Tag Archives: lord

Population by the Numbers: Unplanned Pregnancies

The United States has a higher rate of unplanned pregnancies than the global average. Source:   Population by the Numbers: Unplanned Pregnancies ; ;Related ArticlesThe Good, the Bad and the Anthropocene (Age of Us)Keeping Track of Hurricane ArthurStroke Lessons (Time Wasted is Brain Lost) ;


Population by the Numbers: Unplanned Pregnancies

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From Twitter, a Growing Collection of Communicative Conservationists

A list of communicative conservationists who press the case for animal care on Twitter. Visit site –  From Twitter, a Growing Collection of Communicative Conservationists ; ;Related ArticlesThe Good, the Bad and the Anthropocene (Age of Us)Setting the Table for Migrating Monarch ButterfliesProtecting Parrotfish on the Path to a Caribbean Reef Revival ;

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From Twitter, a Growing Collection of Communicative Conservationists

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Virus Plagues the Pork Industry, and Environmentalists

A disease is killing huge numbers of piglets and young hogs, and environmental groups worry about the effects on groundwater of the buried carcasses. Follow this link – Virus Plagues the Pork Industry, and Environmentalists Related ArticlesEl Salvador Ends Dispute With U.S. Over SeedsDot Earth Blog: Protecting Parrotfish on the Path to a Caribbean Reef RevivalDot Earth Blog: Stroke Lessons (Time Wasted is Brain Lost)

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Virus Plagues the Pork Industry, and Environmentalists

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Keeping Track of Hurricane Arthur

If conditions align, Hurricane Arthur could break a 3,173-day stretch in which no major hurricane has made landfall on United States shores. See original article:  Keeping Track of Hurricane Arthur ; ;Related ArticlesThe Agriculture Secretary Sees a Smart (Phone) Solution to GMO Labeling FightTechnology as a Path to Product TransparencyStunning New Video View of Swimming Polar Bears ;

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Keeping Track of Hurricane Arthur

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Is there arsenic in your drinking water? If you have a private well, get it tested!

If you have a private well, in most places it’s up to you to get it tested and then decide if you want to further treat your water for arsenic. Source article:  Is there arsenic in your drinking water? If you have a private well, get it tested! ; ;Related ArticlesWhat You Need to Know About the Coming Jellyfish ApocalypseOur Inability To Deal With Climate Change Is Going to Kill the PenguinsScienceTake | Navigating Air and Water ;

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Is there arsenic in your drinking water? If you have a private well, get it tested!

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Archive Dive: When Halibut Was Plentiful

A fish praised for its flavor has virtually vanished from the Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific catch is on a downward trend. Original article: Archive Dive: When Halibut Was Plentiful Related ArticlesU.S. Catfish Program Could Stymie Pacific Trade Pact, 10 Nations SayAsh Forests After Emerald Ash Borers Destroy ThemBiology: City Smells Confound Flower-Seeking Moths

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Archive Dive: When Halibut Was Plentiful

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Hobby Lobby Funded Disgraced Fundamentalist Christian Leader Accused of Harassing Dozens of Women

Mother Jones

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For a decade or so, Hobby Lobby and its owners, the Green family, have been generous benefactors of a Christian ministry that until recently was run by Bill Gothard, a controversial religious leader who has long promoted a strict and authoritarian version of Christianity. Gothard, a prominent champion of Christian home-schooling, has decried the evils of dating, rock music, and Cabbage Patch dolls; claimed public education teaches children “how to commit suicide” and undermines spirituality; contended that mental illness is merely “varying degrees of irresponsibility”; and urged wives to “submit to the leadership” of their husbands. Critics of Gothard have associated him with Christian Reconstructionism, an ultrafundamentalist movement that yearns for a theocracy, and accused him of running a cultlike organization. In March, he was pressured to resign from his ministry, the Institute in Basic Life Principles, after being accused by more than 30 women of sexual harassment and molestation—a charge Gothard denies.

More MoJo coverage of the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision.

Hobby Lobby’s Hypocrisy: The Company’s Retirement Plan Invests in Contraception Manufacturers

The 8 Best Lines From Ginsburg’s Dissent

Why the Decision Is the New Bush v. Gore

How Obama Can Make Sure Hobby Lobby’s Female Employees Are Covered

Hobby Lobby Funded Disgraced Fundamentalist Christian Leader Accused of Harassing Dozens of Women

The Institute traces it origins to 1964, when Gothard designed a college seminar based on biblical principles to help teenagers. The ministry says it was established “for the purpose of introducing people to the Lord Jesus Christ” and to give individuals, families, businesses, and governments “clear instruction and training on how to find success by following God’s principles found in Scripture.” The group, which operates what it calls “training centers” across the United States and abroad, says more than 2.5 million people have attended its paid events, which have brought in tens of millions of dollars in revenue. Gothard and the Institute have drawn support from conservative politicians, including Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, and former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue. The Duggar family, the stars of the reality show 19 Kids and Counting, have been high-profile advocates of Gothard’s home-schooling curriculum and seminars. (One of Gothard’s alleged victims has called on the Duggars to break with Gothard and the Institute.) Don Venoit, a conservative evangelical who has long been a critic of Gothard, contends that Gothard’s approach to Christian theology emphasizing obedience to authority creates a “culture of fear.” In 1984, Ronald Allen, now a professor of Bible exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary, observed that Gothard’s teachings were “a parody of patriarchalism” and “the basest form of male chauvinism I have ever heard in a Christian context.” He added, “Gothard has lost the biblical balance of the relationship between women and men as equals in relationship. His view is basically anti-woman.”

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Hobby Lobby Funded Disgraced Fundamentalist Christian Leader Accused of Harassing Dozens of Women

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Ash Forests After Emerald Ash Borers Destroy Them

The emerald ash borer is devastating trees from Minnesota to New York, and there is little scientists can do but study what effect the trees’ extinction will have on the ecosystem. This article is from –  Ash Forests After Emerald Ash Borers Destroy Them ; ;Related ArticlesObservatory: The Secret of the Disco Clam’s Light ShowNASA Launching Satellite to Track CarbonNoordwijk Journal: Awakening the ‘Dutch Gene’ of Water Survival ;

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Ash Forests After Emerald Ash Borers Destroy Them

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Big-Bank Insider: Obama’s “Operation Choke Point” Isn’t Forcing Us to Close Porn Stars’ Accounts

Mother Jones

If this were a Hardy Boys book, it would be The Hardy Boys and the Mystery of the Porn Stars’ Disappearing Bank Accounts.

Last month, porn star Teagan Presley told Vice that JPMorgan Chase & Co. closed her account because the bank considered her “high-risk.” Then, on Wednesday, porn director David Lord told the Daily Beast that Chase sent him a letter notifying him that the bank was going to close his account on May 11. The Beast and Vice suggested that a secretive Justice Department program, “Operation Choke Point,” was behind the account closures. But a Chase insider familiar with the matter says that the initiative has nothing to do with the termination of these accounts.

“This has nothing to do with Operation Choke Point,” the source told Mother Jones. “There’s not a targeted effort to exit consumers’ accounts because of an affiliation with an industry and we have no policy that would prohibit a consumer from having a checking account because of an affiliation with this industry. We routinely exit consumers for a variety of reasons. For privacy reasons we can’t get into why.”

The porn stars’ allegations play into a narrative—pushed by banks and congressional Republicans—that the Obama administration is overstretching its authority by forcing banks to police the free market. Here’s the real story:

What is Operation Choke Point? Operation Choke Point is a federal initiative that aims to crack down on fraud by honing in on banks and payment processors—the companies that serve as middlemen between merchants and banks on credit card transactions. Financial institutions are not supposed to do business with companies they believe might be breaking the law. But Justice Department officials suspect that some payment processors ignore signs of fraud—like high percentages of transactions being rejected as unauthorized—in transactions they process, and banks go along for the ride, earning massive profits.

The Justice Department has already filed one lawsuit under the program. In January, the government sued Four Oaks Bank in North Carolina, charging that it “knew or was deliberately ignorant” that it was working with a company that processed payments for merchants who were breaking the law. According to the lawsuit, Four Oaks worked with a Texas-based payment processor that processed about $2.4 billion in transactions on behalf of fraudulent payday lenders, internet gambling entities, and a Ponzi fraud scheme. The processor then allegedly paid Four Oaks more than $850,000 in fees. (In April, Four Oaks reached a $1.2 million settlement with the government, but did not admit wrongdoing.)

President Obama’s Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force, headed by the Department of Justice, is behind the program. Michael Bresnick, who runs the task force, made the program public last March. He says that the aim is to “close the access to the banking system that mass marketing fraudsters enjoy—effectively putting a chokehold on it.”

Is this the first time that feds have asked banks to keep an eye on their customers? No. The Bank Secrecy Act of 1970 requires financial institutions to assist the feds in preventing money laundering, which includes scrutinizing customers. However, banks argue that Operation Choke Point goes further than that law.

Does Operation Choke Point include a “blacklist” of businesses or individuals the government is requiring banks to target? Not exactly. Last September, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation issued updated regulatory guidelines noting that “facilitating payment processing for merchant customers engaged in higher-risk activities can pose risks to financial institutions.” A footnote in the guidelines linked to a list of products and services, published in 2011, that the feds say have been associated with high-risk activity, including get-rich products, drug paraphernalia, escort services, firearm sales, pornography, escort services, and racist materials. But the September guidance makes clear that financial institutions that “properly manage these relationships and risks are neither prohibited nor discouraged from providing payment processing services to customers operating in compliance with applicable law.” In other words, the guidance requires banks to perform due diligence to prevent fraud, but does not require banks to go on a porn-star witch hunt.

Why are some people saying Operation Choke Point discriminates against low-income Americans? As part of the program, the feds are scrutinizing payday lenders, which offer short-term loans at high interest rates. Critics of these lenders say they take advantage of low-income Americans, while defenders note that they’re often the only option for Americans unable to get loans elsewhere. Some states restrict or ban payday loans. But as payday lenders move online, they’ve been able to skirt state rules, according to the Justice Department. The feds hope to crack down on payday lenders that are not complying with state and federal regulations. “This effort is focusing on ensuring that lenders are not using electronic payment networks to commit fraud or offer products that would not otherwise be permitted,” says Tom Feltner, director of financial services at the Consumer Federation of America, a national association of nonprofit consumer advocacy groups.

Who opposes the program? Banks, payday lenders, gun owners, conservatives, and some Democrats have expressed opposition to the program. Frank Keating, president and CEO of the American Bankers Association, wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal last month accusing the Justice Department of “forcing banks to make judgments about criminal behavior and then holding them accountable for the possible wrongdoing of others.” Jason Oxman, chief executive of the Electronic Transaction Association, which recently released guidelines for payment processors, told the Washington Post that Operation Choke Point shouldn’t target entire industries, and should instead focus on specific bad actors. A new lobbying group, the Third Party Payment Processors Association, opposes Operation Choke Point, and an activist group called “StopTheChoke.com” is running an online campaign against the program. The NRA, after receiving concerns from gun owners that the DOJ is using the program to take away their guns, said last week that “it will continue to monitor developments concerning Operation Choke Point.”

On January 8, Reps. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) sent a letter to the Justice Department arguing that “the extraordinary breadth of the Department’s dragnet prompts concerns that the true goal of Operation Choke Point is not to cut off actual fraudsters’ access to the financial system, but rather to eliminate legal financial services to which the Department objects.”

Who supports it? Quite a few Democrats support the program. On February 26, Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) sent a letter to the Justice Department recommending that the program continue. The letter, cosigned by 11 other Democrats, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), said: “The Department plays a critical role in ensuring system-wide compliance with anti-fraud, anti-money-laundering, and related laws, especially as they apply to the unique risks associated with our payments system, and we urge the Department to continue its vigorous oversight.”

Diane Standaert, senior legislative counsel for the Center for Responsible Lending, notes that eradicating fraud is also a win for consumers. “Banks should have a vested interest in making sure their own customers accounts aren’t being abused or unnecessarily drained,” she says. “By complying with this existing guidance, it’s a win-win.”

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Big-Bank Insider: Obama’s “Operation Choke Point” Isn’t Forcing Us to Close Porn Stars’ Accounts

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Watch John Oliver Take on the Death Penalty on “Last Week Tonight”

Mother Jones

On Sunday’s episode of HBO’s Last Week Tonight, host John Oliver weighed in on the recent botched execution in Oklahoma, the president’s response to it, and the death penalty in general. “The death penalty is like the McRib,” Oliver says. “When you can’t have it, it’s so tantalizing. But as soon as they bring it back, you think, ‘This is ethically wrong. Should this be allowed in a civilized society?'”

Here’s more from Oliver:

It costs up to 10 times more to give someone the death penalty than life in prison. So what a death sentence is really saying is, “Hey! This is America! And the way we treat the most despicable members of our society is by spending the entire budget of the Lord of the Rings trilogy on them.” So what we know now is the death penalty is expensive, potentially kills innocent people, and doesn’t deter crime. And here is where it gets hard—harder than is potentially appropriate for a comedy show late on a Sunday night. But if we are going to answer difficult and profound questions…the toughest one is probably if someone is guilty of committing a horrible crime, and the family of the victim want the perpetrator executed, do we want to live in the kind of country that gives that to them? I would say no. You might, very reasonably, say yes…But it’s a question that is going to need an answer.

The whole segment is very good. Check out the 12-minute clip:

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Watch John Oliver Take on the Death Penalty on “Last Week Tonight”

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