Tag Archives: fallon

Sorry, Hillary Clinton, Nevada Is Actually a Diverse State

Mother Jones

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Stinging from its lopsided defeat in New Hampshire and bracing for a tougher-than-expected primary fight against Bernie Sanders, the Hillary Clinton campaign has sought to lower expectations for the next contest, this Saturday’s Nevada caucuses. To do so, the campaign has been subtly pushing a curious line: Don’t read too much into the results of the Nevada caucuses because the state is disproportionately white, just like New Hampshire and Iowa.

As I explained last week, Nevada should be a firewall state for Clinton, and that’s how the Clinton campaign long painted it. But last Tuesday, campaign spokesman Brian Fallon tried to dash those impressions during an appearance on MSNBC. As recounted by BuzzFeed‘s Ruby Cramer, Fallon tried to suggest that Sanders had an edge in the caucuses thanks to the makeup of the state.

“There’s an important Hispanic element to the Democratic caucus in Nevada,” Fallon said. “But it’s still a state that is 80 percent white voters. You have a caucus-style format, and he’ll have the momentum coming out of New Hampshire presumably, so there’s a lot of reasons he should do well.”

Campaign manager Robby Mook, who ran Clinton’s 2008 campaign in the state, made a similar argument the next day when talking with congressional Democrats:

Is Nevada as lacking in diversity as Iowa and New Hampshire? Not even close. It’s actually one of the more diverse states in the country. The population is 9 percent African American, just a few points below the national average of 13 percent. It’s also 9 percent Asian American or Pacific Islander, above the national 5.6 percent average. And Nevada boasts a far larger Latino population than the country writ large: 27.8 percent, versus 17.4 percent nationally.

Where does the Clinton campaign come up with the idea that Nevada is so overwhelming white? It all comes down to the difficult terminology of race and ethnicity. Technically, the state is 76 percent white, but that’s because most people who identify as Latino or Hispanic are included in that category. Separate them out, and the state is just 51.5 percent non-Hispanic white.

Compare that to Iowa and New Hampshire, which are, respectively, 87 percent and 91 percent non-Hispanic white.

It’s possible that Nevada’s minority populations won’t show up to caucus in large numbers. But that doesn’t seem too likely, at least based on the 2008 caucuses, when 35 percent of caucus voters were racial or ethnic minorities, according to exit polls. The state’s minority population has only grown since 2008, so there’s little reason to expect the caucus-going population to look that much whiter than in 2008.

With Sanders having captured the momentum after his big New Hampshire win, Clinton really may have a more difficult time in Nevada than she anticipated. But she can’t blame it on demographics.

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Sorry, Hillary Clinton, Nevada Is Actually a Diverse State

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Michelle Obama Appears on "Parks and Recreation" To Push Her Left-Wing, Pro-Exercise Propaganda

Mother Jones

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On Thursday, First Lady Michelle Obama appeared on the season finale of NBC sitcom Parks and Recreation to meet Leslie Knope (played by Amy Poehler). Obama encourages Knope to take a new job at the National Park Service. Knope—a die-hard liberal—proceeds to freak the hell out over meeting one of her heroes. (She acted similarly when she met Vice President Joe Biden.)

The first lady also chats with Knope about how her “Let’s Move!” program has been integrated into national parks: “Getting kids outside, rock climbing, hiking,” says Obama, who previously got some help from Will Ferrell and Jimmy Fallon in promoting “Let’s Move!” and the importance of exercise. The program was developed to address the issue of childhood obesity, and has endured plenty of mockery and attacks by conservatives who see it as an affront to individual liberty, or whatever.

The Parks and Rec scene is pretty funny (click here to watch the whole episode). Here’s an abridged version of the first lady’s cameo, via Politico (you can watch the full clip here):

Other politicians Parks and Rec has previously booked for cameos include Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Newt Gingrich.


Michelle Obama Appears on "Parks and Recreation" To Push Her Left-Wing, Pro-Exercise Propaganda

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Jimmy Fallon Makes Sex Jokes With Mitt Romney as They "Slow Jam the News"

Mother Jones

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On Friday, Mitt Romney joined Jimmy Fallon and the Roots on NBC’s Late Night to “slow jam the news.” The main topic of the segment was President Obama’s upcoming State of the Union address. Highlights include Fallon making a 47-percent quip, a once-you-go-black-you-never-go-back joke (regarding Romney’s loss to President Obama in the 2012 election), and other sex jokes, all while Romney sat behind him.

Watch here:

“President Obama looked the American people up and down and said, ‘I’d tap that,'” Fallon says, on the subject of NSA surveillance.

Fallon and the Roots have previously slow-jammed the news with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Obama (Breitbart.com even accused NBC of violating campaign finance law by having the president on to slow-jam the news, a claim that was of course nonsense). Romney’s appearance on Friday answers CBS News’ nearly two-year-old question, “Will we ever see…Mitt Romney follow in President Obama’s footsteps and slow jam the news?”

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Jimmy Fallon Makes Sex Jokes With Mitt Romney as They "Slow Jam the News"

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