Tag Archives: petroleum

New Year, Same Spin


New Year, Same Spin

Posted 7 January 2014 in


The oil industry’s lobbying group, the American Petroleum Institute (API), has just released its 2014 State of American Energy summary, and it’s no surprise they’re taking yet another opportunity to spread misinformation about the Renewable Fuel Standard and its role in promoting viable alternatives to oil.

Underlying API’s claims about the RFS is the idea that there’s a “blend wall” preventing the wider adoption of higher renewable fuel blends like E15 (the DOE’s most extensively tested fuel, ever). When the RFS first passed, the oil industry effectively pledged to invest in the infrastructure necessary to bring renewable blends to our gas pumps. But now that renewable fuel is presenting true competition, they’re doing everything in their power to prevent its adoption. That means engaging in frivolous lawsuits, fabricating safety concerns about E15 and discouraging franchisees from carrying the fuel.

The oil companies don’t want to blend more renewable fuel into gasoline because it hurts their bottom line. In fact, it cost them (and saved you) $50 billion in 2012, so it’s no surprise they’re doing what they can to squash the competition. So who benefits from renewable fuel? You do, in the form of lower gas prices, reduced carbon emissions and increased national security. The choice should be clear.

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New Year, Same Spin

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Dozens of new oil rigs planned for Gulf of Mexico

Dozens of new oil rigs planned for Gulf of Mexico

kris krüg

Somebody ordered a couple dozen more of these?

It’s open season for drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

A five-month moratorium on deep-sea drilling was imposed after the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon disaster, but those days are long gone. Now a record-breaking number of rigs are coming to the Gulf to tap gas and oil beneath the sea floor.

More than 60 rigs are expected to be operating in waters deeper than 1,000 feet by the end of 2015, up from 36 today, Bloomberg reports:

Demand is driven in part by exploration successes in the lower tertiary, a geologic layer about 20,000 feet below the sea floor containing giant crude deposits that producers are only now figuring out how to tap. Companies such as Chevron Corp. and Anadarko Petroleum Corp. must do more drilling to turn large discoveries into producing wells — as many as 20 wells for each find.

“The Gulf had more than its fair share of discoveries,” Chris Beckett, chief executive officer at Pacific Drilling SA, said in an interview. “Right now, the Gulf is the fastest growing deep-water region in the world.”

The revival will add to surging crude oil supplies from the U.S. shale boom, with Gulf production climbing 23 percent to 1.55 million barrels a day by December 2014 from 1.26 million in March, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

What could go wrong?

John Upton is a science fan and green news boffin who tweets, posts articles to Facebook, and blogs about ecology. He welcomes reader questions, tips, and incoherent rants: johnupton@gmail.com.

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Dozens of new oil rigs planned for Gulf of Mexico

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Don’t let the oil industry fool you: AAA doesn’t want to repeal the RFS


Don’t let the oil industry fool you: AAA doesn’t want to repeal the RFS

Posted 18 July 2013 in


From Domestic Fuel:

This week the American Petroleum Institute (API) kicked off an new anti-ethanol and anti-biofuels TV and print campaign and in a commercial being aired in South Dakota, criticized the increased use of ethanol and E15 as a motor fuel. The 30-second commercials mention Triple A (AAA) and the organization has come out publicly and said the ads misrepresent their position on E15 and is calling for API to have the ads taken down.

“This commercial is the latest in a series of communications on social media and elsewhere which portray AAA as being “anti-ethanol.” This is not the case,” according to AAA’s statement. “AAA South Dakota remains a strong supporter of image002-2the development and use of alternative fuels such as ethanol. The auto club believes ethanol fuels provide motorists with a choice at the pump that promotes U.S. energy independence, supports American and South Dakotan jobs and can save the consumer money.”

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Don’t let the oil industry fool you: AAA doesn’t want to repeal the RFS

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Oil industry pays for another rigged “study”


Oil industry pays for another rigged “study”

Posted 20 March 2013 in


We released the following statement today after the American Petroleum Institute (API) released a study on the economic impacts of the blend wall:

As sure as the moon waxes and wanes, the American Petroleum Institute buys studies to support their self-interested views. Their most recent study predictably attacks their main competitor: renewable fuel.

The oil industry has been complaining about the Renewable Fuel Standard, yet they are the ones who failed to invest in the infrastructure necessary to avoid the compliance mechanism that has them up in arms. Everyone knew this investment would be necessary many years ago, and in typical form, the oil industry is threatening to pass the cost of their own inaction on to consumers.

Since oil price is set on the world market, what you pay at the pump relies on what happens to world events that we cannot control, like the Cyprus bailout that is being debated today. If we want lower and more stable prices at the pump, we have to wean our way off of oil, and replace it with inexpensive and homegrown renewable fuel.

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Oil industry pays for another rigged “study”

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Don’t Mess with the RFS

Don’t Mess with the RFS

Posted 6 February 2013 in


Last year may have been a challenging one, but the ethanol industry continued to bolster America’s economy and fuel supply to the tune of more than 13 billion gallons of renewable fuel and $43 billion in GDP.

The Renewable Fuels Association released the new economic data today, including findings that the industry employed or supported jobs for more than 300,000 Americans. That translates into $30 billion in household income for American workers.

That’s why it’s so important to protect the RFS, the policy that supports continued growth and job – and the industry is ready to go to the mat to defend the policy against opponents like the oil lobby. That’s the message Renewable Fuels Association President Bob Dinneen delivered today in his State of the Industry speech:

“Big Oil, represented by the American Petroleum Institute, has declared war on the RFS. They’ve been joined by Big Food, the angry birds, mad cows and hungry hogs. Together, they want to feed once more at the trough of low corn prices and government subsidies. They are putting their profits over the nation’s security. They will not succeed. But it will be an epic fight. And our mantra must be, ‘Don’t mess with the RFS!’”

Despite challenges and detractors, supporters of renewable fuel are ready to defend the policy that will ensure we all have choices at the pump, lower gas prices and a cleaner environment.

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Don’t Mess with the RFS

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Chevron reports record profits — and will spend some of them undermining California pollution standards

Chevron reports record profits — and will spend some of them undermining California pollution standards

Another day, another oil company reporting massive quarterly and annual profits. Today: Chevron.

From the Associated Press:

Chevron Corp. posted a 41 percent gain in net income for the fourth quarter as the company produced more oil and gas, improved the performance of its refinery business and realized a gain from swapping assets in an Australian natural gas field.

Chevron Corp. posted net income of $7.2 billion for the quarter on revenue of $60.6 billion. That’s up from $5.1 billion on revenue of $60 billion a year ago.

It was the biggest fourth quarter profit in the company’s history.

Emphasis added, so that you can marvel.

And what will Chevron do with its gobs and gobs of money? One million dollars of it will go to pay a fine levied by the state of California. And some will go to undermining that state’s carbon-reduction rules.

From the Contra Costa Times:

San Ramon-based Chevron is leading an aggressive campaign to delay implementation of California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard, a cornerstone of the state’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The fuel standard requires the oil industry to gradually reduce the “carbon intensity” of transportation fuels like diesel and gasoline by at least 10 percent by 2020. Chevron and its allies, including the Western States Petroleum Association, are trying to undermine the standard by rallying opposition, financing critical studies and lobbying the Democratic-controlled Legislature, state agencies and Gov. Jerry Brown. …

Chevron and the Western States Petroleum Association argue that the 2020 timeline can’t be met without severe economic impacts, including a huge spike in gasoline prices.

Ironically, higher gasoline prices are also what helped propel Chevron to its all-time best quarter. Don’t pretend you don’t like it, Chevron.

As we did yesterday with Shell, we’ve broken Chevron’s quarterly profits down: $80 million a day. $3.3 million an hour. $926 every second. And so, Chevron would have earned:

Philip Bump writes about the news for Gristmill. He also uses Twitter a whole lot.

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Chevron reports record profits — and will spend some of them undermining California pollution standards

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