Tag Archives: watch-the-whole

President Obama Just Surprised Joe Biden With the Presidential Medal of Freedom

Mother Jones

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President Obama just awarded Vice-President Biden the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Though he knew Obama was going to honor him, Biden apparently didn’t know he was going to receive the nation’s highest civilian honor.

You can watch the whole event here:

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President Obama Just Surprised Joe Biden With the Presidential Medal of Freedom

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Stephen Colbert takes on Trump’s bizarre antics in coal country

Stephen Colbert takes on Trump’s bizarre antics in coal country

By on May 10, 2016Share

Donald Trump donned a hard hat on a campaign trip to West Virginia last week and mimicked working in the coal mines — a move that would have been humiliating if he possessed the ability to feel shame. It was quite a sight, as we noted yesterday, and unfortunately for Trump, the move didn’t escape the attention of Stephen Colbert. “Wow, he really looks like a miner,” Colbert said on his show Monday. “Right down to that orange soot all over his face from years in the Dorito mines.”

Amen, brother. You can watch the whole segment above.

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Stephen Colbert takes on Trump’s bizarre antics in coal country

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Watch Donald Trump Defend His Campaign Manager Over Battery Charges

Mother Jones

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The first question Donald Trump was asked during CNN’s town hall in Wisconsin on Tuesday was whether he would fire his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, who was charged with misdemeanor battery on Tuesday for allegedly manhandling a reporter at an event earlier this month. Trump, noting that he is “a loyal person” who defends people who are “unjustly accused,” said Lewandowski would continue to serve on his campaign team.

Watch the whole exchangebelow.

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Watch Donald Trump Defend His Campaign Manager Over Battery Charges

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Here’s Mindy Kaling’s Hilarious Speech to Harvard Law: "You Will Defend BP From Birds."

Mother Jones

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Here’s actress/comedian Mindy Kaling speaking at this year’s Harvard Law School Class Day on Wednesday:

With this diploma in hand, most of you will go on to the noblest of pursuits, like helping a cable company acquire a telecom company. You will defend BP from birds. You will spend hours arguing that the well water was contaminated well before the fracking occurred. One of you will sort out the details of my prenup. A dozen of you will help me with my acrimonious divorce. And one of you will fall in love in the process.

Later, on a more serious note, Kaling urged graduates to “please just try to be the kind of people who give advice to celebrities, not the other way around.” She continued: “You are entering a profession where no matter how bad the crime, or the criminal, you have to defend the alleged perpetrator. That’s incredible to me.”

You can check out other highlights from her speech here, and you should watch the whole thing above.

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Here’s Mindy Kaling’s Hilarious Speech to Harvard Law: "You Will Defend BP From Birds."

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