Tag Archives: neuroscience

Your Brain Is a Time Machine: The Neuroscience and Physics of Time – Dean Buonomano


Your Brain Is a Time Machine: The Neuroscience and Physics of Time
Dean Buonomano

Genre: Life Sciences

Price: $2.99

Publish Date: April 4, 2017

Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company

Seller: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.

“Beautifully written, eloquently reasoned…Mr. Buonomano takes us off and running on an edifying scientific journey.” —Carol Tavris, Wall Street Journal In Your Brain Is a Time Machine, leading neuroscientist Dean Buonomano embarks on an “immensely engaging” exploration of how time works inside the brain (Barbara Kiser, Nature). The human brain, he argues, is a complex system that not only tells time, but creates it; it constructs our sense of chronological movement and enables “mental time travel”—simulations of future and past events. These functions are essential not only to our daily lives but to the evolution of the human race: without the ability to anticipate the future, mankind would never have crafted tools or invented agriculture. This virtuosic work of popular science will lead you to a revelation as strange as it is true: your brain is, at its core, a time machine.

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Your Brain Is a Time Machine: The Neuroscience and Physics of Time – Dean Buonomano

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Sleepyhead – Henry Nicholls



The Neuroscience of a Good Night’s Rest

Henry Nicholls

Genre: Life Sciences

Price: $17.99

Publish Date: September 4, 2018

Publisher: Basic Books

Seller: Hachette Digital, Inc.

A narcoleptic's tireless journey through the neuroscience of disordered sleep Whether it's a bout of bad jet lag or a stress-induced all-nighter, we've all suffered from nights that left us feeling less than well-rested. But for some people, getting a bad night's sleep isn't just an inconvenience: it's a nightmare. In Sleepyhead , science writer Henry Nicholls uses his own experience with chronic narcolepsy as a gateway to better understanding the cryptic, curious, and relatively uncharted world of sleep disorders. We meet insomniacs who can't get any sleep, narcoleptics who can't control when they sleep, and sleep apnea victims who nearly suffocate in their sleep. We learn the underlying difference between morning larks and night owls; why our sleeping habits shift as we grow older; and the evolutionary significance of REM sleep and dreaming. Charming, eye-opening, and deeply humanizing, Sleepyhead will help us all uncover the secrets of a good night's sleep.


Sleepyhead – Henry Nicholls

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Tales from Both Sides of the Brain – Michael S. Gazzaniga


Tales from Both Sides of the Brain

A Life in Neuroscience

Michael S. Gazzaniga

Genre: Life Sciences

Price: $1.99

Publish Date: February 3, 2015

Publisher: Ecco

Seller: HarperCollins

Michael S. Gazzaniga, one of the most important neuroscientists of the twentieth century, gives us an exciting behind-the-scenes look at his seminal work on that unlikely couple, the right and left brain. Foreword by Steven Pinker. In the mid-twentieth century, Michael S. Gazzaniga, “the father of cognitive neuroscience,” was part of a team of pioneering neuroscientists who developed the now foundational split-brain brain theory: the notion that the right and left hemispheres of the brain can act independently from one another and have different strengths. In Tales from Both Sides of the Brain, Gazzaniga tells the impassioned story of his life in science and his decades-long journey to understand how the separate spheres of our brains communicate and miscommunicate with their separate agendas. By turns humorous and moving, Tales from Both Sides of the Brain interweaves Gazzaniga’s scientific achievements with his reflections on the challenges and thrills of working as a scientist. In his engaging and accessible style, he paints a vivid portrait not only of his discovery of split-brain theory, but also of his comrades in arms—the many patients, friends, and family who have accompanied him on this wild ride of intellectual discovery.

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Tales from Both Sides of the Brain – Michael S. Gazzaniga

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Science Explains What Really Causes the Munchies

Mother Jones

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A study published in Nature Neuroscience this week lends new insight to the age-old marijuana-munchies connection. It’s old news that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) fits into the mix, but this study establishes a previously unknown link: pot gives us the munchies by tricking our bodies into thinking we’re starving—regardless of whether we actually are.

Turns out that THC, the active ingredient in Mary Jane, activates cannabinoid receptors called CB1s that live in your brain’s “olfactory bulb.” This is the part of the brain that helps you smell.

Cannabinoid intoxication—i.e. getting high—boosts “odor detection,” amplifying your sense of smell and taste, which causes you to eat more. The authors of the study showed this with mice: First, they exposed a group of sober mice to banana and almond oils. The critters sniffed the oils, but then lost interest. But when a group of mice under cannabinoid intoxication were exposed to the same scents, they got the munchies: They maintained interest for much longer and also ate more. A dose of THC “decreased the threshold of odor detection and this effect was clearly correlated with successive food intake,” says the study. Natural cannabinoids released by your body during food deprivation do the same thing that THC does for pot smokers—”hunger arouses sensory perception, eventually leading to an increase in food intake.”

The researchers also proved this another way: They genetically engineered mice to lack the type of cannabinoid receptor that THC binds to. Without these receptors, the appetite was unaffected by THC, as well as by food deprivation. This showed further that both THC and natural cannabinoids produced from hunger work to increase odor sensitivity.

These findings may hold true for people too, the study points out. Knowing how to tune the sense of smell or appetite could be a useful tool in treating illnesses where these are deficient or in excess. Medical marijuana, for example, is already being used to stimulate appetite and sense of taste in cancer patients, improving nutrition and quality of life. Yay science!

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Science Explains What Really Causes the Munchies

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The FastDiet – Michael Mosley & Mimi Spencer


The FastDiet

Lose Weight, Stay Healthy, and Live Longer with the Simple Secret of Intermittent Fasting

Michael Mosley & Mimi Spencer

Genre: Health & Fitness

Price: $10.99

Publish Date: February 26, 2013

Publisher: Atria Books

Seller: Simon and Schuster Digital Sales Inc.

The official US edition of the international bestseller—containing US measurements and a month's worth of meals in color. Is it possible to eat normally, five days a week, and become slimmer and healthier as a result? Simple answer: yes. You just limit your calorie intake for two nonconsecutive days each week—500 calories for women, 600 for men. You’ll lose weight quickly and effortlessly with the FastDiet. Scientific trials of intermittent fasters have shown that it will not only help the pounds fly off, but also reduce your risk of a range of diseases from diabetes to cardiovascular disease and even cancer. “The scientific evidence is strong that intermittent fasting can improve health,” says Dr. Mark Mattson, Chief of the Laboratory of Neurosciences, National Institute on Aging, and Professor of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University. This book brings together the results of new, groundbreaking research to create a dietary program that can be incorporated into your busy daily life, featuring: • Forty 500- and 600-calorie meals that are quick and easy to make • 8 pages of photos that show you what a typical “fasting meal” looks like • The cutting-edge science behind the program • A calorie counter that makes dieting easy • And much more. Far from being just another fad, the FastDiet is a radical new way of thinking about food, a lifestyle choice that could transform your health. This is your indispensable guide to simple and effective weight loss, without fuss or the need to endlessly deprive yourself.

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The FastDiet – Michael Mosley & Mimi Spencer

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