Climate Hawks Are Not Impressed by Obama’s Methane Plan

Environmental groups say the new emissions rules don’t go far enough. LonnyG/Thinkstock You would expect environmentalists to offer effusive praise as President Obama releases the final major component of his Climate Action Plan: a proposal to clamp down on methane emissions from the oil and gas sector. And at first glance, they did. “This announcement once again demonstrates the President’s strong commitment to tackling the climate crisis,” said League of Conservation Voters President Gene Karpinski. A number of other environmental groups echoed that sentiment. If you didn’t read between the lines, you might think Obama had given them all they wanted. He did not. Not even close. Environmental leaders, while praising the Obama administration’s intentions, warned that it will have to do much more than it pledged to on Wednesday if it is to meet its own stated goal for cutting methane emissions. Read the rest at Grist. Taken from: Climate Hawks Are Not Impressed by Obama’s Methane Plan

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Climate Hawks Are Not Impressed by Obama’s Methane Plan

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