Google Prods a Coal-Fired Utility Into Making Money on Green Power


North Carolina’s Duke Energy wants to sell renewable energy directly to power-hogging companies like Google. mastermaq/Flickr Utilities have taken their share of abuse as bureaucratic relics of the previous century, technological dinosaurs about to be obliterated by a giant asteroid called the Great Energy Shift as customers increasingly generate their own electricity from renewable sources. But inevitably some of these lumbering beasts will adapt to the changing climate. Case in point, Duke Energy, the fossil fuel-dependent energy giant. The utility, with an assist from Google, on Friday asked North Carolina regulators permission to sell renewable electricity directly to big companies that want to green up their operations. This is a big deal. While many states have imposed mandates requiring utilities to obtain a certain percentage of their electricity from renewable sources, others have not, particularly those that get most of their power from coal. Meanwhile, tech giants like Apple, Facebook, Microsoft and Google are building huge energy-hogging data centers in those states and are under pressure to avoid racking up big carbon bills. Programs like Duke’s proposed Green Source Rider could spur renewable energy production in the brown states as developers build solar and wind farms to meet demand from corporations. To keep reading, click here.

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Google Prods a Coal-Fired Utility Into Making Money on Green Power

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Google Prods a Coal-Fired Utility Into Making Money on Green Power

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