Tag Archives: columbus-dispatch

This Ohio lawmaker thinks you’re an enviro-socialist rent-seeker

This Ohio lawmaker thinks you’re an enviro-socialist rent-seeker

Ohio Senate

What did he just call you?

The Koch-backed American Legislative Exchange Council has been failing miserably in its nationwide push to roll back states’ renewable electricity standards. But that isn’t stopping Ohio state Sen. Bill Seitz (R) from persisting in trying to undermine the renewable energy rules in his state.

Seitz recently introduced legislation that would water down five-year-old state rules requiring utilities in Ohio to sell renewable power and invest in energy-efficiency measures. One of his bill’s provisions would revoke a rule requiring half of renewable energy sold by utilities to be generated within the state, but that proved extremely controversial, so he says he’s about to release an amended version of the bill that would delay instead of revoke that rule.

If you still don’t dig Seitz’s legislation, even after he’s gone to all the trouble of amending it, well, then he has some strong and odd words for you. From The Columbus Dispatch:

Opponents say the bill is a giveaway to electric utilities and large businesses at the expense of the state’s “green” economy.

Seitz described the bill’s opponents as “the usual suspects,” a group that he said includes “enviro-socialist rent-seekers” who depend on government mandates, while he said its supporters include a wide array of businesses and labor groups.

Hey, that’s some intelligent discourse! But guess what, Seitz, you’re behind the times, even by right-winger standards.

ALEC is reportedly shifting away from attacks on renewable electricity standards. Greentech Media reports that the group’s new target will be net-metering rules, which require utilities to purchase excess solar power produced by their customers. One such attack was recently repelled in Arizona, leaving net-metering rules there largely unscathed. But now it sounds like more such attacks are on their way.

Oh, and name calling. We can safely assume that more of that is on the way as well.

‘Stealth Business Lobbyist’ Plans 2014 Offensive Against Solar Net Metering, Greentech Media
AEP backs proposal to revise Ohio ‘green’ energy rules, Columbus Dispatch

John Upton is a science fan and green news boffin who tweets, posts articles to Facebook, and blogs about ecology. He welcomes reader questions, tips, and incoherent rants: johnupton@gmail.com.

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This Ohio lawmaker thinks you’re an enviro-socialist rent-seeker

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Feds to frackers: “No, please — let us help you find a place to dump your wastewater”

Feds to frackers: “No, please — let us help you find a place to dump your wastewater”

Bill Baker

Good call.

The Northeast’s fracking boom has left drillers with millions and millions of barrels of wastewater and nowhere to dump it. Some frackers have simply injected into deep wells, causing earthquakes; others have simply allowed their waste to flow into rivers.

Big government to the rescue: The Department of Energy will fund a $1.8 million, two-year project by Battelle that aims to find somewhere to stash that gross dross for an eternity. From the Columbus Dispatch:

With more drilling and fracking expected, oil and gas companies will need to find the best locations to safely inject more waste, said Neeraj Gupta, senior research leader for Battelle’s subsurface-resources group.

“That’s one of our objectives. Where is the injection capacity?” Gupta said.

Right now, it’s in Ohio, where more than 14.2 million barrels of fracking fluids and related waste from oil and gas wells were pumped into 190 disposal wells last year. That was a 12 percent increase over 2011.

Much of the waste — 8.16 million barrels last year — came from Pennsylvania, which has seven active disposal wells. West Virginia has 63 disposal wells.

If only we could find a source of energy that doesn’t consume fresh water and produce wastewater, maybe some mysterious source that protected the climate as well. If only such a thing existed …

Sites sought for region’s fracking residue, The Columbus Dispatch

John Upton is a science fan and green news boffin who tweets, posts articles to Facebook, and blogs about ecology. He welcomes reader questions, tips, and incoherent rants: johnupton@gmail.com.

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Feds to frackers: “No, please — let us help you find a place to dump your wastewater”

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