Tag Archives: vitter

Louisiana Just Voted to Give a Quarter of a Million People Health Care

Mother Jones

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Republican Sen. David Vitter lost his bid to be the next governor of Louisiana on Saturday, and it wasn’t even close. The two-term senator lost the runoff election to Democratic state Rep. John Bel Edwards by double digits, setting the stage for the state to potentially become the first in the Deep South to accept a pivotal part of Obamacare.

Vitter was dogged by a decade-old prostitution scandal, and a bizarre spying incident at a coffee shop. Desperate to make up ground, he warned voters in one ad that President Obama would release “thugs” from prison onto Louisiana streets. Vitter also sought to turn the tide by warning voters of a terrorist threat posed by the state’s 14 Syrian refugees. He went as far as to allege (falsely, it turned out) that one of the refugees had gone missing. It didn’t work.

Edwards, an anti-abortion, pro-gun, West Point grad, became the first Democratic candidate to win a statewide election in Louisiana since 2008, and benefited from support from Republicans who were dissatisfied with Vitter’s personal troubles and who were disappointed by the state’s financial woes under outgoing Gov. Bobby Jindal. (By the time Jindal dropped out of the presidential race on Wednesday, the one-time rising star’s approval ratings had dropped to 20-percent.)

Jindal also rejected federal funding to expand Medicaid. Edwards has pledged to sign an executive order authorizing the expansion of the program on his first day in office. That’s a really big deal. Such a move would provide coverage to about 225,000 residents in one of the poorest states in the nation.

See the original article here:

Louisiana Just Voted to Give a Quarter of a Million People Health Care

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Tom Steyer’s latest project will help climate change’s victims

Tom Steyer’s latest project will help climate change’s victims

Coconino National Forest

The Climate Disaster Relief Fund won’t extinguish the wildfires ravaging America’s tinder-dry west, but it may help some of the victims of the fires rebuild their charred lives. And, as the fund grows in the coming years, it should help other victims of global warming.

The new fund was launched Friday with a $2 million donation from billionaire climate activist Tom Steyer and his wife Kat Taylor. It will provide grants to organizations in the U.S. that help people affected by droughts, floods, other severe weather events linked to climate change. (It’s totally separate from Steyer’s NextGen Climate Action super PAC, which is channeling tens of millions to support climate-friendly candidates in this year’s elections.)

“Those affected by the 2013 wildfire season have already felt the devastating impacts of climate change,” Steyer said in a statement, “and while the Climate Disaster Relief Fund will help with their recovery efforts, we must act now to prevent future climate-related disasters.”

Last year, Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) accused Steyer of hypocrisy for opposing the Keystone XL pipeline while having made money from investments in oil-pipeline builder Kinder Morgan. Steyer responded by saying that his portfolio was being divested of dirty-energy stocks and that he would donate all personal profits from those investments to climate victims. With this new fund, he fulfills his pledge.

Steyer made his own challenge to Vitter: “I challenge you to divest yourself of any tainted financial benefits by contributing the $1,135,792.00 your campaigns for federal office have received from the fossil fuel industry to a charitable community cause of your choice in Louisiana,” Steyer wrote in an open letter last year. “I suggest supporting the victims of the BP oil spill, the continuing efforts to support the state’s recovery from the extreme weather of Hurricane Katrina, or those hard working Louisiana citizens economically impacted by the Mississippi River drought last year.”

No word yet on whether Vitter plans to follow Steyer’s lead. We’re guessing not.

Billionaire sets up fund for victims of climate change, San Francisco Chronicle

John Upton is a science fan and green news boffin who tweets, posts articles to Facebook, and blogs about ecology. He welcomes reader questions, tips, and incoherent rants: johnupton@gmail.com.

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Tom Steyer’s latest project will help climate change’s victims

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