Tag Archives: lyme disease

Ticks are making us sicker. The CDC blames warmer weather, not climate change.

The EPA administrator has racked up more than 40 scandals and 10 federal investigations since he took office last February. Nonetheless, Scott Pruitt was smiling when he walked in to testify in front of the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on Thursday.

Prior to the hearing, the New York Times reported that Pruitt had a plan to deal with tough questions: Blame his staff instead.

He stuck to it. When New York Democratic Representative Paul Tonko confronted him about raises given to two aides without White House approval, Pruitt said, “I was not aware of the amount, nor was I aware of the bypassing, or the PPO process not being respected.”

And Pruitt’s $43,000 soundproof phone booth? Again, not his fault. As Pruitt told California Democratic Representative Antonio Cárdenas: “I was not involved in the approval of the $43,000, and if I had known about it, Congressman, I would have refused it.”

“That seems a bit odd,” Cárdenas commented. “If something happened in my office, especially to the degree of $43,000, I know about it before, during, and after.”

Democratic Representative from New Mexico Ben Ray Luján pointed out that Pruitt was repeatedly blaming others during the hearing. “Yes or no: Are you responsible for the many, many scandals plaguing the EPA?” he asked.

Pruitt dodged the question: “I’ve responded to many of those questions here today with facts and information.” When Luján pressed him futher, Pruitt replied, “That’s not a yes or no answer, congressman.”

Well … it wasn’t a “no.”

Original article: 

Ticks are making us sicker. The CDC blames warmer weather, not climate change.

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How Does a Tick Do Its Dirty Work? Research Video Offers a Clue

Just in time for Halloween — a video made by researchers shows how ticks that carry Lyme disease cut into skin and hang on for days. Read original article:  How Does a Tick Do Its Dirty Work? Research Video Offers a Clue ; ;Related ArticlesDot Earth Blog: Will Sandy’s Lessons Fade as a Sleepy Atlantic Storm Season Ends?Image of Hindenburg Haunts Hydrogen TechnologyU.S. Says It Won’t Back New International Coal-Fired Power Plants ;

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How Does a Tick Do Its Dirty Work? Research Video Offers a Clue

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