Tag Archives: woman

Quote of the Day: The Rich Even Get Better Air Than the Rest of Us

Mother Jones

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From Harold Meyerson, writing about the Piketty-ization of air travel:

Even the air within the plane is apportioned by class. In its first-class cabins, Lufthansa has installed humidifiers that increase the humidity to 25 percent, while in coach, it ranges from 5 to 10 percent.

Read the rest. The combination of TSA and lost luggage and missed schedules and—above all—the relentless downsizing of both service and seating is why I increasingly have little interest in traveling. For anyone over six feet tall, flying has become such a dismal and cramped experience that it’s just not worth it.

But I’m in the minority. Only 10 percent of the population is over six feet, and anyway, people have long since demonstrated that they’re willing to put up with almost anything if it saves a few dollars in airfare. I guess I should just suck it up too.

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Quote of the Day: The Rich Even Get Better Air Than the Rest of Us

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When Republicans Start Their Race to the Bottom, It Can Only Mean Primary Season Is Approaching

Mother Jones

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Marco Rubio has announced that he thinks climate change is nonsense. Rand Paul has hastily backed off his heresy over voter ID laws. Bobby Jindal gave the commencement address at Liberty University this weekend. Rick Santorum is flogging a new book, Blue Collar Conservatives. Chris Christie is agonizing over whether to piss off gun owners by signing a bill that would ban magazines holding more than ten rounds. Mike Huckabee has ditched his amiable persona and is demanding impeachment of a judge who struck down a gay marriage ban in Arkansas.

I guess primary season must be approaching. The fight for the fever swamp vote is now in full swing.

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When Republicans Start Their Race to the Bottom, It Can Only Mean Primary Season Is Approaching

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World Bank Reports That Microcredit Works After All

Mother Jones

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Via Tyler Cowen, the World Bank has released a report that examines microfinance in Bangladesh over the longest period yet studied. The results were quite positive:

The results of the basic model unequivocally show that group-based credit programs have significant positive effects in raising household welfare including per capita consumption, household non-land assets and net worth. Microfinance increases income and expenditure, the labor supply of males and females, non-land asset and net worth as well as boys’ and girls’ schooling. Microfinance, especially female credit, also reduces poverty. The results using long-panel data thus confirm most of the earlier findings that microfinance matters a lot, and more for female than for male borrowers.

….Membership in multiple programs has grown steadily from none to 33 percent in 2010/11….Trading is perhaps now saturated with microcredit loans and households have already started to experience diminishing returns. In such circumstances, households must be assisted through skill training and the development of improved marketing networks to expand activities in more rewarding sectors and beyond the local economy; otherwise, microfinance expansion cannot be sustained. In short, the current microfinance policy of credit expansion alone may not be enough to boost income and productivity, and, hence, sustained poverty reduction.

I don’t have anything to add to this, but I wanted to at least make a note of it. A few years ago, there was a huge vogue in microcredit, which was broadly portrayed as a panacea for poor countries. Then there was a backlash, with several studies suggesting that it had been overhyped and didn’t really improve the lives of the poor much. Now this study, which looks at data over the course of 20 years, strongly concludes that—up to a point—microcredit really does produce results. I’ve been vaguely down on microcredit since reading some of those initial reports a few years ago, and I figure that might be a common response. This study pretty clearly suggests that we shouldn’t have been so pessimistic, and for that reason I wanted to pass it along.

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World Bank Reports That Microcredit Works After All

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How We’ve Created a Booming Market for Border Security Technology

Mother Jones

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This story first appeared on the TomDispatch website.

With the agility of a seasoned Border Patrol veteran, the woman rushed after the students. She caught up with them just before they entered the exhibition hall of the eighth annual Border Security Expo, reaching out and grabbing the nearest of them by the shoulder. Slightly out of breath, she said, “You can’t go in there, give me back your badges.”

The astonished students had barely caught a glimpse of the dazzling pavilion of science-fiction-style products in that exhibition hall at the Phoenix Convention Center. There, just beyond their view, more than 100 companies, including Raytheon, General Dynamics, and Verizon, were trying to sell the latest in futuristic border policing technology to anyone with the money to buy it.

The students from Northeastern Illinois University didn’t happen to fall into that category. An earnest manager at a nearby registration table insisted that, as they were not studying “border security,” they weren’t to be admitted. I asked him how he knew just what they were studying. His only answer was to assure me that next year no students would be allowed in at all.

Among the wonders those students would miss was a fake barrel cactus with a hollow interior (for the southern border) and similarly hollow tree stumps (for the northern border), all capable of being outfitted with surveillance cameras. “Anything that grows or exists in nature,” Kurt Lugwisen of TimberSpy told a local Phoenix television station, “we build it.”

Nor would those students get to see the miniature drone—”eyes in the sky” for Border Patrol agents—that fits conveniently into a backpack and can be deployed at will; nor would they be able to check out the “technology that might,” as one local Phoenix reporter warned, “freak you out.” She was talking about facial recognition systems, which in a border scenario would work this way: a person enters a border-crossing gate, where an image of his or her face is instantly checked against a massive facial image database (or the biometric data contained on a passport).”If we need to target on any specific gender or race because we’re trying to find a subject, we can set the parameters and the threshold to find that person,” Kevin Haskins of Cognitec (“the face recognition company”) proudly claimed.

Nor would they be able to observe the strange, two day-long convention hall dance between homeland security, its pockets bursting with their parents’ tax dollars, and private industry intent on creating the most massive apparatus of exclusion and surveillance that has ever existed along US borders.

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How We’ve Created a Booming Market for Border Security Technology

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10 Awesome Girl-Power Songs—Just Because

Mother Jones

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From mocking the sexist superficiality of our society to celebrating financial independence, here, for no particular reason other than that they rock, are 10 of the greatest feminist anthems of all times—inspiring, inquiring, and provocative. So plug in your iPod and go conquer the world. It’s yours for the taking.

1. “Stupid Girls” by Pink — A fine critique of our image-obssessed culture and its effects on young women.

Best lyric: What happened to the dream of a girl president?/She’s dancing in the video next to 50 Cent.

2. “I will survive” by Gloria Gaynor: The iconic representation of women’s (and gay) rights in 1970s.

Best lyric: Do you think I’d crumble?/Did you think I’d lay down and die?/Oh no, not I, I will survive.

3. “Man I feel like a Woman” by Shania Twain: In this Grammy-winning single, Twain sings that the “best thing about being a woman is the prerogative to have a little fun.”

Best lyric: We don’t need romance, we only wanna dance/We’re gonna let our hair hang down.

4. “RESPECT” by Aretha Franklin: This speaks for itself.

Best lyric: R-E-S-P-E-C-T/Find out what it means to me.

5. “Suggestion,” by Fugazi: One of the most powerful anti-rape songs ever written, “Suggestion” blames not just on the rapist, but the culture that looks away.

Best lyric: There lays no reward in what you discover/You spent yourself, boy, watching me suffer (suffer your words, suffer your eyes, suffer your hands)/Suffer your interpretation/of what it is to be a man.

6) “Bad Bitch” by Lupe: Weighing in on the B-word and how young people interpret it.

Best lyric: First he’s relatin’ the word “bitch” with his mama, comma/And because she’s relatin’ to herself, his most important source of help.

7. “Bloody Ice Cream” by Bikini Kill: In which Riot Grrrl Kathleen Hanna and her iconic band take on sexism in the poetry industry.

Best lyric: The whole damn thing!

8. “Independent Woman” by Destiny’s Child: Who needs your money, man?

Best lyric: The shoe on my feet, I’ve bought it/The clothes I’m wearing, I’ve bought it/The rock I’m rockin’, I’ve bought it/’Cause I depend on me.

9. “This is our emergency,” by Pretty Girls Make Graves: Slamming a culture that makes us lack fulfillment and feel helpless.

Best lyric: Baby you don’t have to be a picture in a magazine/Sometimes you’re too blind to see/Anything objectively

10. U.N.I.T.Y by Queen Latifah: QL’s response to women being treated as sex objects.

Best lyric: Every time I hear a brother call a girl a bitch or a ho/Trying to make a sister feel low…

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10 Awesome Girl-Power Songs—Just Because

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Conservatives Don’t Want You To Eat Pro-Abortion Girl Scout Cookies

Mother Jones

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It’s time for the annual Girl Scout cookie freak out! This year, it’s not due to the palm oil used to produce the treats, nor the group’s policy on transgender members: This time, Girl Scouts are supposedly too pro-abortion.

As Think Progress reports, in December, Girl Scouts tweeted a link to a Huffington Post story extolling Texas State Senator Wendy Davis (of anti-abortion bill filibuster fame) as a candidate for “Woman of the Year.”

And in a Facebook post, the organization linked to a Washington Post list of “Seven American Women Who Made a Difference in 2013,” including US Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. These links were enough to spur John Pisciotta, who runs Pro-Life Waco, to launch a national boycott. “The Girl Scouts were once a truly amazing organization, but it has been taken over by idealogues of the left, and regular folk just won’t stand for it,” Pisciotta told Breitbart News. Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly also took up the cause with a full-on panel on the offending tweet.

Ultimately, though, the campaign is about more than a couple of social-media postings: On its website, the “CookieCott 2014” campaign argues that the boycott is a protest of the Girl Scouts’ “deep and lasting entanglement with abortion providers and abortion rights organizations.” This includes, it claims, promoting role models like Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, Hillary Clinton, Amnesty International, ACLU, and the National Organization of Women, and supporting “youth reproductive/abortion and sexual rights” via its membership in the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.

The bullying seems to have worked: In a blog post Wednesday, Girl Scouts offered “our sincerest apologies,” noting, “To be clear, Girl Scouts has not endorsed any person or organization.” Is that sort of meekness is consistent with the organization’s quest to “build girls of courage, confidence, and character”? Ponder that while you try to resist those Samoas.

Originally posted here:  

Conservatives Don’t Want You To Eat Pro-Abortion Girl Scout Cookies

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The Baby Trap – Sibel Hodge


The Baby Trap
Sibel Hodge

Genre: Health & Fitness

Price: $0.99

Publish Date: December 11, 2011

Publisher: Sibel Hodge

Seller: Draft2Digital, LLC

&quot;One of my top reads of the year so far&quot; — Chick Lit Reviews and News Based on her own experiences with infertility and two attempts at IVF, Sibel Hodge’s latest novel The Baby Trap will have you laughing and crying at the ups and downs of modern baby-making… When Gina turns thirty-three her body clock unexpectedly begins clanging in her ear with annoying persistence. The only problem is, having a baby isn’t as easy as she thought. Whether she’s feng shui-ing the house to death with fertility symbols, throwing out her husband’s tight boxers in favour of baggies, swapping wine and chocolate for green tea and yams, popping fertility drugs like M&amp;M’s, or having sex so precision-timed it makes international warfare manoeuvres look unorganized, her life is turned upside down. And when nothing seems to be working, her quest for the B-word turns into an obsession. Can Gina stay sane, get pregnant, and keep her marriage together? Or will her baby trail become a baby trap? &quot;I loved the snappy writing style of THE BABY TRAP. The story frequently had me laughing out loud. Anyone who has dealt with fertility issues will tell you it’s about disappointment and loss, the death of a dream. But there is plenty of living left to be done and that’s what Sibel Hodge does best in THE BABY TRAP&quot; — Chick Lit Central &quot;What a fun read! I love books where I am nothing like the main character yet I totally get her. I think that is major kudos to the writer. The ending was super interesting, and I definitely recommend this book!&quot; – Chick Lit Plus &quot;This is comedic chick-lit gold!&quot; — Lilac Wolf and Stuff ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sibel Hodge is the author of bestselling romantic comedy Fourteen Days Later. She has 8 cats and 1 husband. In her spare time, she’s Wonder Woman! When she’s not out saving the world from dastardly demons, she writes quirky chick lit with a hefty dose of screwball comedy. Her other books include My Perfect Wedding, The Fashion Police (Amber Fox Mystery), Be Careful What You Wish For (Amber Fox Mystery), and How to Dump Your Boyfriend in the Men’s Room (and other short stories). Her work has been shortlisted for the Harry Bowling Prize 2008, Highly Commended by the Yeovil Literary Prize 2009, Runner up in the Chapter One Promotions Novel Comp 2009, and nominated Best Novel with Romantic Elements in 2010 by The Romance Reviews. Her novella Trafficked: The Diary of a Sex Slave has been listed as one of the Top 40 Books About Human Rights by Accredited Online Colleges.

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The Baby Trap – Sibel Hodge

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The GOP’s three-step plan for being loved

The GOP’s three-step plan for being loved

Congressional Republicans, like middle-school English teachers, are mad that people don’t think they’re cool. In quiet moments in institutional restrooms, they look into mirrors for a bit longer than normal, hands under the faucet, leaning in. “What is it?” they wonder, eyes scanning their faces. That’s when someone else walks in. “Hey.” “Oh, hey,” the Republicans reply, eyes dropping, hands washing each other vigorously.

Like many of those unsteady educators, the GOP has decided to do something about its popularity problem. Middle-school teachers buy sports cars and new jeans. Republicans try to develop new messaging. Politico outlines the GOP’s three new rules. Let us assess them.

Rule one: Stop talking like the world is going to end. Budgetary politics is important to the GOP, but voters are going to stop voting for a party that talks about gloom and doom around the clock.

“I think that we need to make being fiscally conservative cool,” said Rep. Candice Miller (R-Mich.), chairwoman of the Administration Committee and a close ally of Majority Leader Eric Cantor.

Yes. Stop talking like the world is going to end! You know how the Republicans are always like, “Oh, man, this climate change thing could really be apocalyptic and we’re not doing anything about it,” etc., etc. Stop doing that, Republicans!

And Rep. Miller has a great idea. A great idea. Make fiscal conservatism cool! Why didn’t you guys think of that before? I mean, I know that in 2005, someone presented Cheney with “Operation: Shades” which would have put that plan into motion and he didn’t jump on it, but why didn’t you do it once he and the other guy got out of office? Honestly, if you started now, you could have fiscal conservatism lookin’ cool by April. It’s like Hawaiian shirt day at Initech. Mix it up, and you’ll get the kids’ respect.


The new-look GOP

Rule two: Stop repealing regulations no one has heard of. It’s nice to be the party of cutting red tape, Republicans say, but no one has heard of boiler MACT or utility MACT. So spending time throwing these bills on the floor is absolutely useless. Package regulation cutting together, and explain that people’s energy will be cheaper, Republicans say.

“Does anyone have any idea how this fits their family? No. No one has any idea what that is,” said Rep. James Lankford (R-Okla.), a member of leadership who is leading the agenda-crafting effort. “Just an individual bill that deals with one regulation that people can’t connect to? No more of that.”

No one knows what that is. How are people supposed to hate “boiler MACT” if they don’t know what it is, guys? You’re not going to look “cool” eradicating some Johnny Lame-o like “utility MACT.” The key is to lie about about what you want to do! Make it sound horrible and then people will be super-grateful you stabbed it to death in subcommittee.

Like boiler MACT. So this is a totally stupid proposal from the EPA to establish new limits on pollution from industrial boilers. It is hella dumb because it would only prevent 8,100 deaths a year while making super-cool big factories have to upgrade their steam-production systems.

Let’s compare these two statements. Which one is “cool”? Which one is “square”?

We are pushing to stop the EPA’s boiler MACT rule because our allies in big business don’t want to incur one-time costs simply for the greater health of the public; rather, they’d prefer to continue to externalize the costs of that pollution into children’s lungs.
Yo, the big government has this new law that will make all your stuff way more expensive and does no one any good except China. That is wack; visit GOP.com/stoptheantibusinessagenda for the D/L. (That means “details.”)

The second one is the “cool” one. That, people can “connect to.”

Rule three: Sand down the party’s rough edges. Pass education bills and immigration legislation. Stop screaming about red ink and spending too much. This one is going to be tough, since House Republicans haven’t been able to pass a bill called the Violence Against Woman Act for more than a year.

By “sand down the party’s rough edges,” Politico really means “stop being racist and sexist.” Racism and sexism are not cool.

These are all super-good ideas, even if they’re just the summaries Politico wrote based on what it heard about the GOP gathering. Imagine how great the things Republicans actually said must have been!

I would like to offer a note of caution, though, which may dampen optimism about this plan just a little bit.

Even a middle-school teacher dressed in the coolest clothes, listening to the hottest music, playing the latest video games is not going to be seen as very cool and will not be very popular if he spends his entire class period screaming at his students, trying to show each of them how stupid they are, marginalizing nearly half of them, and suggesting that a few be sent to detention indefinitely.

Oh, sorry. Fixing those sorts of things fell under “sand down the rough edges.” You’re all covered then.

Philip Bump writes about the news for Gristmill. He also uses Twitter a whole lot.

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