Roads? Where we’re going, we need solar roads. Concept rendering by Sam Cornett/Indiegogo Four years ago, Scott and Julie Brusaw announced their provocative concept of “Solar Roadways,” a system of modular solar panels that could be paved directly onto roads, parking lots, driveways, bike paths, “literally any surface under the sun.” Since then, the Brusaws have received two rounds of funding from the Federal Highway Administration as well as a private grant to develop their project. They now have a working prototype featuring hexagonal panels that cover a 12-by-36-foot parking lot. In addition to the potential to power nearby homes, businesses, and electric vehicles, the panels also have heating elements for convenient snow and ice removal, as well as LEDs that can make road signage. According to the Brusaws’ calculations, Solar Roadways, if installed nationwide, could generate over three times the electricity currently used in the United States. Read the rest at The Atlantic Cities.
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That Amazing ‘Solar Roadways’ Project Has a Working Prototype
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That Amazing ‘Solar Roadways’ Project Has a Working Prototype