Tag Archives: silicon

The Great State Of California Will Not Be Split Into Six Mediocre States

Mother Jones

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One day a lemming will fly. That day is not today:

Backers of a much-publicized initiative to split California into six separate states failed to collect enough valid signatures to qualify the measure for the November 2016 ballot. the secretary of state’s office said Friday.

Supporters of the Six Californias measure sponsored by Tim Draper, a Silicon Valley venture capitalist, turned in more than 1.13 million signatures. But a statewide sampling showed that only 752,685 of them were from voters registered in California, short of the 807,615 needed to qualify for the ballot, the secretary of state said.

Happy Friday!

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The Great State Of California Will Not Be Split Into Six Mediocre States

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Let’s Watch Stephen Colbert Make Fun Of Tim Draper’s Stupid Plan To Split California Into 6 States

Mother Jones

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In 2016, Californians will vote on stupid Tim Draper’s stupid initiative to turn America’s greatest state into six stupid (and deeply unequal) little states. The initiative will fail, and even if it somehow passes, the state legislature will never approve it, and even if it somehow did, Congress will never agree to it. So, this whole thing is stupid. Fitting then that famed ridiculer of stupid things Stephen Colbert had Draper on his show last night.

Colbert began by introducing Draper (a “Silicon Valley billionaire and evil stepdad in a Lifetime movie”) and his stupid plan to the uninitiated:

Then “the riskmaster” himself came on. Watching Draper come off like a weirdo is entertaining enough, but the real money shot is when Colbert responds to Draper’s promise that he has no future in politics: “so, you’re just going to set the charges, blow it apart, and then say ‘not my fucking problem’?”


(h/t Valleywag)

Originally posted here:

Let’s Watch Stephen Colbert Make Fun Of Tim Draper’s Stupid Plan To Split California Into 6 States

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Silicon Valley’s Gender Problem, Explained in 2 Photos

Mother Jones

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Last year, CNET’s Dan Ackerman tweeted a photo of the restroom lines at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco.

The message: Silicon Valley is mostly men.

Today was the WWDC 2014 keynote and Ackerman revisited the scene.

Behold: Some ladies! Not many though. In fact, basically none. Silicon Valley’s very real woman problem remains.

We will not be happy until these lines are equal in length.

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Silicon Valley’s Gender Problem, Explained in 2 Photos

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Sorry, the Dog Ate My Homework

Mother Jones

Apologies for the radio silence. I had an adventure-filled afternoon. My first adventure prompted me to call for help, and I discovered that my iPhone’s contact list had mysteriously disappeared. No calling for help for me! Eventually everything got sorted out, and when I finally got home I restored my contacts via iCloud. So no permanent harm done. Still, when my car strands me, I always figure my phone will bail me out. That’s what a phone is for. Right? But what do you do when your phone mysteriously decides to strand you at the same time?

And what did I do to deserve all this, anyway?

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Sorry, the Dog Ate My Homework

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Can San Jose’s green vision live up to its hype?

Can San Jose’s green vision live up to its hype?

Clean technology is being developed in Silicon Valley, but we aren’t exactly looking to that low-rise beigey sprawl for leadership when it comes to green urban innovation. But maybe we should? And I don’t mean in a let’s-build-a-dense-tech-worker-utopia kind of way.

Sprawling San Jose, Calif.

San Jose, Calif., the valley’s largest city and the 10th biggest in the country, launched its 15-year green plan in 2007, and so far it’s coming along swimmingly. This past October, the first Clean Tech Index named the city No. 1 in the country for its clean green (mean?) innovations. From LED street lights to the soon-to-open CleanTech Demonstration Center to a goal of running entirely on renewable energy (it’s at 20 percent now), San Jose is thinking big when it’s thinking green, KQED reports.

“[The renewables goal is] going to mean radical changes, but this is a valley that does things in radical ways,” says Carl Guardino, president of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group (SVLG), which represents hundreds of local businesses.

“Silicon Valley and San Jose Mayor [Chuck] Reed sets audacious goals,” adds Guardino. “If we fall a little short, just think of how far we would have come.”

San Jose has helped change national standards for LED street lights and is now saving thousands of dollars using efficient, dimmable street lights. Yet it’s only replaced 4% of its 62,000 lights.

Despite making progress, it’s been a tough road through the recession. Like most U.S. cities, San Jose has faced severe budget constraints and was forced to be innovative in funding its green vision.

The city has managed to leverage more than $100 million in federal tax credits and private and public funds to move forward.

“I said from the beginning that the key to being able to succeed with our green vision was to work with other people’s money,” says Mayor Reed, who is known for his pragmatism.

It’s easier to work with other people’s money when you’re surrounded by the multi-billion-dollar likes of Google, Facebook, etc. But environmental activist Megan Medeiros wishes San Jose were thinking smaller: retrofitting existing buildings, planting trees, and building bike paths.

If it did that, it could be attracting a lot of younger people who, Medeiros says, are “flocking to San Francisco” because it provides them with a better quality of life.

You’re still No. 1, San Jose, but getting the tech workers who commute many miles to your town every day to actually stay and live there could end up being the very best long-term clean-green strategy. Just because you build some light rail does not mean they will come. This doesn’t need to be utopia, though — I bet they’d be happy with some lofts, community gardens, and artisanal pubs. Oh, and bike lanes, obvs.

Susie Cagle writes and draws news for Grist. She also writes and draws tweets for



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Can San Jose’s green vision live up to its hype?

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