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Live More, Want Less – Mary Carlomagno


Live More, Want Less

52 Ways to Find Order in Your Life

Mary Carlomagno

Genre: Self-Improvement

Price: $2.99

Publish Date: January 5, 2011

Publisher: Storey Publishing, LLC

Seller: Workman Publishing Co., Inc.

Live More, Want Less give readers a user-friendly non-judgmental approach to simplifying their lives in a week-at-a-time format. Offering personal narratives, a reflection on a Taoist-inspired "way" toward more meaning, and a list of daily practices that bring tangible change, Live More, Want Less provides universal guidelines for every reader's unique issue. Covering themes like shopping addictions, procrastination, prioritizing, "busyness", weight loss, and more, Mary's "been there, done that" approach reassures the tentative that greater clarity can be gained by voluntarily living with less, and that de-cluttering both physically and mentally can allow one to experience life more fully.

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Live More, Want Less – Mary Carlomagno

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