Tag Archives: Bible

Bree Newsome Explains Why She Tore Down the Confederate Flag in South Carolina

Mother Jones

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On Monday afternoon, Bree Newsome, the woman who scaled the flagpole at the South Carolina statehouse on Saturday and took down the Confederate flag, made her first public comments since her arrest, which were published on the progressive website Blue Nation Review. She detailed her recent history of activism and described her motivation:

The night of the Charleston Massacre, I had a crisis of faith. The people who gathered for Bible study in Emmanuel AME Church that night—Cynthia Marie Graham Hurd, Susie Jackson, Ethel Lee Lance, Depayne Middleton-Doctor, Tywanza Sanders, Daniel Simmons, Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, Myra Thompson and Rev. Clementa Pinckney (rest in peace)—were only doing what Christians are called to do when anyone knocks on the door of the church: invite them into fellowship and worship.

The day after the massacre I was asked what the next step was and I said I didn’t know. We’ve been here before and here we are again: black people slain simply for being black; an attack on the black church as a place of spiritual refuge and community organization.
I refuse to be ruled by fear. How can America be free and be ruled by fear? How can anyone be?

So, earlier this week I gathered with a small group of concerned citizens, both black and white, who represented various walks of life, spiritual beliefs, gender identities and sexual orientations. Like millions of others in America and around the world, including South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and President Barack Obama, we felt (and still feel) that the confederate battle flag in South Carolina, hung in 1962 at the height of the Civil Rights Movement, must come down. (Of course, we are not the first to demand the flag’s removal. Civil rights groups in South Carolina and nationwide have been calling for the flag’s removal since the moment it was raised, and I acknowledge their efforts in working to remove the flag over the years via the legislative process.)

We discussed it and decided to remove the flag immediately, both as an act of civil disobedience and as a demonstration of the power people have when we work together.

Explaining why she worked together with fellow activist James Ian Tyson, she continued:

Achieving this would require many roles, including someone who must volunteer to scale the pole and remove the flag. It was decided that this role should go to a black woman and that a white man should be the one to help her over the fence as a sign that our alliance transcended both racial and gender divides. We made this decision because for us, this is not simply about a flag, but rather it is about abolishing the spirit of hatred and oppression in all its forms.

Read Newsome’s whole statement here.

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Bree Newsome Explains Why She Tore Down the Confederate Flag in South Carolina

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Strom Thurmond’s Son Just Called for the Removal of the Confederate Flag

Mother Jones

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On the floor of the South Carolina Senate Tuesday, the son of longtime US Senator and segregationist Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond made an impassioned call to remove the Confederate flag from the statehouse.

Republican State Sen. Paul Thurmond looked past his own ancestry—and at least two of his colleagues in the Senate who have told the Post and Courier they would vote to keep the flag. He told his colleagues that the “time is right” to remove the symbolic flag from above the statehouse one day after Gov. Nikki Haley and Sen. Lindsey Graham called for its removal. Thurmond eulogized his friend and colleague state Sen. Clementa Pinckney, who was leading Bible study at Emanuel African Methodist Church when he was killed, alongside eight other black churchgoers, in a mass shooting on June 19. Authorities have charged 21-year-old Dylann Roof.

Reflecting on the June 19 shooting, Thurmond said:

I cannot comprehend the hate that was visited upon the Holy City, but I can respond with love and unity and kindness and maybe show others that their motivation for future attacks of hate will not be tolerated, will not result in a race war, will not divide us, but rather will strengthen our resolve to come together as one nation, one state, and one community under God.

Though he said nothing in his speech about his father, who is arguably most famous for his day-long filibuster against civil rights legislation in 1957, the longest in US history, Thurmond discussed his ancestors’ place along General Robert E. Lee when the Confederate army surrendered at Appomattox Court House and said he could not fathom how “anyone could fight a civil war based, in part, on the desire to continue the practice of slavery.”

Here’s an excerpt from his speech:

I think the time is right and the ground is fertile for us to make progress as a state and to come together and remove the Confederate battle flag from prominent statue outside the Statehouse and put it in the museum. It is time to acknowledge our past, atone for our sins and work towards a better future. That future must be built on symbols of peace, love, and unity. That future cannot be built on symbols of war, hate, and divisiveness.

I am aware of my heritage. But my appreciation for the things that my forebearers accomplished to make my life better doesn’t mean that I must believe that they always made the right decisions and, for the life of me, I will never understand how anyone could fight a civil war based, in part, on the desire to continue the practice of slavery. Think about it for just a second. Our ancestors were literally fighting to continue to keep human beings as slaves and continue the unimaginable acts that occur when someone is held against their will. I am not proud of this heritage. These practices were inhumane and were wrong, wrong, wrong.

Now we have these hate groups and the symbols that they use to remind African Americans that things haven’t changed and that they are still viewed as less than equal human beings. Well, let me tell you: Things have changed. Overwhelmingly, people are not being raised to hate or to believe that they are superior to others based on the color of their skin. My generation was raised to respect all people, of every race, religion, and gender.

I have often wondered what is my purpose here, in the Senate. I’ve asked God to guide me and strengthen me. I have prayed that I will be able to make a difference for this state. I have prayed that I will leave this place better for the future generations. I am proud to take a stand and no longer be silent. I am proud to be on the right side of history regarding the removal of this symbol of racism and bigotry from the statehouse. But let it not satisfy us to stop there. Justice by halves is not justice. We must take down the confederate flag, and we must take it down now. But if we stop there, we have cheated ourselves out of an opportunity to start a different conversation about healing in our state. I am ready. Let us start the conversation.

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Strom Thurmond’s Son Just Called for the Removal of the Confederate Flag

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Rick Perry: Don’t Blame Guns for Charleston Attack. But Maybe Blame Drugs.

Mother Jones

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The killing of nine people at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston Wednesday night has reignited the conversation about access to guns in the US, drawing the predictable refrain that this wouldn’t have happened had the people at the Bible study been armed. A board member of the National Rifle Association went so far as to blame one of the victims for the shooting because of his political position on concealed-carry laws. So when President Obama talked about Charleston and how easy it was for someone like 21-year-old Dylann Roof to get a gun, the critics pushed back.

One of them was former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who told Newsmax that the massacre, which he called an “accident,” might have had more to do with drugs than with guns. Watch:

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Rick Perry: Don’t Blame Guns for Charleston Attack. But Maybe Blame Drugs.

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Biogas, a Low-Tech Fuel With a Big Payoff

Whether at household operations or at industrial facilities, a centuries-old technology is increasingly being used to extract energy from crop waste, kitchen scraps and sewage. Source:  Biogas, a Low-Tech Fuel With a Big Payoff ; ; ;

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Biogas, a Low-Tech Fuel With a Big Payoff

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Duck Dynasty Guy’s Ad for Duck Dynasty Candidate Is the Full Duck Dynasty

Mother Jones

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Zach Dasher, a Republican businessman running for Congress in Louisiana’s fifth district, has one major thing going for him: He’s the nephew of Phil Robertson, patriarch of the Duck Dynasty clan. And he appears to be squeezing everything he can out of the connection. In a new ad, Robertson, who was suspended by A&E last year over comments he made in a GQ interview on homosexuality and race, holds up a Bible and a rifle, as an acoustic version of “Amazing Grace” plays in the background. “Hey, Louisiana,” Robertson says. “Bibles and guns brought us here. And Bibles and guns will keep us here. Zach Dasher believes in both. That’s why I’m voting for him.”

The ad’s content isn’t much of a surprise. Dasher has made his faith (and Duck Dynasty ties) a central part of his campaign, has said godlessness is driving America toward “tyranny and death,” and worries that the term “YOLO” encourages atheism by discounting the idea of an afterlife. Robertson has also raised money for Dasher, at one fundraiser referring to the candidate as “my little nephew who came from the loins of my sister.”

Ahead of a special election for the seat in 2013, Willie Robertson, Dasher’s cousin, cut an ad for Rep. Vance McAllister, but the incumbent congressman has fallen out of favor with the family since he was caught on tape kissing a staffer.

View the original here:

Duck Dynasty Guy’s Ad for Duck Dynasty Candidate Is the Full Duck Dynasty

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Dot Earth Blog: Can Humans Get Used to Having a Two-Way Relationship with Earth’s Climate?

Can humans get used to having a two-way relationship with Earth’s climate? Link:  Dot Earth Blog: Can Humans Get Used to Having a Two-Way Relationship with Earth’s Climate? ; ; ;

Read this article: 

Dot Earth Blog: Can Humans Get Used to Having a Two-Way Relationship with Earth’s Climate?

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National Briefing | Washington: Federal Report Describes Trouble for Some Birds

After the National Audubon Society released a report saying 650 bird species will be threatened by climate change, a report released by other agencies concluded that nearly one-third of American birds are in trouble. Continue at source: National Briefing | Washington: Federal Report Describes Trouble for Some Birds ; ; ;

See the article here:  

National Briefing | Washington: Federal Report Describes Trouble for Some Birds

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A Closer Look at the Ebola Epidemic in the Context of Ecological Health

There’s a chance the Ebola outbreak could spur increased conservation and surveillance in ecosystems that might harbor dangerous pathogens. Original article: A Closer Look at the Ebola Epidemic in the Context of Ecological Health ; ; ;

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A Closer Look at the Ebola Epidemic in the Context of Ecological Health

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Winged Warning: Heavy Metal Song Distortion

A series on birds as environmental sentinels includes a story on how mercury contamination distorts birds’ songs. See the original article here:  Winged Warning: Heavy Metal Song Distortion ; ;Related ArticlesOceans Agency Lists 20 Coral Species as ThreatenedObserved Planet: A Dawn Torrent of Tree SwallowsA Closer Look at Turbulent Oceans and Greenhouse Heating ;

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Winged Warning: Heavy Metal Song Distortion

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National Briefing | Washington: 20 Types of Coral Listed as Threatened

The federal government is protecting 20 types of colorful coral by putting them on the list of threatened species, partly because of climate change. Taken from –  National Briefing | Washington: 20 Types of Coral Listed as Threatened ; ;Related ArticlesOceans Agency Lists 20 Coral Species as ThreatenedA Closer Look at Turbulent Oceans and Greenhouse HeatingWinged Warning: Heavy Metal Song Distortion ;

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National Briefing | Washington: 20 Types of Coral Listed as Threatened

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