Category Archives: Goal Zero

Solar’s Future Gets Brighter with New Discovery

University of Alberta researcher Jillian Buriak (center) worked with postdoctoral fellows Erik Luber (right) and Hosnay Mobarok to create nanoparticles that could lead to printable or spray-on solar cells. Photo: University of Alberta

For years, one of the greatest arguments against the implementation of solar power has been that it is expensive to harness. However, a recent discovery by Canadian researchers at the University of Alberta in Edmonton may prove to be a game changer.

Jillian Buriak, senior research officer of the U of A’s National Institute for Nanotechnology, led a team in discovering that materials found in the earth’s crust can be used to create inexpensive nanoparticle-based solar cells. Not only could Buriak’s discovery make solar power more affordable, it also could make solar more accessible to parts of the planet that either face high power transmission costs or are not on the traditional electricity grid.

The team discovered that phosphorus and zinc — two plentiful, natural materials — can be used to build nanoparticles that absorb light and conduct electricity. Their research, which was published in the latest issue of ACS Nano, a journal from the American Chemical Society, indicates that a low-cost mass manufacturing method would allow them to print or paint the solar cells onto surfaces. The process dissolves the particles to create an ink, then the material is processed to make a thin film that is responsive to light.

Based on the success they’ve found with their discovery, Buriak and her team have applied for a provisional patent on the process and have secured funding to allow them to take the next steps toward stepping up manufacturing.

In addition to her work with the Canadian team, Buriak is part of an international research team that includes scientists from Harvard University, the University of Toronto and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

The team is working on a global project involving next-generation solar energy technology.



Solar’s Future Gets Brighter with New Discovery

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White House Announces the Return of Solar Panels

A White House official confirmed that solar panels are being installed on the First Family’s residence. Photo: Flikr/Tom Lohdan

In 2010, the Obama administration pledged that it would show the president’s commitment to renewable energy by putting solar panels on the White House. This week, Obama made good on the promise, as construction workers began putting the panels in place.

A White House official confirmed to The Washington Post that the project was in process and said it was “part of an energy retrofit” to improve the efficiency of the building.

The official, who has asked for anonymity, says that the solar panels will pay for themselves in eight years through energy savings. Furthermore, the installation will show the value of retrofitting older buildings — even historic ones — and creating more energy-efficient buildings.

Solar panels had previously been installed on the roof of the White House during Jimmy Carter’s presidency and were used to provide hot water to the building. They were removed in 1986 by former President Ronald Reagan. During George W. Bush’s presidency, two solar thermal units and a photovoltaic system were installed on a maintenance building to heat the White House swimming pool.

It is not yet clear how many solar panels are being installed or how they will be used. Obama previously had pledged to installing 20 to 50 solar panels.

The installation of solar panels is one of several measures taken to increase energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy, according to the The Washington Post, based on a plan outlined by the president and signed into an executive order in October 2009. Other measures have included doubling the number of hybrid cars and trucks in the federal fleet, increasing the government’s use of renewable energy and cutting the government’s greenhouse gas emissions.

The White House’s announcement comes just days after a report released earlier this week by the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory indicates that the price to install solar panels has fallen to an all-time low.


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White House Announces the Return of Solar Panels

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Goal Zero 12301 Nomad 7M Solar Panel


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Goal Zero 19010 Guide 10 Plus Solar Charging Kit


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