Tag Archives: retiring

James Hansen is Leaving NASA to Intensify His Campaign for Carbon Cuts

At 72, a leading climate scientist leaves NASA to intensify his carbon-cutting campaign. Link –  James Hansen is Leaving NASA to Intensify His Campaign for Carbon Cuts Related ArticlesFresh Thoughts from Authors of a Paper on 11,300 Years of Global Temperature ChangesDogs, Nets and Poverty – a Tough CombinationPostcard from a Loggerhead Turtle Dying Ground

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James Hansen is Leaving NASA to Intensify His Campaign for Carbon Cuts

Posted in alternative energy, eco-friendly, FF, G & F, GE, Monterey, ONA, PUR, solar, solar power, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on James Hansen is Leaving NASA to Intensify His Campaign for Carbon Cuts