Tag Archives: flash mob

Join the 4th of July #WeAreALLConnected Global Dance Party

As a young person facing the challenges of our world today, it‘s sometimes difficult to imagine how connected I am to making a difference on any large scale.

But just the other day, as I had been thinking about how tough it is to connect with those “in power”?(i.e., elected officials, celebrities, etc.) to tell them of the trials or triumphs in my community, something amazing happened.

The Mayor of Oakland showed up on my doorstep with a precinct “random visit request” to take a poll in the neighborhood that I reside in! After having tea for almost an hour, the mayor became aware of the work I do as a youth leader and social entrepreneur inspiring kids and families around the world to find their creative voice and make a difference in the world.

As Marriane Williamson said…

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We all must truly find the voice within us that says, we are all gifted with something to give the world!

For this reason, and so much more, I am honored to share my message of global oneness and connectedness with each and every one of you.

As one youth ambassador in the campaign, Avalon Theisen, said?

The more we are aware of our?connectedness, the better well treat ourselves, each other and the planet!

This is why?my company?alongside 50 organizations and influencers?have come together to launch the “We Are All Connected” campaign: to inspire young people across the planet to proclaim their connectedness by dancing and singing in public!

Each act of connection will be documented through video and uploaded in a beautiful montage series called #weareallconnected.

So, for all of you out there, let’s join Avalon and kids from every continent in this global dance party to transform our future. The campaign starts this Independence Day (July 4th) to assert our INTERdependence and INTERconnectedness!

Show your support:

Automatically help spread the word via twitter and facebook by joining the Thunderclap here.
On July 4th, we’ll launch a video invitation which features youth from South Africa, Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica, France, Togo and the United States. Please visit www.weareallconnected.us for more info about getting involved.
Upload your video to youtube and let’s dance the world together! Use the hashtag #WeAreALLConnected.
Make your mark on July by going out of your way to connect with someone or something that you might not otherwise.

Listen to my Green Divas Radio Show Green Dude segment and watch the videos on the next page to learn the moves!

By?Aaron Ableman,?Balance Edutainment.



Read more: 4th of July, Blogs, Children, Community, Community Service, Do Good, Environment, Family, Fun, Green, Holidays, Life, Make a Difference, Nature, Outdoor Activities, The Green Divas Podcast, Videos, Videos, Videos, Videos, Videos, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Join the 4th of July #WeAreALLConnected Global Dance Party

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