenhouse gas emissions, even as the political prospects for global warming legislation remain remote in Congress.

“I am going to form a climate change caucus, because people are coming up to me, they really want to get into this. I think Sandy changed a lot of minds,” Boxer told reporters in the Capitol.

Pack it in, Chevron. Peace out, coal industry. Ya burnt, so to speak. After all, nothing gets things done like a congressional caucus.

That is why there are over 200 of them. A sampling:

2015 Caucus
30 Something Working Group
Americans Abroad Caucus
Armenian Caucus
Bike Caucus AKA Bicycle Caucus
Congressional Bourbon Caucus
Center Aisle Caucus
Congressional Automotive Caucus
Congressional Bicameral Arthritis Caucus
Congressional Boating Caucus
Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues
Congressional Caucus on Youth Sports
Congressional Correctional Officers Caucus
Congressional E-911 Caucus
Congressional Fraternal Caucus
Congressional HUBZone Caucus
Congressional Hockey Caucus
Congressional Horse Caucus
Congressional Kidney Caucus
Congressional Prayer Caucus
Congressional Ski and Snowboard Caucus
Congressional TRIO Caucus
Congressional Zoo and Aquarium Caucus
House Friends of Scotland Caucus
Senate Friends of Scotland Caucus
Future of American Media Caucus
German-American Caucus
House Afterschool Caucus
House Baltic Caucus
House Reading Caucus
Hungarian American Caucus
Interstate 69 Caucus
Liberty Caucus
Minor League Baseball Caucus
North America’s Supercorridor Caucus
Physics Caucus, The
Qatari-American Economic Strategic Defense, Cultural, and Educational Partnership Caucus
River of Trade Corridor Congressional Caucus
Shellfish Caucus
Stop DUI Caucus
TEX-21 Congressional Caucus [Ed. – I mean, does this have multiple members?]
Unexploded Ordnance Caucus
U.S.-Mongolia Friendship Caucus
Youth Challenge Caucus
Zero Capital Gains Tax Caucus

Oh, and:

Congressional Climate Caucus

… which was formed in 2006.

So the good news is that climate change is now one of the 250 or so most important issues in front of Congress. The bad news is that members will have to figure out which super-effective climate caucus is cooler.

Philip Bump writes about the news for Gristmill. He also uses Twitter a whole lot.

Read more:

Climate & Energy



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Sen. Boxer to form congressional ‘climate change caucus,’ which should do the trick

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