Younger – Harold Lancer


The Breakthrough Anti-Aging Method for Radiant Skin
Harold Lancer

Genre: Health & Fitness

Price: $10.99

Publish Date: February 4, 2014

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing

Seller: Hachette Digital, Inc.

Renowned Beverly Hills dermatologist Dr. Harold Lancer is the expert on whom Hollywood's top celebrities rely to maintain their radiant complexions and to reverse the effects of aging. Now, he offers readers his groundbreaking, 3-Step Method to rejuvenate their skin at home. Based on years of clinical research, Dr. Lancer's regimen stimulates the skin's own transformative healing power for lasting results. He provides a road map to help readers navigate the mixed messages of today's dermatological advice, avoid expensive invasive treatments, and see through the empty promises of so many beauty products. He recommends the most effective skin care products for every budget from drugstores, department stores, and spas. He suggests surprising lifestyle choices in diet, exercise, and stress management that support beautiful skin. Whether the reader wants to maintain youthful skin or reverse the aging process, Dr. Lancer's Anti-Aging Method offers a comprehensive program for ageless, radiant skin.

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Younger – Harold Lancer

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