Tag Archives: fight-the-horse

A Senator Just Asked Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee A Question That Is Going To Make The Internet Explode

Mother Jones

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Jeff Flake’s son is about to be the most popular person on reddit.

Would you rather fight 1 horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses? This is a famous internet question. Hard to answer! Who knows! Large duck would be quite hard to fight! But also 100 mini horses would not be a walk in the park either. In reality, man is a delicate thing. Our flesh is soft. If it weren’t for our opposable thumbs we’d have been eaten by venus flytraps long ago. What I’m saying is, no matter which answer you choose, you’re going to lose that fight, my friend. Real question is how do you want to die? Both sound bad! Being eaten by a horse-sized duck seems awful, but being attacked and devoured by little duck-sized velociraptors horses? Well, that doesn’t seem like the way I want to go out.

Anyway, I don’t know the answer. Stupid question. Stupid internet. But it is a famous question! Obama said he’d fight the horse-sized duck.

Sen. Flake asked Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch the question on behalf of his son (who must be dying right now).


See original article:  

A Senator Just Asked Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee A Question That Is Going To Make The Internet Explode

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