Author Archives: Jim Bow

Playing Pokémon Go? The internet has some advice for you.

snorlax attention

Playing Pokémon Go? The internet has some advice for you.

By on Jul 15, 2016Share

Soon after Pokemon Go hit the App Store, reports started rolling in of the dumb lengths people have gone to in order to capture the little guys — like playing at the Holocaust Museum, Ground Zero, a funeral, or — more commonly — the middle of the street. Concerned about potential accidents caused by zombie-like trainers with their heads in their screens, the National Safety Council urged people to exercise caution playing the game. “No race to ‘capture’ a cartoon monster is worth a life,” wrote the Council. Clearly, they’ve never seen a Charizard.

Naturally, both players and haters alike took to Twitter to remind people to look up from their screens every once in awhile — and, for once, we recommend listening to them. And if you need a reminder, well, there’s an app for that, too.

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Playing Pokémon Go? The internet has some advice for you.

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Five years after Tennessee coal-slurry disaster, EPA has produced no new rules

Five years after Tennessee coal-slurry disaster, EPA has produced no new rules

Appalachian Voices

Five years ago, in the dead of night, a torrent of more than a million gallons of slurry broke free from its holding place at a Tennessee Valley Authority power plant in Tennessee. The toxic stew of coal fly ash, which is produced when coal is burned, polluted waterways and 300 acres of land. The disaster triggered anger from residents and promises from the EPA to introduce new rules to prevent such accidents.

The anger is still there. But the government promises appear to have been broken. The Louisville Courier-Journal brings us a depressing update on government inaction in the wake of the catastrophe:

Witnesses still recall with horror the sights, sounds and smells of the Tennessee Valley Authority’s power plant disaster here five years ago, when a mountain of toxic coal ash broke loose in the middle of a frozen night to bury hundreds of acres and devastate a community.

“It was not a spill,” said Roane County resident Steve Scarborough. “It was a geologic event. People that lived right there looked out their windows and saw a forest moving by.”

Miraculously, nobody was injured when 5.4 million cubic yards of piled, sodden ash broke loose on Dec. 22, 2008. But the slide, which destroyed three homes, damaged dozens of others, and poured into two tributaries of the Tennessee River, has required a $1 billion cleanup, with $200 million more to go. …

But, so far, the EPA has failed to enact a single regulation — even as the agency has documented an increasing number of ash sites that have polluted the environment.

In 2000, the EPA had counted 50 sites where groundwater or surface water had been contaminated by coal ash. The most current number of these so-called “damage cases” is now more than 130. …

The search for solutions is particularly crucial in Kentucky and Indiana, which are among the nation’s leaders in producing coal-burning waste such as bottom ash, fly ash and scrubber sludge.

If you’re unlucky enough to live near a fly-ash-hoarding power plant, we suggest you cross your fingers and hope for the best. Nobody wants their neighborhood coated in coal ash, let alone something called “scrubber sludge.”

EPA fails to deliver coal ash rules 5 years after catastrophic spill, The Courier-Journal

John Upton is a science fan and green news boffin who tweets, posts articles to Facebook, and blogs about ecology. He welcomes reader questions, tips, and incoherent rants:

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Five years after Tennessee coal-slurry disaster, EPA has produced no new rules

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Accidents? What accidents? Shell’s Arctic drillers are ready to roll again

Accidents? What accidents? Shell’s Arctic drillers are ready to roll again


OK, so last year was a nightmare for the officials at Shell charged with figuring out how to plunder the Arctic for oil. Shell gets that. Both of the company’s exploratory oil rigs in the region were damaged in accidents, wells were abandoned, a vice president lost his job, and the Obama administration prevented the company from resuming its Arctic work this year.

But Shell is delighted to announce that its problems have largely been fixed and it’s ready to return to some American-controlled Arctic waters next year. From E&E Publishing:

In a teleconference with energy analysts, Shell Chief Financial Officer Simon Henry said the company will submit an exploration plan for the Chukchi “in the next few weeks.” Shell officials added, however, that the company has not yet reached a final decision on drilling.

Although Shell is moving forward in the Chukchi [the waters just north of the Bering Strait, and to the west of the more northerly Beaufort Sea], the company is postponing its Beaufort Sea operations for the foreseeable future.

Henry said the company also expects to abandon its battered drill rig the Kulluk and will take a write-off “of a few hundred million in the fourth quarter” of this year if the rig is scrapped.

Shell is taking a renewed look at Alaska a year after the company spent more than $5 billion in an unsuccessful campaign to explore in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas. …

Despite last year’s problems, Henry said the company is eager to gauge the size of the oil reserves on its Chukchi leases. The Interior Department estimates that the region could hold 12 billion barrels of recoverable oil.

Shell wants us to know that everything will probably be peachy, but Earthjustice attorney Holly Harris isn’t ready to buy the oil-industry promises:

Before Shell starts boasting about its new plans for the drilling in the Arctic Ocean, the company should explain why it couldn’t safely conduct its operations under last year’s plans. We’ve already watched Shell lose control of two different drill rigs in less than a year, with one of them catching fire and the other one running aground off the coast of Alaska. The federal government chastised Shell earlier this year that it needed to answer ‘serious questions regarding its ability to operate safely and responsibly in the challenging and unpredictable conditions’ of the Arctic Ocean. We’re still waiting for those answers. Drilling in the Arctic Ocean is just too risky and no company has figured out how to respond to an oil spill in icy waters.

Drilling in the Arctic Ocean would also take us in the wrong direction when it comes to addressing the challenges of climate change … The president can make a generational commitment to take action against the devastating effects of climate change by leaving the oil in the ground and preventing oil drilling in the pristine waters of the Arctic Ocean.

Time will tell whether the Obama administration sides with hopeful Shell officials or with skeptical environmentalists.

Shell Plans to Drill in The Arctic in 2014, Earthjustice
Offshore drilling: Shell will return to Arctic in 2014, E&E Publishing

John Upton is a science fan and green news boffin who tweets, posts articles to Facebook, and blogs about ecology. He welcomes reader questions, tips, and incoherent rants:

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Accidents? What accidents? Shell’s Arctic drillers are ready to roll again

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Discover Ways To Select, Store And Prepare Coffee

Did you click on this short article never having drank a cup of coffee prior to? Oh, you’re in for it. Perhaps you have actually attempted many different kinds of coffee, but you want to see exactly what else is out there. Keep reading to discover more details on the various ranges of coffee that you can attempt.

You will get a better coffee the more costly it is. Although this may not sound attractive, coffee really needs making some financial investments in outstanding beans and various other tools so that you can take pleasure in the very best coffee. If you attempt to be economical, you’ll never ever get the coffee you desire.

Coffee is respectable for you if you lay off the extras. The real coffee is not unhealthy; it; s the sugar and cream lots of people put in it. Make coffee healthy by including stevis or milk latte with honey instead.

Coffee should not be kept in the freezer for more than 3 months. Exceeding that time frame indicates the coffee will likely start to spoil.

If you liked your coffee on ice, attempt cold-brewing your very own coffee focused. There are numerous dishes offered online; Most involve mixing a few cups of water into several ounces of ground coffee, enabling the mixture to sit overnight. When the grounds are strained out, you are left with a smooth, rich concentrate that can be watered down with milk or water and ice.

If you wish to assist the Earth out a little in your coffee habit, then purchase filters that are reusable. These will spare you from losing a bunch of paper filters in the future. This is green for the earth, and saves the green in your wallet. Many recyclable filter lovers likewise think their coffee tastes much better this way.

If you grind your very own coffee, be sure to just grind the amount you will be using that day. If you grind too much and just leave your coffee around, the elements will take the freshness and taste of it. Contrary to exactly what lots of think, storing coffee in the fridge does not leave it fresh.

Use your utilized coffee grounds in your compost heap! Coffee grounds offer lots of advantageous components to a compost heap including pest control. Coffee grounds contain caffeine which assists restrict the development of fungus that can quickly destroy your veggie garden. The next time you brew a fresh pot of joe do not get rid of those grounds; include them to your compost pile! Make the most of any repeat customer program that your neighborhood coffee home runs. Even a single-unit independent location could have a punchcard system where you get a free cup of coffee for every five that you buy. Never ever throw these away, even for locations you do not frequent much. They can still amount to complimentary cups of joe in time.

Do not make use of hot water to make your coffee. Lots of people think this is the best way to make their coffee hot; the reality is that the only thing this does is decrease its flavor. You should be making use of water that is not only cold, however charcoal filtered if possible. Do you know more about coffee now than before you read this post. Ideally, you are now more prepared to go and purchase that next cup of joe. Whether you make it yourself or purchase that special cup from a business, you make sure to delight in that fresh tasting blend.

Some of the best organic coffee you can get is organo gold coffee . Visit my website for more information on how you can sell organic coffee to create financial freedom in your life.

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