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What Do Green Activists Think About Hillary Clinton?


“I’m ready for Hillary…to say NO KXL.” Ben Adler/Grist Notwithstanding The Washington Post’s inevitable jokes about “fedoras, flannel shirts and beards” outside Hillary Clinton’s campaign office “in the midst of hipster-cool downtown Brooklyn,” there actually is no such thing as “hipster-cool downtown Brooklyn.” Downtown Brooklyn is a warren of architecturally undistinguished office buildings and sterile windswept plazas. And so it was on a charmless little patch of sidewalk near the new campaign headquarters that a group of about 20 activists with 350 Action, an affiliate of, held signs and chanted on Monday afternoon urging Clinton to oppose the Keystone XL pipeline. The signs played on a slogan used by Clinton’s supporters — “I’m ready for Hillary” — by tacking an extra phrase onto the end — “to say NO KXL.” In a comment that cut to the heart of the contradiction embedded in Clinton’s record — embracing both cuts to carbon emissions and increases in fossil fuel production — Duncan Meisel, an organizer with 350, said, “If you want to stop carbon pollution, keep carbon in the ground!” Reporters in attendance strained to hear the unamplified speakers over the steady hum of idling buses across the street. What the event lacked in grandeur, though, it made up for in topical importance. Clinton herself has called climate change “the most consequential, urgent, sweeping collection of challenges we face.” And yet climate activists have good reason to be worried about Clinton’s Keystone stance. In recent years, she has refused to take any position on the pipeline, but in 2010, when she was secretary of state, she said, “we are inclined to” approve it. Says Ben Schreiber, Friends of the Earth’s climate and energy program director, “It was inappropriate for her to make comments about the merits of the proposal when there wasn’t even an environmental impact statement.” Read the rest at Grist.

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What Do Green Activists Think About Hillary Clinton?

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What Do Green Activists Think About Hillary Clinton?

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