This Is an Early Contender for the Worst #SOTU Tweet of the Night

Mother Jones

If you are one of those people who enjoys watching congressmen and women make fools of themselves—and you are—then things like the State of the Union are precious delicacies to be savored. The stately class dolls themselves in hashtags and tweets their “smart takes” and insightful “jokes” out into the world so they can inevitably get pulled over by the information superhighway police for being despicable, stupid, and possibly racist.

The SOTU isn’t for a few more hours but we’ve already got an early contender for the night’s worst tweet from a sitting member of Congress. Quoth Rep. Steve King (R-Pleasantville):

“A deportable”!

Read this article – 

This Is an Early Contender for the Worst #SOTU Tweet of the Night

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