Author Archives: JosephineCandel

Google’s plan to prioritize facts ticks off climate deniers

Google’s plan to prioritize facts ticks off climate deniers

By on 10 Mar 2015commentsShare

As the internet becomes a greater part of our lives, and information travels more quickly, it’s become easier for people to stumble onto inaccurate info, and for that info to take hold and spread. Consider, for example, the anti-vaccination movement, or the “birthers.” And also, of course, climate denial.

Websites proffering misinformation and farfetched conspiracy theories on global warming are just as easy for the casual googler to pull up as, say, an article about the latest IPCC report. (Try googling “Is climate change real?” or something along those lines, then go ahead and cry.)

But that might change. Last month, Google scientists outlined new research on an algorithm to rank websites according to their trustworthiness. Lily Hay Newman explains the project in Slate:

The strategy isn’t being implemented yet, but the paper presented a method for adapting algorithms such that they would generate a “Knowledge-Based Trust” score for every page. To do this, the algorithm would pick out statements and compare them with Google’s Knowledge Vault, a database of facts. It would also attempt to assess the trustworthiness of the source—for example, a reputable news site versus a newly created WordPress blog. Another component of the strategy involves looking at “topic relevance.” The algorithm scans the name of the site and its “about” section for information on its goals.

Climate deniers are already crying “censorship.” Marc Morano — a prominent denier who’s worked for both Rush Limbaugh and Sen. James Inhofe, and who now runs the denial website Climate Depot — complained to Fox News, “They’re going to basically say, truth is what a government agency says it is.” (It’s not just the government that disagrees with Morano on climate science. It’s the overwhelming majority of the world’s experts on climate science. But whatever.)

Of course, Google’s algorithm has always been something of a mystery, privileging some sites over others. The engineers who operate it are reluctant to discuss how exactly it works — though the number of times a site is linked to does play a big role. Google points out that the algorithm is constantly evolving as engineers make small tweaks. So if the search giant isn’t currently guilty of censorship, this new tweak won’t make it any more so. It’s sort of like a cable provider deciding what channels appear toward the top of the list, like major networks and C-SPAN, and which ones get relegated to the triple digits.

If climate-denying sites (and other well-linked-to nonsense) get moved from page one of search results to, say, page three, that might do some societal good. And if you don’t agree, there’s always Bing.



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Google’s plan to prioritize facts ticks off climate deniers

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This poo-powered bus runs on the regular as long as you do

Take the #2

This poo-powered bus runs on the regular as long as you do

By on 20 Nov 2014commentsShare

A bus that runs on gas made from feces and food scraps makes its maiden voyage today. Bath Bus Company’s new crapmobile delivers passengers along the No. 2 line between Bath and Bristol Airport.

Here’s The Guardian, on what it calls the U.K.’s first poo bus:

The 40-seat “Bio-Bus” runs on biomethane gas, generated through the treatment of sewage and food waste. It can travel up to 186 miles on one tank of gas, which takes the annual waste of around five people to produce. …

Engineers believe the bus could provide a sustainable way of fuelling public transport while improving urban air quality.

Hold up. Burning turds and rotting foodstuffs will improve air quality in cities? OK, so they’re not filling up the tank with actual turds. 

The gas is generated at Bristol sewage treatment works, run by GENeco, a subsidiary of Wessex Water. It produces fewer emissions than traditional diesel engines and is both renewable and sustainable.

Sustainabuzzwords aside, the fact that shit fuel pollutes less than fossil fuel paints an unpleasant picture of just how dirty fossil energy really is.

GENeco’s biofuel plant not only gases up the airport shittle, I mean shuttle, but also supplies the national gas network with enough fuel for 8,500 households. That’s good news, since those homes, like most, otherwise meet heating and cooking needs with natural gas, one of those climate-warming fossil fuels.

Yesterday — World Toilet Day — came with a reminder that billions lack a Super Bowl to which to take the Browns, so to speak. (And access to sanitation is not only a poor-country problem; check out this map of San Francisco’s sidewalk stools.)

Today, the butt-mud bus gruntingly calls out supposedly modern waste systems for treating (toilet) treasures like trash. From fertilizer to fuel, the fruits of our feculence and food refuse are making “human waste and food waste” sound like quaint fogeyisms.

As if making poops weren’t gratifying enough.

UK’s first ‘poo bus’ hits the road

, The Guardian.

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This poo-powered bus runs on the regular as long as you do

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Obama Should Have Personally Announced the Latest Obamacare Deadline Extension

Mother Jones

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Chris Hayes used his program tonight to highlight a deadline extension for a health care program—one that happened back in 2006. Here’s how Knight Ridder reported it at the time:

With pressure mounting to extend next Monday’s enrollment deadline for the Medicare prescription-drug benefit, the Bush administration took another small step in that direction Tuesday, waiving penalty fees for very low-income seniors and people with disabilities who sign up late….The move follows a recent administration decision to allow the same impoverished beneficiaries to sign up for Medicare drug coverage until Dec. 31.

“In other words, you can apply after May 15th without penalty. And that’s important for low-income seniors to understand,” President Bush told a group of older Americans in Sun City Center, Fla., on Tuesday.

This is mostly being used to show Republican hypocrisy. They’re all yelling and screaming about President Obama’s “lawlessness” in extending the deadline for Obamacare signups, but none of them uttered a peep of protest when President Bush did the same thing. What a bunch of partisan hacks.

And fair enough. But I have a different lesson to take from this: You’ll notice that Bush treated his extension like something worth taking credit for. He personally announced it. In a speech. That showed up on television. And people heard about it because the press pays more attention to things when the president says them.

Obama’s deadline extension, by contrast, was passively conveyed to the media via anonymous “administration officials.” Granted, Obama is in Europe at the moment, and maybe he’ll say something personally when he gets back. But even if he does, it’ll be old news by then and nobody will bother with it.

That’s a missed opportunity. And it’s especially unfortunate given today’s news that 61 percent of the currently uninsured are unaware of the March 31 deadline. It sure seems like the deadline extension would have been a handy excuse to put the president in front of the cameras to tell everyone that they had only a few days left to start the signup process.

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Obama Should Have Personally Announced the Latest Obamacare Deadline Extension

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