Tag Archives: gop

Forget the Polls. Google Tells Us Who Really Won the GOP Debate.

Mother Jones

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A few dominant narratives emerged from Wednesday night’s Republican presidential debate in Boulder, Colorado. One: The GOP and it’s supporters hate the media. Two: Donald Trump polls well with the GOP base regardless of his debate performance. And three: Jeb Bush’s campaign might be toast.

But there’s also something to be learned from Google, the company that seems to know what we’re thinking before we even think it. The folks at Google Trends compiled a mound of data during the debate, looking at real-time searches of the candidates, what people are trying to learn about each candidate, and the sheer dominance of Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina during the night’s undercard debate that preceded the main event.

One Google interactive looked at which candidate people searched for after searching for another candidate. In other words, after people Googled Trump, who did they search for next? The answer: Ben Carson. Click on a candidate below to see the related candidates.

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Forget the Polls. Google Tells Us Who Really Won the GOP Debate.

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Marco Rubio Uses Benghazi Committee to Boost Presidential Campaign

Mother Jones

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Ever since House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) blurted out on Fox News that the House Benghazi Committee had the political purpose of hurting Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton, Republicans have spent weeks insisting that the committee’s task is not political.

But on Thursday, as Clinton testified before the committee, GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio certainly seemed to be using the committee for political purposes.

The tweet links to a petition on Rubio’s website that asks people to “Stand with committee chairman Trey Gowdy as he uncovers the truth about Hillary Clinton’s actions as Secretary of State.” To sign, you just submit your name, email, and zip code. That information, of course, is very useful to a campaign as it raises money and tries to build support in the months to come.

Another GOP presidential contender, Rand Paul, also seemed to be using the Benghazi committee hearing to benefit his campaign. The Kentucky senator’s campaign has been selling anti-Clinton memorabilia for a while now, but used the occasion of the Benghazi hearing to push its merchandise.

This story has been updated to include the tweet from Rand Paul.

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Marco Rubio Uses Benghazi Committee to Boost Presidential Campaign

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Some Presidential Campaigns Are Running Out of Cash, New Filings Show

Mother Jones

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When the presidential candidates reported their third-quarter fundraising totals this week, the number to watch wasn’t the size of their hauls but their overall burn rate—how quickly they were spending the cash they raised. The quarterly filings revealed some campaigns that were living within their means and building war chests for the long slog to come, and others that will be lucky to sputter into the early primaries.

On the Democratic side, both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton raised an extraordinary amount of money—$26.2 million and $29.1 million, respectively—and they each ended the third quarter of 2015 with more money in the bank than they started with. That’s something that many of their Republican rivals candidates can’t say.

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Some Presidential Campaigns Are Running Out of Cash, New Filings Show

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House Tea Partiers to the World: Burn, Baby, Burn.

Mother Jones

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Chaos, chaos, and chaos. Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s withdrawal from the speaker’s race has caused disarray—that is, greater disarray—within the House GOP conference. Hours after McCarthy’s announcement, there was no word of what comes next. Who might jump in? Would a caretaker candidate emerge? How long could Speaker John Boehner stay in the job? And, it seemed, the House tea partiers who had somewhat caused this crisis—they had succeeded in driving Boehner from the job and had deemed McCarthy insufficiently conservative—were yearning for more chaos. The House Freedom Caucus, the tea party GOPers, put out this statement:

Note that last sentence: “The next Speaker needs to yield back power to the membership for the sake of both the institution and the country.” In other words, we don’t want a speaker who is going to try to govern in a time of divided government; we don’t want a speaker who will endeavor to forge a compromise on behalf of the GOP conference and make the system work; and, as a government shutdown looms and a possible debt ceiling crisis approaches, we want a speaker who will step to the side and let the chaos reign. This is the congressional equivalent of “burn, baby, burn.”

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House Tea Partiers to the World: Burn, Baby, Burn.

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Ben Carson Just Showed the Other GOP Candidates How to Talk About Clean Energy

Mother Jones

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When asked at a Friday appearance in Iowa if he’d support 50 percent clean energy in the United States by 2030, GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson replied, “I want more than 50 percent.”

The 50 percent by 2030 mark comes from the advocacy group NextGen Climate, which has launched a campaign pushing candidates on the issue. And while Carson hasn’t yet released any details on how he plans to accomplish this goal—and sometimes struggles to explain what climate change is, exactly—the former neurosurgeon has recently voiced his support for green issues.

“I don’t care whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, a liberal or a conservative, if you have any thread of decency in you, you want to take care of the environment because you know you have to pass it on to the next generation,” he said Wednesday. “There is no reason to make it into a political issue.”

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Ben Carson Just Showed the Other GOP Candidates How to Talk About Clean Energy

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Rand Paul’s Campaign Is Experiencing a Money Bomb. The Bad Kind.

Mother Jones

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In 2008 and 2012, Ron Paul became famous for his “money bombs”—internet-fueled fundraising frenzies during which his rabid followers poured millions of dollars into his campaign coffers. But his son’s presidential campaign may be best remembered for a money bomb of another sort. Rand Paul’s campaign confirmed on Thursday that it had raised just $2.5 million over the past three months. To put that in perspective, his dad’s campaign once raised $6 million in one day.

The news comes at a particularly awkward moment for Paul. Earlier this week, Donald Trump taunted the Kentucky senator online, predicting on Twitter that he would be the next GOP hopeful to drop out of the race. Paul laughed off the taunt, calling Trump a clown, but his campaign’s lackluster fundraising is difficult to spin.

Sergio Gor, Paul’s spokesman, said the fundraising situation had actually improved since the most recent GOP debate on September 16. “A key takeaway is that we raised $750,000 in just the last two weeks,” Gor said. “With $2 million cash on hand, our campaign is in for the long haul.”

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Rand Paul’s Campaign Is Experiencing a Money Bomb. The Bad Kind.

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John Boehner’s Legacy Is That He Doesn’t Really Have One

Mother Jones

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John Boehner, a legislator who relishes regular order, has decided to orchestrate his own orderly departure from the House as speaker, rather than contend with a possible mutiny arising from a government shutdown that is materializing on Capitol Hill due to the battle over funding for Planned Parenthood. On Friday morning, Boehner announced he would be resigning within weeks (which might allow him the freedom to prevent his own party from causing another shutdown). This is not that great of a surprise. The surprise is that Boehner, an insider institutionalist leading a band of blow-it-up tea partiers, has lasted so long—that is, that he put up with the nonsense in his caucus and managed to survive. But he survived by yielding to the extreme forces in the GOP, which he and other party leaders had fueled and exploited to win control of Congress. Consequently, Boehner will exit the speakership with few positive accomplishments. He failed his own side by not stopping President Barack Obama on health care reform and other measures that conservatives despise, and he failed himself by not achieving any grand legislation that bears his mark. As speaker, he was more of an attendant than a legislator.

There was a specific month when Boehner’s dream of being a historic speaker evaporated: July 2011. His fellow Republicans had precipitated a crisis in Washington by refusing to accede to a routine move—raising the debt ceiling so the US government could pay its bills. Tea partiers were demanding deficit reduction and huge cuts in government spending in return for lifting the debt ceiling and threatening a financial crash. This led to a flurry of talks between the president and GOP leaders, and Obama saw this crisis as an opportunity. He initiated secret negotiations with Boehner. Why did they have to be undercover? To protect Boehner. The speaker could not persuade his own caucus that talking with the president to explore compromise had any value.

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John Boehner’s Legacy Is That He Doesn’t Really Have One

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Fired Scott Walker Aide Is Tweeting Up a Shitstorm About What He Did Wrong

Mother Jones

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Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker will announce at 6 p.m. Monday that he is dropping out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination. The move is surprising—Walker was, until recently, a favorite among major Republican donors—but not unforeseeable. In the past two months, Walker’s support in the Iowa caucuses, the first voting contest of the race, has plummeted, from first in the polls to seventh. His campaign has already racked up six figures in debt to campaign vendors. And he clocked the least amount of time out of the 11 Republicans who shared the stage in the latest GOP presidential debate.

Immediately after the announcement, Liz Mair, a digital strategist for Walker’s bid who was fired for tweeting negatively about Iowa, began spouting her thoughts about why Walker’s campaign failed to attract enough money and momentum to keep it afloat. For example, “Hiring people who spent a lot to build out a massive operation that would not be sustainable unless financing remained amazing forever.” Here’s a selection:

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Fired Scott Walker Aide Is Tweeting Up a Shitstorm About What He Did Wrong

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Donald Trump Just Had Univision Anchor Jorge Ramos Thrown Out of a Press Conference

Mother Jones

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At a press event in Iowa Tuesday, Donald Trump had Univision news anchor Jorge Ramos removed by security after the Trump critic challenged the GOP front-runner for his positions on immigration.

“Sit down, go back to Univision,” Trump said, before Ramos was removed.


Ramos reportedly returned some time later.

Also, via Brandon Wall, this is apparently how Trump calls for security:

GIF: Brandon Wall

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Donald Trump Just Had Univision Anchor Jorge Ramos Thrown Out of a Press Conference

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Quote of the Day: GOP Primary Is "One Giant Boob-Off"

Mother Jones

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This is from the very conservative Jay Nordlinger over at National Review:

There’s been some comment of late about Bobby Jindal, and I’d like to add some of my own. As I’ve said before, I love the guy — even when he’s pretending to be a populist boob, in an effort to keep up with Trump. (Indeed, the entire GOP primary process may be thought of as one giant boob-off.)

Wait. This is Nordlinger’s party. It’s his conservative electorate. He likes and sympathizes with conservatism and conservative voters. And yet he concedes that the GOP primary is “one giant boob-off.” Doesn’t this say something disturbing about the movement he identifies with?

And by the way, Jindal’s populist boob persona (Bobby 3.0, I think) predates Trump, so don’t blame it on him. Jindal decided all on his own that it was his best chance of appealing to the Republican base.

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Quote of the Day: GOP Primary Is "One Giant Boob-Off"

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