Tag Archives: waters

Bill O’Reilly Can’t Listen to Congresswoman Because He’s Too Distracted by Her "James Brown Wig"

Mother Jones

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Fox News host Bill O’Reilly is under fire after dismissing a speech by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) with a racially charged jab at the 78-year-old congresswoman’s hairstyle.

“I couldn’t hear a word she was saying,” O’Reilly said during a Wednesday segment of Fox & Friends, after Waters spoke on the House floor about the dangers of President Donald Trump’s policies. “I was looking at the James Brown wig.”

As the male hosts laughed off the remarks, female host Ainsley Earhardt called O’Reilly out for “going after a woman’s looks.” Earhardt said she found Waters “very attractive.”

“I didn’t say she wasn’t attractive,” O’Reilly responded. “I love James Brown, but it’s the same hair.”

This isn’t the first time Fox has been accused of racially insensitive attacks on Waters. In 2012, host Eric Bolling used Whitney Houston’s death as a cautionary tale to suggest that Waters “step away from the crack pipe.” He later claimed he was “just kidding.”

See original article here:

Bill O’Reilly Can’t Listen to Congresswoman Because He’s Too Distracted by Her "James Brown Wig"

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Trump Blames Obama for His Hair Problems

Mother Jones

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Donald Trump’s hair is not as clean as he would like, and he says it’s the president’s fault.

At a campaign event in Aiken, South Carolina, the Republican presidential front-runner was asked about the Environmental Protection Agency’s “Waters of the United States” rule, issued earlier this year. That regulation “clarifies the scope” of the kinds of bodies of water—wetlands, waterways, streams, lakes—that should be protected under the Clean Water Act. Trump expressed his displeasure at the rule, which he says has interrupted his ability to lather, rinse, and repeat.

“So I build, and I build a lot of stuff,” Trump said. “And I go into areas where they have tremendous water…And you have sinks where the water doesn’t come out. You have showers where I can’t wash my hair properly. It’s a disaster.”

The rule does not introduce any new regulations or regulatory requirements, but rather specifies the bodies of water in the United States covered under the Clean Water, which was introduced in the 1940s and then reorganized and expanded to its current form in 1972. It is unclear whether Trump’s hair-washing problems stretch back that far.


Trump Blames Obama for His Hair Problems

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Super foodie Alice Waters launches anti-fracking fight

Super foodie Alice Waters launches anti-fracking fight

David Sifry

Alice Waters loves natural food and hates fracking.

Some of California’s best-known chefs and restaurateurs are whipping up a fight against fracking in the Golden State.

High hopes that California would impose a moratorium on fracking, a process in which chemicals are injected into the ground to extract oil and gas, were dashed on Friday when Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation that regulates the process but does not stop it. Opponents say fracking pollutes water and threatens farms. California is the source of 15 percent of the nation’s crops.

On Wednesday, foodies led by slow-food movement champion Alice Waters launched an anti-fracking “cook’s petition” to pressure the governor and legislature on the issue. From the San Francisco Chronicle:

Chez Panisse chefs Alice Waters and Jerome Waag today launched a chefs’ petition urging their colleagues to take a stand against fracking in California. Working in collaboration with Food & Water Watch, founding member of Californians Against Fracking, the chefs are concerned about the threat fracking poses to the world-renowned food and wine that is grown, served and sold in California. The petition includes a letter calling on Governor Brown to place a moratorium on fracking.

In New York, the highly successful Chefs for the Marcellus has been instrumental in keeping fracking from putting that state’s agricultural bounty in jeopardy. Top chefs there, including Mario Batali and Bill Telepan, have been active and vocal on the matter.

Here’s more on the petition from KTVU:

The petition contends the practice hurts farmers and agriculture by depleting water supplies, increasing water costs and polluting groundwater.”

We … are concerned about the potential impacts of fracking on our livelihoods and those who grow and produce the food we offer our customers, guests and families,” the petition says.

Food & Water Watch spokesperson Anna Ghosh told KTVU that by the end of the day, 92 chefs, restaurant owners, winemakers, and authors had signed the petition. Perhaps Californians will think twice about giving frackers free rein when they realize it’s not just their water that’s at stake, but their prized local food as well.

John Upton is a science fan and green news boffin who tweets, posts articles to Facebook, and blogs about ecology. He welcomes reader questions, tips, and incoherent rants: johnupton@gmail.com.Find this article interesting? Donate now to support our work.Read more: Climate & Energy



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Super foodie Alice Waters launches anti-fracking fight

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