Author Archives: LatriceHarrhy

Santorum Holding Onto Debate Stage By His Fingernails in Latest CNN Poll

Mother Jones

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Fox News will be sponsoring the first Republican debate on August 6, and they have decided to limit the stage to the top ten candidates. The lucky winners will be the ones who “place in the top 10 in an average of the five most recent, recognized national polls leading up to Aug. 4.”

So how is everyone doing so far? CNN is certainly a recognized national poll, so they’ll be part of the eventual winnowing. And their most recent poll shows Jeb! at the top followed by Trump, Huckabee, Carson, and Rand Paul. The bottom three candidates—Christie, Cruz, and Santorum—could easily lose a point or two just due to statistical churn, to be replaced by Jindal, Kasich, and Fiorina.

I’m looking forward to the Trump-Christie showdown for the Annoying Loudmouth Award, and to the Carson-Cruz showdown for the Looneybin Award—though both men have been disappointingly circumspect lately, hedging their beliefs as if they really wanted to win this thing.

But there’s still a chance of Rick Perry melting down in amusing fashion. That should make the whole thing worth watching.

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Santorum Holding Onto Debate Stage By His Fingernails in Latest CNN Poll

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Donald Rumsfeld Apparently Forgot the Times He Said the Iraq War Was Good for Democracy

Mother Jones

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A few days ago, Donald Rumsfeld tried to distance himself from former President George W. Bush on the Iraq War, noting that he never bought into the Bush-Cheney argument that a US invasion of Iraq would lead to democracy there.

“I’m not one who thinks that our particular template of democracy is appropriate for other countries at every moment of their histories,” the former defense secretary told the Times, a British newspaper, in a piece published last week. “The idea that we could fashion a democracy in Iraq seemed to me unrealistic. I was concerned about it when I first heard those words.”

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Donald Rumsfeld Apparently Forgot the Times He Said the Iraq War Was Good for Democracy

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