Tag Archives: hydroponics

There Are Three Basic Types of Aquaponics Setups

There are three basic types of aquaponics systems.

They are media filled beds, nutrient film technique and the deep water culture system. Within each category there are endless variations in the design and construction of individual systems. The important thing is that the plants and fish co-exist in their separate environments.

The local high and low temperatures impact the site conditions which cause specific changes to individual setups. Systems need protection from local wind and weather conditions. It is essential to protect against contamination from chemicals and other poisons. Sunlight and orientation to the sun are also important factors in your setup.

Another major factor in the design of the system is the budget and space constraint. Systems can range in size from small systems using an indoor aquarium to large scale commercial operations. Depending on the site conditions one of the following options will likely be best suited for your needs.

1. Media Filled Beds: This type of system uses small grow media balls that are used to support the root system of the plants. The media is flooded with waste water and nourished with plant friendly water. The media should not be limestone as the pH will be affected and certain nutrient reactions will be inhibited. Low cost and ease of setup make this a great choice for a beginner. The simple ebb and flow system has been used for many years for backyard systems.

2. The NFT (nutrient film technique) is another common way to setup an aquaponics system. Water is pumped from the fish tank and then allowed to gravity flow in a thin film through an enclosed gutter where the plants are placed until they are harvested. this is a great way to grow leafy vegetables, but is not as optimal for taller plants due to the lack of support for the roots.

3. Deep Water Culture is exactly what the name implies. Deeper water is used and plants are floated on the surface so the roots can dangle into the water. The water is aerated for the fish and the plants float on the surface. This is ideal for larger scale operations.

Flood and drain media filled beds are simplest and most reliable systems for beginners. It can be done in a variety of different containers and you can use recycled materials. The flood and drain system also doesn’t require extensive maintenance.

For bigger systems, the deep water culture method is a great fit since the overall costs are reduced a t the larger scale of production. This method is also highly expandable.

Build your own aquaponics system with complete aquaponics how to videos for your backyard paradise.

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Growing Your Own food at Home Using Aquaponics


Food prices are rising because of inflation, drought, and high demand caused by an increasing population. These factors are making more and more people want to start growing their own food at home.

If you want to grow your own food you should look into A-P better known asaquaponics. This new gardening method will allow you to grow food at home and save energy at the same time. Keep reading to learn what aquaponics is, why it is better than regular gardening, and how you can cultivate your own food using this new cultivation method.

Aquaponics Defined

This great new farming method combines the best aspects of hydroponics with the best aspects of aquaculture. With hydroponics, plants are typically grown with their roots suspended in a solution of nutrients. This solution allows for faster absorption of vital nutrients by plants as compared to plants grown in soil.

In aquaculture, better known to some as fish farming, different species of fish are raised for food. These fish are mostly raised in large man made tanks. However sectioned off parts of coastal waters and rivers have also been used to farm fish.

Soil Based Gardening vs. Aquaponics

A regular garden requires a lot of manual labor. You have to till soil, shred compost, pull weeds and spread fertilizer. With A-P there is no soil, this means there is no soil tilling. The fish in your system produce the nutrients for your plants. This eliminates the need to shred and spread compost and to apply fertilizers.

You also need to constantly water a regular garden because of water loss caused by soil absorption. In an A-P system, the water is recirculated and reused. This greatly reduces the amount of water that you have to use to grow your own food.

Fruit Growing with Aquaponics

This is a gardening Method that lends itself quite well to growing fruits. Typical fruits grown in an aquaponics system include tomatoes, strawberries, and melons. You can also grow fruit trees with aquaponics if you set your system up to handle these kinds of plants. Fruit grown using A-P is often of better quality than store bought fruit.

Vegetable Growing with Aquaponics

Vegetable growing using A-P is easy and fun. Almost any kind of vegetable will grow really well. Root vegetables such as potatoes are the only types of vegetables that you may have difficulty growing. Root crops need to be grown in a media based system and/or wicking beds for best results.

Keeping Fish in an Aquaponics System

A-P allows you to grow fish in your backyard as easily as you grow plants. You can grow many types of fish. In fact you can raise any gill breathing aquatic animal. Commonly raised aquaponic fish include tilapia, jade perch, and small mouth bass.


Growing your own food at home using A-P is a great idea. With food prices increasing because of droughts, inflation, and increasing demand; it is becoming more and more important to begin growing your own food. Using an A-P system to grow your own food is a smart move. Aquaponics allows you to grow vegetables and meat at the same time. A-P also will save you money because there is no need to buy fertilizers.

Before building your own aquaponics system check out Vic Tuller’s UltimateAquaponics.com.

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Hulled Buckwheat Groats- 1 Lbs – Organic Buck Wheat Groats- Sprouting Seed, Gardening, Planting, Edible Seeds, Emergency Food Storage, Hydroponics


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