Tag Archives: elections

The Story of the Great Brooklyn Voter Purge Keeps Getting Weirder

Mother Jones

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The first head has rolled after more than 100,000 voters were mistakenly purged from the Brooklyn voter rolls ahead of this week’s New York primary, which handed Hillary Clinton a much-needed win over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. Diane Haslett-Rudiano, the chief clerk of the New York Board of Elections, was suspended “without pay, effective immediately, pending an internal investigation into the administration of the voter rolls in the Borough of Brooklyn,” the agency said in a statement, according to the New York Daily News.

Anonymous city elections officials said Haslett-Rudiano, who was in charge of the city’s Republican voter rolls, had been “scapegoated,” according to the New York Post. “It sounds like they cut a deal to make the Republican the scapegoat and protect Betty Ann,” an anonymous Democratic elected official from Brooklyn told the Post, referring to Betty Ann Canizio, who was in charge of the Democratic voter rolls.

On the day of the primary, New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio, a Clinton supporter, said he’d heard reports of the “purging of entire buildings and blocks of voters from the voting lists.” He said, “The perception that numerous voters may have been disenfranchised undermines the integrity of the entire electoral process.”

The voter purge was just one of several problems with the primary throughout the city. Voters also reported long lines, poll locations that didn’t open, and, in one case, an elections worker sleeping on the job.

According to the Daily News, Haslett-Rudiano was in charge of maintaining accurate voter registration lists, a job that includes updating party registration information and removing the names of people who’ve died or moved. That process had fallen six months to a year behind schedule, according to WNYC, which reported the day before the primary that 60,000 Democrats had been removed from the polls in Brooklyn. That number later doubled after the Board of Elections followed up on the WNYC story.

New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer has opened an investigation into the matter, and New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced that his office had received more than 1,000 complaints about the election and would also look into “alleged improprieties” by the New York City Board of Elections. Scheiderman’s statement noted that he would expand his investigation to other areas of the state if warranted. On Friday, an official in Schneiderman’s press office told Mother Jones that there had been reports of issues in other parts of the state, but that for now the investigation was limited to the New York City area.

“Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy, and if any New Yorker was illegally prevented from voting, I will do everything in my power to make their vote count and ensure that it never happens again,” Schneiderman said.

According to the Daily News, Haslett-Rudiano skipped a step in the process of purging people from the list, which led to some people being improperly removed. Many voters reported being registered as Democrats, only to find that their affiliation had been changed from Democrat to unaffiliated. That meant they couldn’t vote in New York’s closed primary election, which requires an official registration with one of the major parties.

This isn’t the first time Haslett-Rudiano has made headlines. According to the Daily News, a building she owned on the Upper West Side of Manhattan was the subject of more than 20 Department of Buildings violations over the years after she’d let it fall into disrepair. The building, which she reportedly bought for $5,000 in 1976, was sold in 2014 for $6.6 million.

New York State Board of Elections spokesman Thomas Connolly told Think Progress that each complaint he’d followed up on had been due to a mistake on the voter’s part. “I’ve yet to come across a voter registration that’s been maliciously changed,” he said. “There’s always been a legitimate reason.”

Election Justice USA, a national organization formed after the botched Arizona elections on March 22, tried to help voters whose affiliations had been switched without their knowledge by filing a lawsuit to make the primaries open to any registered voter. A judge dismissed that request on Tuesday, but the group hasn’t given up. Shyla Nelson, a co-founder of the organization, said there is an ongoing lawsuit seeking a review of all the provisional ballots submitted by voters who reported being removed from the rolls against their will. The group is also seeking to have provisional ballots (sometimes referred to as “affidavit ballots” in New York) counted before the state certifies its primary results on May 5.

Nelson told Mother Jones that an evidentiary hearing will be held in the case on April 29. The group is nonpartisan, said Nelson, who noted that there are Republicans among the 700-plus reports of election troubles the group has collected. She added that until there’s a full understanding of improperly disqualified ballots, the results of the election are in doubt.

“If that had not happened, would that have changed the outcome of the election?” she asked. “It may have. And so long as that’s out there as a question, I think we’re looking at some deep fundamental questions about how we conduct our elections systematically, and what it is that we need to do to ensure that we’re not left with so severe a level of doubt in that process.”

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The Story of the Great Brooklyn Voter Purge Keeps Getting Weirder

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Kansas Voters Have 21 Days to Register if They Speak English, or 15 if They Speak Spanish

Mother Jones

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Prospective voters in Kansas were given different instructions for how and when to register to vote depending on whether they received the English- or Spanish-language voter guide issued by the Kansas secretary of state’s office.

The English-language version correctly informed voters that they could register up to 21 days before an election. But the Spanish-language version told voters that they had only 15 days to register, according to the Kansas City Star. Passports were listed as a valid proof of citizenship in the English version; in the Spanish version, they were not.

Craig McCullah, who oversees publications in the secretary of state’s office, apologized in the Star for the “administrative error” and said he was “diligently working to fix” the issue. He said the online versions were corrected within a day and the physical versions were sent to a translating service to eliminate discrepancies.

It’s unclear exactly when the errors were introduced or whether the erroneous voter guides had an effect on registration for the state’s presidential caucuses on March 5.

The botched voter guides, first flagged by a Democratic consultant in Daily Kos, have sparked the latest in a series of controversies over strict voter registration policies in Kansas under Secretary of State Kris Kobach.

A former Justice Department counsel in the George W. Bush administration and law professor at the University of Missouri at Kansas City, Kobach was known for helping craft anti-immigration laws in Arizona, Alabama, and Georgia and for pushing the idea of self-deportation. Since becoming secretary of state in 2010, he has restricted access to the polls in Kansas and pursued criminal prosecutions for alleged instances of voter fraud, despite its rare occurrence. In 2013, even as the Supreme Court struck down a law requiring proof of citizenship for federal elections in Arizona, the state established a two-tier voter system that required Kansas residents to provide proof of citizenship to vote in state and local elections.

Kansas is one of several Republican-controlled states that imposed tighter voter restrictions after the 2010 midterm election. Those policies have prompted legal challenges from civil rights advocates, who argue that such restrictions affect young, minority, Democratic-leaning voters. In January, a Kansas district court judge, Franklin Theis, struck down the state’s two-tier system, noting that Kobach, as secretary of state, “is not empowered to determine or declare the method of registration or create a method of ‘partial registration’ only.” Kobach plans to appeal the ruling.

In February, the American Civil Liberties Union again challenged the state’s voting policies, claiming the proof of citizenship requirement would keep at least 30,000 people, or 14 percent of Kansans who tried to register, off the voter rolls. The lawsuit is also seeking to prevent the state from tossing out more than 350,000 registration applications that are considered incomplete because prospective voters did not provide proof of citizenship.

Originally posted here: 

Kansas Voters Have 21 Days to Register if They Speak English, or 15 if They Speak Spanish

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9 Facts That Blow Up the Voter-Fraud Myth

Mother Jones

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Among the conservative talking points that refuse to die is the idea that there is widespread voter fraud in America. The most recent warning about the scourge of illegal voting came from Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who recently claimed “The fact is voter fraud is rampant.”

That’s simply not true, as many new outlets reported. (See here, here, and here). According to Politifact, there were just 85 prosecutions for voter fraud in Texas from 2002 to 2015, and not all of them led to convictions. That’s a paltry number considering that more than 42 million ballots were cast in the state’s general elections from 2002 to 2014.

The reality is voter fraud—which includes a range of offenses from impersonating another voter to casting more than one vote—is extraordinarily rare. And the tsunami of voter ID laws, address requirements, and sloppy purges of voter rolls made it much harder for Americans—particularly minorities and poor voters—to cast their ballots.

Here are some selections from our reporting on the voter fraud myth and the impact of anti-voter fraud laws:

The rate of fraud in US elections is close to zero.
UFO sightings are more common that voter fraud.
So is getting struck by lightning.
Florida’s aggressive efforts to root out voter fraud before the 2000 election erroneously spiked more than 4,700 names—44 percent of African Americans’—from the voter rolls. That was more than enough votes to change the outcome of that year’s presidential election.
Native Americans are fighting a slew of high-stakes legal battles over voting rights; many of the lawsuits are linked to rules that were designed to prevent voting fraud.
Voter ID laws are among a host of hurdles that minorities face when they cast a ballot.
A national voter ID card could end the debate on voter fraud, but both parties hate that idea.
GOP presidential contender Ted Cruz’s Iowa chairman spent $250,000 to stop people from voting.
Interestingly, a conservative activist inadvertently demonstrated how hard it is to commit voter fraud.


9 Facts That Blow Up the Voter-Fraud Myth

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John Oliver Slams Donald Trump and GOP Rivals for Reducing Election to Dick-Measuring Contest

Mother Jones

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Judging by Donald Trump’s sweeping victories on Super Tuesday, Republican voters have decidedly ignored John Oliver’s plea to #MakeDonaldDrumpfagain and are on track to nominate the “serial liar” for president—at least for the time being.

But that doesn’t mean the “Last Week Tonight” host is done skewering Trump or his GOP rivals, especially after last week’s vulgar debate in Detroit, in which the real estate magnate boasted about the size of his penis on national television.

“That’s right, Donald Trump just talked about his dick during a presidential debate,” Oliver said. “A dick which I presume looks like a Cheeto with the cheese dust rubbed off.”

He then played audio excerpts of Trump’s ex-wife’s equally cringe-worthy romance novel, read by Morgan Fairchild.

As Oliver declared last night, welcome to “Clowntown Fuck-The-World Shitshow 2016.”

See the original article here:

John Oliver Slams Donald Trump and GOP Rivals for Reducing Election to Dick-Measuring Contest

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Donald Trump Says Mitt Romney "Would Have Dropped To His Knees" For Him

Mother Jones

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Donald Trump addressed a frenzied crowd in Portland, Maine, on Thursday afternoon during a campaign press conference.

The GOP front-runner hit all his usual marks—calls for building a border wall and deporting undocumented immigrants, reading polls from pieces of paper he pulls from his inside jacket pocket—but devoted a fair chunk of his time to lashing back against former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who publicly criticized Trump and questioned whether he was fit to be president.

“Mitt is a failed candidate. He failed. He failed horribly,” Trump said. “That was a race—I have to say, folks—that should have been won. That was a race that absolutely should have been won. He disappeared, and I wasn’t happy about it, to be honest, because I am not a fan of Barack Obama.”

Romney had begged for his support, Trump claimed, during Romney’s bid to unseat President Obama in 2012: “You can see how loyal he was, he was begging for my endorsement. I could have said, ‘Drop to your knees!’ and he would have dropped to his knees.”

Trump also claimed he intimidated Romney, who “choked” and “chickened out” of running for president in 2016.

Romney responded to Trump’s comments in a tweet posted on 2:13 p.m. Eastern.

Link to original: 

Donald Trump Says Mitt Romney "Would Have Dropped To His Knees" For Him

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Rubio Makes Fun of Trump for Spelling "Choker" Correctly

Mother Jones

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At a campaign rally on Friday morning, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida took out his phone and read from Donald Trump’s Twitter account, hoping to mock the GOP front-runner. Things did not go according to plan.

Rubio made fun of Trump’s spelling of the word “choker”—except that Trump’s tweet, as Rubio read it, spelled the word correctly. “He spelled choker C-H-O-K-E-R,” Rubio said. “Chocker.”

Trump did misspell the word in an earlier tweet, which he deleted.


Rubio Makes Fun of Trump for Spelling "Choker" Correctly

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Donald Trump Lost the Iowa Caucus. Now He’s Whining on Twitter.

Mother Jones

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This is such an awesome bit of whining from Donald Trump that I felt I had to share it. I think we need a new word for this. Trump+whining = Twining. Or Trump + griping = Triping. Or something. Maybe figure out a way to add the concept that he’s actually a winner even when he’s objectively a failure. That might take some kind of German construction, though.

See more here: 

Donald Trump Lost the Iowa Caucus. Now He’s Whining on Twitter.

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Ted Cruz’s New Anti-Choice Group Is Headed by a Guy Who Thinks Abortion Caused the Drought

Mother Jones

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During a campaign stop in Des Moines, Iowa, on Wednesday, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said he’s created an anti-abortion group that will “champion every child, born and unborn.” The Pro-Lifers for Cruz coalition already has more than 17,000 members, according to a press release, and will be chaired by Tony Perkins, the anti-LGBT president of the Family Research Council who recently said same-sex marriage is responsible for “havoc in our homes and blood in our streets.” Florida Sen. Marco Rubio has also created a committee, but Cruz has cornered some of the more extreme members of the anti-abortion movement.

Also heading up the coalition are 11 anti-abortion co-chairs “representing virtually every perspective on the pro-life spectrum.” One of those perspectives is that of Troy Newman, the president of Operation Rescue and a board member of the Center for Medical Progress, the group behind the debunked Planned Parenthood videos, whose founder David Daleiden was recently indicted for alleged crimes in connection to the videos. In his announcement on Wednesday, Cruz called Newman’s group “one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation.”

Newman has been involved in anti-abortion organizing for decades, and in 1999 he became the president of Operation Rescue, a group with a long history devoted to shuttering abortion clinics. In 2000 he published the book Their Blood Cries Out, in which he calls abortion doctors “blood-guilty.” In a passage of the book, which is now out of print, Newman wrote that “the United States government has abrogated its responsibility to properly deal with the blood-guilty. This responsibility rightly involves executing convicted murderers, including abortionists, for their crimes in order to expunge bloodguilt sic from the land and people.”

In 2002, Newman moved Operation Rescue headquarters from Southern California to Wichita, Kansas, the home of Dr. George Tiller, one of the only later-term abortion providers in the country at the time. Tiller was shot to death while volunteering as an usher for his church. Scott Roeder, 51, who participated in Operation Rescue events and protests in Wichita, was eventually sentenced to 50 years in prison for the murder. Newman immediately distanced himself from Roeder following Tiller’s death. Operation Rescue’s senior vice president is Cheryl Sullenger, who in the late 1980s served two years in federal prison for conspiring to bomb an abortion clinic.

A year after moving to Wichita, Newman commented on the state execution of Paul Hill, a man convicted of murdering a Florida-based abortion provider and his volunteer escort. In a joint press release, Newman’s Operation Rescue and another pro-life organization wrote that Hill’s execution was unjust because “there are many examples where taking the life in defense of innocent human beings is legally justified and permissible under the law…Execution under these circumstances is nothing less than murder of a political prisoner.”

Last October, Newman, who had been scheduled to speak at an anti-abortion event, was deported from Australia because government officials thought he would be “a threat to good order” and that his views on abortion could compromise the safety and well-being of women seeking abortions. Newman has recently claimed that the ongoing drought in California is caused by abortion: “Is it no wonder that California is experiencing the worst drought in history when it is the largest child-killer in all of the United States?”

Ken Cuccinelli, the former state senator and attorney general of Virginia who has said he opposes abortion even when the pregnancy is a health risk to the woman, is another co-chair of the committee. So is Gianna Jessen, who calls herself an “abortion survivor” because she was born after her mother failed an attempted saline abortion. A disability activist, she testified against Planned Parenthood during the House’s investigation last year.

“I always say that men are born to defend women and children, not sit idly by, or be passive when they are being harmed,” Jessen is quoted as saying on Cruz’s website. “Senator Cruz has been absolutely courageous in his defense of the unborn, and willing to stand alone.”

This article has been revised.

View original post here – 

Ted Cruz’s New Anti-Choice Group Is Headed by a Guy Who Thinks Abortion Caused the Drought

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Palin Stumps for Trump, and It Gets Weird

Mother Jones

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Fresh off her endorsement of the real estate mogul, Sarah Palin teamed up with Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump for a campaign rally Wednesday in Tulsa, Oklahoma (or, according to press credentials provided by the Trump campaign, “Tusla,” Oklahoma). In her signature rambling style, the former Alaska governor delivered sweeping attacks of President Barack Obama, accusing him of wearing political correctness “like a suicide vest.”

Trump, not to be outdone by his opening act, hammered Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders for being “a socialist, a communist,” repeatedly berated the camera crews for not panning to see how huge the crowd was, threw out several protesters, and, before leaving the stage, made his boldest promise yet of just how much winning America would experience under the leadership of a Trump administration.

“You people are going to get sick and tired of winning,” Trump said. “You’re going to say, ‘Please, please, President Trump, we can’t take this much victory. Please stop, we don’t want any more wins.’ And I’m going to say to you, ‘We’re going to win, I don’t care what you say.'”

Palin, meanwhile, appeared to use the Monday night arrest of her son Track, after he allegedly punched his girlfriend and child’s mother in the face and then threatened to shoot himself with an AR-15, to attack Obama. Palin slammed Obama for his disregard for veterans like Track, who often experience difficulty after they return from combat.

“I can speak personally about this, I guess it’s the elephant in the room because my own family, going through what we’re going through today with my son, a combat vet in a striker brigade fighting for you all, America, in the war zone,” Palin said, to cheers. “But my son, like so many others, they come back a bit different, they come back hardened…and it makes me realize more than ever, it is now or never for the sake of America’s finest that we have that commander in chief who will respect them, and honor them.”

This article:

Palin Stumps for Trump, and It Gets Weird

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Here Is Every Crazy, Insane, Terrible, Genius, Infuriating Thing Donald Trump Did This Year

Mother Jones

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It’s hard to overstate Donald Trump’s impact on the 2016 race for the White House. The business tycoon symbolizes the shift from traditional presidential campaigns to the new uncampaign. Trump has had no need to pander for money, and he has been impervious to criticism—no matter how justified. He seems to only be strengthened by political gaffes that would doom other candidates. This year, he has dominated the news cycle repeatedly and ridden high in the polls. Chronicling all his whacky remarks, blunders, outrageous proposals, and, of course, crazy tweets of this past year would be nearly impossible. But we tried.

January 24: A friendly and relatively noncombative Trump delivers a speech at the Iowa Freedom Summit, where he says he has “tremendous respect for the tea party.”

January 26: Two days after his speech in Iowa, Trump talks to Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren about a possible presidential run. After saying that 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney is “not a closer” and noting that former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has no chance to win the White House because of his last name, Trump explains that he’s “very, very seriously considering” a run. “I could make America great again,” he insists.

January 31: Almost immediately, Trump’s “run” is dismissed as a publicity gambit cooked up to promote his businesses and TV shows. Writing in the New York Times, Gail Collins includes him in a list of people, such as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who are “feigning interest in the presidential race in order to promote their cheesy television shows.”

March 1-5: Early indications suggest that Republican voters agree Trump isn’t a serious candidate. A poll done by the Wall Street Journal and NBC finds that 74 percent of Republican primary voters say they couldn’t imagine voting for him.

March 8: Bush appears to be the odds-on favorite for the GOP nomination, and Trump’s possible run is still not being taken seriously. Analyzing the potential candidacy of Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a Cleveland Plain Dealer opinion writer notes that Trump is 99 percent sure not to be nominated as the Republican candidate because he’s “too despicable.”

March 18: Trump announces that he is going to form an exploratory committee. “I have a great love for our country, but it is a country that is in serious trouble. We have lost the respect of the entire world. Americans deserve better than what they get from their politicians—who are all talk and no action!” Trump says in a statement. Politico reports that Trump has made “several key hires” in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina and that “additional advisers” are “based in New York.”

March 19: The day after his exploratory committee is announced, his campaign is dismissed by political pundits and operatives. Mark Barabak of the Los Angeles Times writes that Trump is “flirting—again—with a contest he has no chance of winning.” Former New Hampshire GOP Chairman Fergus Cullen tells the Boston Herald that “I look forward to the day he quits the race, and I hope that he does so in complete disgrace. I don’t want to give him an ounce of serious assessment or credibility as somebody who is a serious person in any way.”

March 25: Washington Post writer Phillip Bump reiterates the widespread doubts about Trump, writing that “very few people consider Donald Trump a real candidate for president.”

April 16: Trump quotes a controversial tweet about Hillary Clinton:

April 17: A Trump spokesperson tells the Daily Caller that one of Trump’s 10 staff members retweeted the Clinton tweet. “As soon as Mr. Trump saw the tweet he deleted it,” the spokesperson says.

April 27: Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen argues that Trump being in the race makes everybody look better by comparison. “The man provides a utility that the party dearly needs,” he writes. “He makes the other candidates seem reasonable.”

May 17: Trump attends the Iowa Republican Party’s Lincoln Dinner, an annual fundraiser for the state party that attracts national candidates during election cycles. “We have to make our country great again,” he says. “We have to.” During the speech, Trump tells the crowd that he will have an announcement that is “going to surprise a lot of people.”

May 28: Trump has 4.5 percent support in the RealClearPolitics average of national GOP presidential polls, more than 10 points behind front-runner Bush, who leads the pack at 14.8 percent.

May 30: Referring to the Lincoln Dinner, the New York Post‘s Kyle Smith writes a piece, “Stop pretending—Donald Trump is not running for president.” Smith calls Trump’s announcement tease a “bid for publicity” and cites his unpopularity within the GOP as a reason he will never run.

June 16: After slowly descending a golden escalator in the lobby of Trump Towers in New York City—a scene oddly predicted by The Simpsons—Trump announces his candidacy. “Today I am declaring my candidacy for president,” he says. “I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” Trump talks about how much money he has (“I’m not doing that to brag”), the American Dream (“the American Dream is dead”), and how the country is run by “losers.” This is also the speech where Trump unveils his thoughts on Mexico and immigration:

The US has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems…When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you referring to the crowd. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

The day he announces, conservative Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin writes a column titled “The Trump Clown Show” and calls Trump a “huckster” who isn’t serious about running for president. She adds that he’s a “ludicrous figure with no chance to win,” and that he’s using a presidential campaign “purely as self-promotion and to air his obnoxious attitudes.”

June 17: The Hollywood Reporter reveals that some of the supporters at Trump’s announcement were paid $50 each to be there.

June 25 : Univision announces it will drop the Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants and cut all ties with Trump after his remarks about Mexican immigrants.

June 26: Trump posts a letter he sends to Univision CEO Randy Falco:

Letter to @Univision- re: @TrumpDoral

A photo posted by Donald J. Trump (@realdonaldtrump) on Jun 26, 2015 at 1:10pm PDT

June 29: NBCUniversal, the network that jointly produced the Miss Universe and Miss USA pageants with Trump, cuts ties to Trump. “At NBC, respect and dignity for all people are cornerstones of our values,” the network says in a statement. “Due to the recent derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants, NBCUniversal is ending its business relationship with Mr. Trump.”

Speaking with reporters after a campaign event in Chicago, Trump blasts NBC’s decision: “If NBC is so weak and so foolish to not understand the serious illegal immigration problem in the United States, coupled with the horrendous and unfair trade deals we are making with Mexico, then their contract violating closure of Miss Universe/Miss USA will be determined in court.” He later adds, “They will stand behind lying Brian Williams, but won’t stand behind people that tell it like it is, as unpleasant as that may be.”

June 30: Trump files a $500 million lawsuit against Univision.

July 1: Two weeks after he announces his candidacy, Trump shoots to second in a national CNN poll of Republicans. Bush leads at this point with 19 percent, compared with Trump’s 12 percent.

July 1: Still dealing with the fallout from his comments about “rapists” coming across the border from Mexico, Trump utters one of the more memorable lines of the year. When CNN’s Don Lemon tries to get Trump to distinguish between rape in Mexico and criminals who come across the border, Trump says, “Somebody’s doing the raping, Don…Who’s doing the raping?”

July 1: Macy’s announces that it is cutting ties with Trump over his comments about Mexican immigrants. Only minutes after Macy’s announces its decision, Trump releases a statement saying it was his decision to end the business relationship. “I have decided to terminate my relationship with Macy’s because of the pressure being put on them by outside sources,” he says. “While selling Trump ties and shirts at Macy’s is a small business in terms of dollar volume, my principles are far more important and therefore much more valuable.”

July 8: Acclaimed restaurateur José Andrés announces that he is pulling his restaurant from Trump’s planned Washington, DC, hotel.

July 11: Trump keeps up his attacks on Univision:

July 14: The Trump campaign tweets an ad that includes a photo of marching soldiers. After the photo’s context is pointed out on the internet, the campaign deletes the tweet and says an intern didn’t notice that the stock photo was of Nazi soldiers.

July 18: In a speech at Family Leadership Summit in Iowa, Trump says Sen. John McCain “is not a war hero” and is only considered a “war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured.” The Iowa audience laughs and applauds.

Political commentators and his GOP rivals rip Trump for the comments, and some consider Trump’s insults a mortal blow to his campaign:

A headline in the New York Post later that day reads, “Trump campaign implodes after McCain war hero insult.” It quotes several of Trump’s GOP primary opponents condemning the remarks. Former Republican GOP candidate Mitt Romney tweets, “The difference between @SenJohnMcCain and @realDonaldTrump: Trump shot himself down.”

July 20: Trump reaches first place in the RealClearPolitics poll averages, besting Bush for the first time.

July 20: South Carolina GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham, who entered the race on June 1, calls Trump a “jackass” on CNN in response to Trump’s criticism of McCain. “What he said about John, I think, was offensive,” Graham says. “He’s becoming a jackass at a time when we need to have a serious debate about the future of the party and the country. This is a line he’s crossed, and this is the beginning of the end of Donald Trump…I am really pissed.”

July 21: After calling Graham a “lightweight” and an “idiot,” Trump gives out Graham’s personal cellphone number during a rally. The first polling after the McCain insult shows negligible damage to Trump’s support.

July 22: Lindsey Graham releases a video titled “How to Destroy Your Cell Phone With Sen. Lindsey Graham.” In the video, he uses a meat cleaver, a golf club, fire, a blender, a brick, and a toaster oven to destroy his phone. “Or if all else fails, you can always give your number to The Donald,” he says. “This is for all the veterans,” he adds before throwing the phone against a wall. The video has more than 2.1 million views on YouTube and might represent the high-water mark of the Graham campaign.

July 23: Trump visits Laredo, Texas, to warn about the danger of Mexican immigrants and refers to the personal danger he faces in traveling to the border. “I have to do it,” he says. “I love this country.” Laredo is one of the safest cities in the United States.

July 28: Ten days after the McCain episode, the average polls put Trump at 18.2 percent, nearly five points above on Bush’s 13.7 percent.

August 6: When Fox News moderator Megyn Kelly asks about his history of misogyny and crude comments about women at the first GOP presidential debate of the cycle, Trump says his use of the term “fat pig” was only in reference to Rosie O’Donnell. He then says, “Frankly, what I say—and oftentimes it’s fun, kidding, we have a good time—what I say is what I say. And honestly, Megyn, if you don’t like it, I’m sorry. I’ve been very nice to you, although I could probably not be based on the way you have treated me. But I wouldn’t do that.” The audience at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland seems to be on Trump’s side during the exchange.

August 7: The day after the debate, Trump tells CNN’s Don Lemon that Kelly’s questions were “unfair” and “vicious,” and “you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever…” This prompts widespread criticism that Trump had suggested that Kelly was menstruating. Trump later says he was referring to Kelly’s nose.

That same day, prominent conservative Erik Erickson uninvites Trump from the RedState Gathering, a three-day event full of hundreds of GOP activists, elected officials, and journalists. Event organizer Erickson—who has his own issues with misogyny—writes on his website that while he thought Trump was being treated unfairly by the media and the Republican Party, his comments about Kelly were too much. “There are just real lines of decency a person running for President should not cross,” he writes. “His comment was inappropriate.”

August 13: Kelly announces she’s taking a vacation. “It’s been an interesting week, and a long six months, without vacation for yours truly,” she says on her nightly show. “So I’ll be taking the next week and a half off.”

August 14: When asked, Trump says there’s “probably” a connection between his attacks and Kelly’s time off, “but I wouldn’t know anything about it.” He adds, “People were very surprised that, all the sudden, she decided to go away for 10 days…Some people make those quick decisions.”

A Fox spokeswoman says Kelly’s vacation was pre-planned and “conspiracy theories rank up there with UFO’s, the moon landing and Elvis being alive.” She adds that “to imply otherwise, as Donald Trump and his campaign operatives have, is not only wildly irresponsible, but downright bizarre.”

August 16: Trump tells NBC’s Chuck Todd that he would deport all undocumented immigrants in the United States, including any US-born children. “We’re going to keep the families together, but they have to go,” he says.

During the same interview, Todd asks Trump whom he consults for military advice. “Well, I watch the shows,” Trump says. “I mean, I really see a lot of great—you know, when you watch your show and all of the other shows and you have the generals and you have certain people that you like.” When pressed, he names former UN Ambassador John Bolton and retired Army Colonel Jack Jacobs.

August 19: Jacobs tells Mother Jones‘ David Corn that he’s never talked to Trump about national security matters.

August 22: Trump’s poll numbers plateau after the first debate and the subsequent attacks on Kelly. By August 22, he drops to 22 percent in the polls, down from his previous high of 24.3 percent. Factoring in margins of error, this is approximately where he was before mixing it up with Kelly and still more than double his next-closest competitor (Bush, 10.7 percent).

August 24: Trump resumes his attacks on Kelly:

August 25: Fox News’ chairman and CEO, Roger Ailes, defends Kelly in a statement posted on the Fox website, in which he calls Trump’s attacks on Kelly “unacceptable” and “disturbing.”

Megyn Kelly represents the very best of American journalism and all of us at FOX News Channel reject the crude and irresponsible attempts to suggest otherwise. I could not be more proud of Megyn for her professionalism and class in the face of all of Mr. Trump’s verbal assaults…Donald Trump rarely apologizes, although in this case he should.

August 26: Trump throws Univision journalist Jorge Ramos out of a press conference after Ramos demands that Trump answer his questions regarding Trump’s plan to remove all undocumented immigrants and their US-born children.

Trump’s polling numbers began to climb again.

September 3: A Trump security guard punches a Latino activist in the face outside of Trump Towers in New York City after the activist tries to take back signs the security guard had ripped from protesters’ hands.

September 8: Trump releases a short video on Instagram—his preferred venue for attack ads—describing Bush as “low energy.”

Wake up Jeb supporters!

A video posted by Donald J. Trump (@realdonaldtrump) on Sep 8, 2015 at 11:53am PDT

September 9: Trump mocks GOP presidential rival and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina’s appearance in an interview with Rolling Stone: “Look at that face!” he says, as the reporter and his staff sit around a table watching TV news. “Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president? I mean, she’s a woman, and I’m not s’posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?”

September 16: During the second GOP debate, this time at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, Fiorina is asked about Trump’s remarks. “I think women all over this country heard very clearly what Mr. Trump said,” Fiorina says, as the crowd erupts in applause. Trump smiles, and then awkwardly interjects: “I think she’s got a beautiful face, and I think she’s a beautiful woman.”

Also during the debate, Sen. Rand Paul questions Trump’s maturity and judgment in a discussion of whether Trump is capable of controlling the US nuclear arsenal.

“I think really there’s a sophomoric quality that is entertaining about Mr. Trump,” Paul says. “But I am worried, I am very concerned about having him in charge of the nuclear weapons because…his visceral response to attack people on their appearance—short, tall, fat, ugly. My goodness, that happened in junior high. Are we not way above that? Would we not all be worried to have someone like that be in charge of the nuclear arsenal?”

Trump offers a classic Trump response: “I never attacked him on his looks and, believe me, there’s plenty of subject matter right there.”

September 19: Ten days after his comments about Fiorina, Trump reaches his highest average poll numbers yet, at just above 30 percent, more than 10 points over Ben Carson and crushing Bush.

October 8: Trump manages to insult right-wing firebrand Glenn Beck and former House Speaker John Boehner in one tweet:

October 16: Trump heaps some of the blame for 9/11 on George W. Bush: “You talk about George Bush, say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time.” The interviewer, Bloomberg’s Stephanie Ruhle, pushes back and says, “Hold on: You can’t blame George Bush for that.” Trump presses on: “He was president, okay? Don’t blame or don’t blame him, but he was president, and the World Trade Center came down during his reign.”

October 25: During a discussion on CBS’s “Face the Nation” about using the debt ceiling as leverage, Trump insults Republicans’ negotiation skills. “The Republicans don’t know how to negotiate, to be honest with you,” he says. “I’m a Republican. It’s embarrassing to watch them negotiate.”

October 26: A pair of polls puts Carson way ahead of Trump in Iowa, 31 percent to 19 percent in one poll and 32 percent to 18 percent in the other.

November 4: Though Trump has said in much of his campaign that he’s different because he doesn’t need or want big donors’ money, Politico reports that he has, in fact, reached out to wealthy right-wing donors like Sheldon Adelson, Paul Singer, and the Koch brothers.

November 10: During the GOP debate in Milwaukee, Trump competitor and Ohio Gov. John Kasich says Trump’s plan to deport more than 11 million people is a “silly argument.” In response, Trump says it is possible, citing the work of former President Dwight Eisenhower in the 1950s. The plan Trump champions was called “Operation Wetback,” and it consisted of rounding up Mexicans near the border—whether or not they were immigrants—taking them across the border, and leaving them there. Dozens died, families were displaced, and the operation is looked at today as an abomination.

November 13: A story in the Washington Post suggests the Republican establishment is extremely worried about Trump winning the nomination, believing it would “virtually ensure a Hillary Rodham Clinton presidency and increase the odds that the Senate falls into Democratic hands.”

November 13: During an attack on GOP rival Carson at a campaign rally at an Iowa community college, Trump blasts Iowa voters who still seem to support the retired neurosurgeon and motivational speaker. “How stupid are the people of Iowa?” he asks. “How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap?” Trump’s speech lasts more than an hour and a half and includes barbs against other candidates. He describes Rubio as “weak like a baby, like a baby.” He says Democratic front-runner Clinton is “playing the woman’s card, big league.” While discussing Carson’s anger management problem as a teenager, Trump compares Carson to a child molester: “If you’re a child molester, a sick puppy, a child molester, there’s no cure for that. If you’re a child molester, there’s no cure. They can’t stop you. Pathological—there’s no cure. Now, he said he was pathological.”

Watch Trump flip his belt up and down while questioning Carson’s story that as a teenager he once tried to stab a friend:

During this same speech, Trump says he would “bomb the shit” out of ISIS:

November 13: Once more, Trump’s provocative remarks are seen as the beginning of his demise. A New York magazine blog post observes, “It’s hard for entertainers to stay on top for long, and there are already signs that Trump is about to be replaced by his younger, crazier, and more outsider-y rival, Dr. Ben Carson. Trump seems increasingly distressed by his waning popularity, and in Iowa…he tried a notoriously desperate move: releasing a ‘greatest hits’ album.”

ISIS-inspired terrorists attack Paris, killing more than 129 people and injuring more than 350 people.

November 16: Trump says the United States needs to conduct surveillance on, and perhaps close, some mosques. “I would hate to do it,” he tells MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, “but it’s something that you’re going to have to strongly consider.”

November 20: A week after the terrorist attacks in Paris, Trump says he would “certainly implement” a database to track Muslims in the United States and adds that there “should be a lot of systems, beyond databases.” The comments cause an immediate uproar.

November 21: Trump claims he saw “thousands and thousands of people…cheering as the World Trade Center was coming down” in Jersey City, New Jersey. Media and law enforcement swiftly rebut the claims, but Trump continues to insist he saw what he says he saw.

The same day, at a rally in Birmingham, Alabama, Trump talks about Muslims again: “I do want databases for those people coming in…I want surveillance of these people. I want surveillance if we have to and I don’t care. I want—are you ready for this, folks?…I want surveillance of certain mosques, okay?”

At that rally, a black protester is attacked by Trump supporters as the activist shouts “Black lives matter!”

Trump tells Fox News that “maybe he should have been roughed up.”

November 22: While talking with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Trump repeats the claim: “There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey, where you have large Arab populations,” Trump says. “I know it might not be politically correct for you to talk about it, but there were people cheering as that building came down—as those buildings come down. And that tells you something.”

November 24: Trump mocks a New York Times reporter’s disability after the reporter is unable to remember all the details he reported in a 2001 story about arrests of people seen celebrating the World Trade Center attacks. The reporter in question, Serge Kovaleski, says he has covered Trump extensively over the years, and that the two know each other.

The New York Times reports that a plaque at one of Trump’s golf courses—in Lowes Island, Virginia—references a spot on the river that was known during the Civil War as the “River of Blood.” It turns out that nothing ever happened at the spot that Trump’s plaque says happened. When pressed, Trump challenges the local historians who deny his claims: “How would they know that? Were they there?”

November 29: Meet the Press host Chuck Todd presses Trump on his claims that Muslims celebrated on 9/11, but Trump insists he’s right. Todd tells him that “nobody could find evidence” of what he was describing and says Trump is “feeding a stereotype” that is false. “You’re running for president of the United States. Your words matter,” he adds. “Truthfulness matters. Fact-based stuff matters, no?”

Trump responds, “Take it easy, Chuck. Just play cool. This is people in this country that love our country, that saw this by the hundreds—they’re calling.”

November 30: Trump floats the prospect of boycotting the December 15 CNN debate unless he’s paid $5 million, which he promises would go to “the Wounded Warriors or the vets.” He relents and offers two explanations for his about-face: He is leading in the polls and sees skipping the debate as a risk, and he doesn’t have the “kind of leverage I’d like to have in a deal, and I don’t want to take the chance of hurting my campaign.”

December 2: Trump appears on the internet-based talk show of Alex Jones, a 9/11-truther and star of the conspiracy underworld. During the interview, Trump says he predicted the rise and ultimate danger of Osama bin Laden in his 2000 book, The America We Deserve. The claim is false. The book contains one reference to bin Laden. It refers to bin Laden as one of many threats the United States faces, explaining that even though the government had told the public about bin Laden, the information was fragmentary and the public’s attention quickly focused on another threat.

December 3: Trump employs a series of Jewish stereotypes in a speech given to the Republican Jewish Coalition in Washington, DC. A sampling: “Look, I’m a negotiator like you folks; we’re negotiators.” “You just like me because my daughter happens to be Jewish.” And, “You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money.”

December 7: Five days after the terrorist attack in San Bernadino, California, Trump calls for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what’s going on.” Trump’s proposal spurs indignation among political opponents in both parties and from leaders around the world.

December 9: In a closed-door meeting in New York City with donors, Sen. Ted Cruz says the question of judgment “is a challenging question” for Trump and Carson.

December 13: Trump tells Fox News’ Chris Wallace that he doesn’t think Cruz is qualified to be president. “I don’t think he has the right temperament. I don’t think he’s got the right judgment. You look at the way he’s dealt with the Senate, where he goes in there like a, well, frankly like a little bit of a maniac—you’re never going to get things done that way.”

Later that day, Cruz responds via Twitter:

December 14: On the eve of the fifth GOP presidential debate in Las Vegas, Trump hosts a rally that includes several protesters who are violently thrown out. In one case, a black man is surrounded, knocked to the ground and manhandled. One onlooker shouts, “Light the motherfucker on fire!”

Another supporter reportedly yells, “Sieg heil!”.

December 15: During the GOP debate in Las Vegas, radio host and co-moderator Hugh Hewitt asks Trump what his priority is in terms of updating and maintaining the nuclear triad, referring to the United States’ three delivery systems for nuclear missiles: submarine-based missiles, silo-based missiles, and plane-based bombs. It becomes pretty clear that Trump has no idea what the nuclear triad is, as he rambles through an answer that includes observations about Iraq in 2004, how the United States should not get involved in Syria without nuclear power, and that nuclear proliferation is a major problem. Hewitt tries a second time to find out his priority in the triad. Trump responds: “I think—I think, for me, nuclear is just the power, the devastation is very important to me.”

December 16: James Fallows writes in The Atlantic that Trump’s triad answer was a bridge too far: “To put it in context, this is like applying for a position on The Apprentice and having no idea what ‘the bottom line’ is, or applying to be an airline pilot and not knowing how to interpret ‘cleared to land’…If realities mattered in this race, what Trump has just revealed would be fundamentally disqualifying ignorance for someone seeking a position of command responsibility.”

December 18: Trump tells MSNBC’s Brzezinski and Scarborough that he likes the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin has nice things to say about him. Scarborough points out that Putin is “also a guy who kills journalists, political opponents, and invades countries.” Trump coolly responds, “He’s running his country and at least he’s a leader.”

December 19: Trump campaign spokeswoman Katrina Pierson tells Fox News that Trump isn’t afraid to use nuclear weapons: “What good does it do to have a good nuclear triad if you’re afraid to use it?” Later in the segment, conservative columnist Kurt Schlichter blasts Trump’s ignorance on the issue: “My God! Is it too much that he know what the nuclear triad is? I mean, Katrina, the point of the nuclear triad is to be afraid to use the damn thing. You want to scare the hell out of the other side. Barack Obama is not doing it, and, frankly, my side will be more scared if Donald Trump gets his finger on the button.”

December 20: On ABC’s This Week With George Stephanopoulos, Trump continues to defend Putin’s record of alleged involvement in the assassination of journalists and political opponents. “In all fairness to Putin, you’re saying he killed people,” he says. “I haven’t seen that. I don’t know that he has…If he has killed reporters, I think that’s terrible…It’s never been proven that he’s killed anybody, so you know you’re supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, at least in this country. He has not been proven that he’s killed reporters.”

December 21: At a campaign rally in Michigan, Trump brings up the fact that people got upset about his defense of Putin’s record of killing journalists. Trump says he doesn’t “like” that, and “is totally against it.” He then adds his own thoughts about reporters. “By the way, I hate some of these people, but I’d never kill them. I hate ’em,” he says as the crowd roars its approval. “Honestly, I’ll be honest, I’ll be honest, I would never kill them, I would never do that. I would never kill them, but I do hate them, and some of them are such lying, disgusting people—it’s true.” The crowd’s applause and cheers grow even louder.

Later in the speech, Trump rolls out a wildly sexist attack against Clinton while talking about her 2008 primary defeat. “She was going to beat Obama,” he says. “I don’t know who’d be worse. I don’t know. How does it get worse? She was favored to win and she got schlonged. She lost. She lost.”

At the same rally, he also asks where Clinton was when, after a short commercial break, ABC News turned back to debate coverage before Clinton had returned to her podium. “I know where she went,” he says. “It’s disgusting, I don’t want to talk about it—too disgusting, don’t say it, it’s disgusting.”

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Here Is Every Crazy, Insane, Terrible, Genius, Infuriating Thing Donald Trump Did This Year

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