Students at a Nebraska High School Can Now Pose With Guns in Their Senior Portraits

Mother Jones

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Seniors at Broken Bow High School in Nebraska have been granted their God-given right to pose with guns for their upcoming senior portraits, just as long as the photos are taken off campus and done “tastefully.”

“The board, I believe, felt they wanted to give students who are involved in those kinds of things the opportunity to take a senior picture with their hobby, with their sport, just like anybody with any other hobby or sport,” Superintendent Mark Sievering explained to local paper, the Omaha World-Herald.

One would think such a bizarre proposal would prompt some level of debate, a modicum of sane opposition! After all, we’re talking about mere teenagers eerily striking poses with weapons in their adolescent hands. Alas, the idea was met with a unanimous yes by all members of the Broken Bow school board.

“For me as a sportsman, I think the policy’s important because it allows those kids who are doing those things a chance to demonstrate what they’re doing and to celebrate that. I think that’s important and fair in our country,” board member Matthew Haumont said.

As for the “tasteful” requirement, that means classy poses only folks: no photos with weapons pointed at the camera, no brandishing of weapons, and no “scantily clad girls.”


Students at a Nebraska High School Can Now Pose With Guns in Their Senior Portraits

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