A Map of History’s Biggest Greenhouse Gas Polluters

See the countries responsible for the bulk of emissions since 1971. BiLK_Thorn/Flickr Scientists predicted long ago that CO2 emissions would pervert the atmosphere. Now, in a decade with sea levels rising at twice the rate of the 20th century average – and 10 of the warmest years on record landing in the past 12 years – how has humankind responded to the threat? Not well, generally speaking. Emissions of CO2 have ticked up by 105 percent since the early 1970s, or about 2 percent a year, according to data from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, an international coalition of 34 countries. And the levels of this potent greenhouse gas are only expected to rise in the coming years, hitting a nearly 40 percent increase by 2030, predicts the OECD. But while emissions are a global problem, the blame for producing them is not. A few countries have been disproportionately responsible for clouding the air with climate-bending gases. And though they may have cleaned up their act in recent years, significant damage has already been done. To know the biggest CO2 spewers in recent history, have a look at these animated maps from the Paris-based data designer “JeremY Boy.” Read the whole thing at Grist. See original:   A Map of History’s Biggest Greenhouse Gas Polluters ; ;Related ArticlesAnother Firm That Evaluated Keystone For State Department Had Ties To TransCanadaAustralian Surfers Told To Expect Fewer Large WavesDirty Money: From Rockefeller to Koch ;


A Map of History’s Biggest Greenhouse Gas Polluters

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