
The Knightly Houses of the Imperium march to war, resplendent in their mighty war machines. Heraldry and iconography are of upmost importance to the Knights, each colour and symbol part of the oath to their lord and Emperor. In battle, it is by a Knight’s heraldry that he is known, whether it is the deep green of House Cadmus or the bloody red of House Raven […]
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Appearing from the shifting tides of the Warp, the Legion of the Damned are mysterious bone-adorned Space Marines who arrive unlooked for to aid the servants of the Imperium. No one knows for sure where they come from, but none can doubt the fury with which they fight, or the trail of dead foes they leave in their wake. Tormented by a ghostly past and afflic […]
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Issue 5 of White Dwarf celebrates the release of the Imperial Knight kit with a look at the new Codex: Imperial Knights and the glorious new Imperial Knights Companion book. There’s also a ‘Knightly Duels’ minigame which allows you to use your Imperial Knight in a fun new way, along with painting guides, a Battle Report and much, much more. Ab […]
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Appearing from the shifting tides of the Warp, the Legion of the Damned are mysterious bone-adorned Space Marines who arrive unlooked for to aid the servants of the Imperium. No one knows for sure where they come from, but none can doubt the fury with which they fight, or the trail of dead foes they leave in their wake. Tormented by a ghostly past and afflic […]
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Imperial Knights are ancient war machines of the Imperium, each one a towering engine of destruction capable of laying waste to an entire army. Smaller and more versatile than the Titan Legions, Knights often give close support to Imperial armies, where their mighty guns and devastating reaper chainswords vanquish even the strongest foes. Each Knight hails f […]
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The invasion of Satys enters a new and deadly phase as the Hive Mind drowns the planet in a deluge of biohorrors. Though tens of thousands lie dead already, the Catachans, led by Colonel Krelm, desperately try to hold key fortifications within the irradiated jungles, hoping to keep the swarm at bay. The surviving members of the Aurora Space Marine Chapter fi […]
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In these 20 heartfelt essays, Rachael Herron celebrated romance novelist by day, 911 dispatcher by night, and founder of the hugely popular blog shows how when life unravels there’s always a way to knit it back together again, many times into something even better. Honest, funny, and full of warmth, Herron’s tales, each inspired by so […]
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From the bestselling author and star of National Geographic Channel’s Dog Whisperer , the only resource you’ll need for raising a happy, healthy dog. For the millions of people every year who consider bringing a puppy into their lives–as well as those who have already brought a dog home–Cesar Millan, the preeminent dog behavior expert, says, “Yes, […]
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Issue 4 of White Dwarf is dominated by the arrival of the Imperial Knight; we support it with painting guides, full rules and more. About this series: White Dwarf is Games Workshop’s weekly magazine, and boasts a wealth of great content, from the latest new releases to modelling and painting guides, gaming features, interviews with designers and writers […]
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For more than thirty years the Monks of New Skete have been among America’s most trusted authorities on dog training, canine behavior, and the animal/human bond. In their two now-classic bestsellers, How to be Your Dog’s Best Friend and The Art of Raising a Puppy, the Monks draw on their experience as long-time breeders of German shepherds and as t […]
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Student-designed kit turns 10 gallon aquariums into aquaponic gardens