Mother Jones
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Dramatically larger than expected crowds showed up Saturday at women’s marches in Washington, DC, and more than 600 cities around the world. Mother Jones reporters have been on the scene all day, interviewing protesters and gathering photos and video. In this roundup we’ve collected some of what they saw, as well as highlights from across social media.
10:46 p.m. EST: And with that, we’re signing off for now.
San Francisco City Hall #WomensMarch #WomensMarchSF
— Maris Lawson (@immaris)
9:00 p.m. EST: Safe travels home everyone!
On the I95 heading from DC-NYC. Packed. And almost every car seat appears full. Steady but slow.
— James West (@jameswest2010)
7:40 p.m. EST: Another large crowd in San Francisco:
Proud of our city. #sf suiting up and showing up in a cold rain. Civic Center Plaza packed. #WomensMarch
— Jeff Elder (@JeffElder)
5:50 p.m. EST: President Trump, speaking at CIA headquarters in Langley, insisted (falsely) that his inauguration drew the largest crowd ever for such an event. “As you know, I have a running war with the media,” the president noted. His press secretary, Sean Spicer, followed up by warning that the press would be held “accountable.” Neither man mentioned the massive marches around the nation.
Hey, my colleagues in the media, what are we going to do about a president and press secretary who don’t recognize or respect reality?
— David Corn (@DavidCornDC)
4:50 p.m. EST: From the march in Oakland, California:
Vertical dance group @bandalooping scaling down the Frank Ogawa building. Photo @akiraolivia
— Oakland North (@northoaklandnow)
4:09 p.m. EST:
We asked women at #WomensMarchOnWashington: What’s your pledge for the next 4 years. Amazing answers: #MyPledge
— James West (@jameswest2010)
3:55 p.m. EST: Here’s footage of women marching in five states where Donald Trump won:
See the #WomensMarch in five states Donald Trump won.
— Mother Jones (@MotherJones)
3:45 p.m. EST: Even more signs (and chants!):
Fave chants of women’s march 2k17:
1. “Heavy flow! Heavy flow!”
2. “Science is real!”
3. “We need a leader, not a creepy tweeter.”— ann friedman (@annfriedman)
Shed walls don’t build them. #womensmarchsigns
— Alexis H (@alexisahoffman)
One of my favorite signs from the #WomensMarchOnWashington! @womensmarch #WomensMarch #WhyWeMarch #whyIMarch #StrongerTogether #democracy
— Zachary D. Kaufman (@zacharykaufman)
Game of Gropes?
— David Corn (@DavidCornDC)
— Maddie Oatman (@moatman)
— Shane Bauer (@shane_bauer)
3:40 p.m. EST:
You know something’s up when there’s even a #WomensMarch in Lubbock TX, the 2nd most conservative city in the US. During a dust storm.
— Katharine Hayhoe (@KHayhoe)
3:20 p.m. EST: Updates from New York City’s march:
Schumer, in NYC as crowd yells. “Don’t back down! One women says. “Save us!”
— Andrea Bernstein (@AndreaWNYC)
Crowd outside Trump hotel shouts, “Shame! Shame! Shame! Shame!”
— David Corn (@DavidCornDC)
3:16 p.m. EST: Lol.
Mansplaining the Women’s March in Oakland
— Julia Carrie Wong (@juliacarriew)
3:07 p.m. EST: The Associated Press reports that city officials have said that because the planned route for the march in Washington, DC, “is filled with protesters, a formal march is no longer possible.” Marchers have been diverted along a different route.
SUBWAY SURGE: More people took DC’s Metro to today’s women’s rights march than rode to Trump’s inauguration.
— AP Interactive (@AP_Interactive)
Nashville, Louisville, San Diego, St. Paul, Wichita, Chicago, Oklahoma, London, Los Angeles, NYC, Washington DC… #WomensMarch
— Nick Bilton (@nickbilton)
2:34 p.m. EST: We’re hearing reports that attendance at marches nationwide has far surpassed predictions:
BREAKING: AP source: Crowd packs entire route of Women’s March, preventing organizers from leading formal march toward White House.
— The Associated Press (@AP)
Police chief Acevedo: “I’m told they’ve never seen a crowd of this size in Houston, TX.” #WomensMarchHTX #HouNews
— Lisa Gray (@LisaGray_HouTX)
Wow. Officers tell KGNU they think 200,000 are marching in Denver today. 5X more people than initially estimated.
— Alex Burness (@alex_burness)
BREAKING: AP sources say crowd packs entire route of Women’s March, preventing organizers from leading formal march toward White House
— AP Politics (@AP_Politics)
A half million people at #WomensMarchOnWashington, oganizers say. That might be twice the size of Trump’s inaugural
— Aaron C. Davis (@byaaroncdavis)
crowd extends for at least a mile at #WomensMarchOakland
— Ellen Cushing (@elcush)
1:30 p.m. EST: Signs, signs, and more signs:
Hair made of Cheetos. Jeremy Schulman
Best sign from #WomensMarch by far: #SuperCallousFascistRacistExtraBraggaDocious!
— Karl Frisch (@KarlFrisch)
White man carrying this sign for his mother
— Pema Levy (@pemalevy)
“I can vote in 11 years and my vote will count.” New favorite sign. #womensmarch #wmnyc #womensmarchsigns
— VernacularTypography (@VernacularType)
— Skyway Dog (@SkywayDog)
— Miranda Green (@Mirandacgreen)
Signs in the street
— Oakland North (@northoaklandnow)
1 p.m. EST: More than 500,000 marchers are now in Washington, DC, according to new estimates:
Latest: Washington city official estimates turnout for Women’s March at 500K – double the initial predictions.
— The Associated Press (@AP)
12:45 p.m. EST: Crowds swell at marches around the world:
Trafalgar Square right now. London, you beauty #WomensMarch #womensmarchlondon
— Lucy Sherriff (@sherrifflucy)
#WomensMarch is on all 7 continents. Yes, even in Antarctica :
— Col. Rae Hodge (@RaeHodge)
Snow may be falling in Idaho, but women are rising. Pic via @wintrow4Idaho. #WomensMarch #WomensRights #DumpTrump
— Mike Hudema (@MikeHudema)
The #WomensMarch in downtown St. Louis! This is what democracy looks like.
— Antonio French (@AntonioFrench)
Crowds 8 deep at Harvard Square headed to Common for Women’s March. MBTA not charging. Train operators shouting encouragement to marchers.
— Ryan D. Enos (@RyanDEnos)
People chanting: “Love not hate, makes America great.” #WomensMarchdenver
— Larry Ryckman (@larryryckman)
12:25 p.m. EST: Well, this happened.
Self proclaimed anti-feminist men came out to protest the protest, attracting some attention from #womensmarch
— Rebecca Leber (@rebleber)
12:15 p.m. EST:
BREAKING: @CNN reports more people on National Mall for #WomensMarch than yesterday at this time for inauguration.
— Marika Shaub (@marikatogo)
Due to the large crowd on hand, today’s Woman’s March has been changed to a Rally.
— Chicago Police (@Chicago_Police)
11:29 a.m. EST:
If the #WomensMarch declared a winner.
— Diane N. Sevenay (@Diane_7A)
Marching to the march
— the new ag secretary (@timothypmurphy)
This one got a lot of cheers
— Pema Levy (@pemalevy)
More of 7th street. Completely full.
— Hannah Levintova (@H_Lev)
11:05 a.m. EST:
Huge waves of folks leaving Union Station
— the new ag secretary (@timothypmurphy)
10:04 a.m. EST:
Big cheers on 7th street at the enormous crowd gets its first look down the hill at the even bigger crowd in the mall. #WomensMarch
— James West (@jameswest2010)
Big crowd at women’s march.
— David Corn (@DavidCornDC)
Streams and streams of people walking into center of D.C. right now. Every street, a line of people in pink hats #WomensMarch
— James West (@jameswest2010)
Sensible walking shoes and nice hats and health bars, tick, tick, tick. Alexis Johns, Annette Rovito, Lisa Evans, all from Baltimore.
— James West (@jameswest2010)
I had to get him here. Charlie Brotman, inauguration announcer since Eisenhower dropped by Trump is HERE with us! #WomensMarch ❤️
— Linda Sarsour (@lsarsour)
9:57 a.m. EST: The DC Metro is packed with attendees headed to the march.
Taking over DC Metro #WomensMarch!
— Maya Wiley (@mayawiley)
Photos of the Shady Grove Metro station currently. Hearing it’s an hour wait to get on the train. O____o #WomensMarch
— Philip Lewis (@Phil_Lewis_)
What the same DC Metro station looked like on Inauguration Day vs. what it looks like today
— Freddie Campion (@FreddieCampion)
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Uplifting, Heartbreaking, Enormous Crowds at Women’s Marches Around The World