Climate Talks: Wealthy Countries Urged to Foot Bill for Weather-Related Disasters


Developing countries threaten to walk out of UN talks in Warsaw over failure to reach agreement on financial recompense. UNHCR Photo Download/Flickr The proposal by developing countries that their wealthier counterparts be held financially responsible for the damage incurred by extreme climate events such as typhoon Haiyan and droughts in Africa has become the most explosive issue at the UN’s climate change conference in Warsaw. With neither side prepared to give way on the principle, confrontation looms at the close of the talks on Friday. Earlier this year, governments agreed to resolve the issue of possible financial recompense. But with only two days of high-level negotiations remaining, positions have hardened, even though the issue has not been discussed. Some of the least developed countries have threatened to quit the talks over the situation. “This is a red line for us,” said Munjural Khan, a spokesman for the Least Developed Countries (LDC), a coalition of 49 nations that, though the most vulnerable to climate change, claim to have contributed the least to the problem. “We have been thinking of ways to harden our position, to the point of walking out of the negotiations.” To keep reading, click here.

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Climate Talks: Wealthy Countries Urged to Foot Bill for Weather-Related Disasters

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Climate Talks: Wealthy Countries Urged to Foot Bill for Weather-Related Disasters

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