Another Firm That Evaluated Keystone For State Department Had Ties To TransCanada

ICF International argued that its work with the pipeline company didn’t pose an organizational conflict of interest. Construction of the southern portion of the Keystone XL pipeline. Jim West/ZUMA The contractor that evaluated greenhouse gas emissions for the State Department’s Keystone XL report is the latest company to come under fire for its ties to TransCanada, the prospective builder of the controversial pipeline. A conflict-of-interest statement from the consulting firm ICF International, submitted to the State Department in 2012, reveals that the company had done other work for TransCanada. ICF International analyzed greenhouse gas emissions from tar sands oil, the kind that would flow through the pipeline, for the State Department’s supplemental draft environmental impact statement, released in March 2013. Its website states that the firm was hired to compare life-cycle emissions associated with oil derived from Canada’s tar sands to those associated with oil from conventional crude. Read the rest at The Huffington Post See original article here:  Another Firm That Evaluated Keystone For State Department Had Ties To TransCanada ; ;Related ArticlesAustralian Surfers Told To Expect Fewer Large WavesDirty Money: From Rockefeller to KochCan This Coal Plant Save the Climate? ;

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Another Firm That Evaluated Keystone For State Department Had Ties To TransCanada

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