Tag Archives: Promise

Biden Says Obama Offered to Help Pay for Son’s Cancer Treatment

Mother Jones

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In an emotional interview with CNN‘s Gloria Borger, Vice President Joe Biden on Monday revealed that President Barack Obama once offered to help him financially amid mounting concerns over his late son Beau’s health.

The offer, Biden says, was made during one of their weekly lunch meetings, in which he told the president he and his wife were contemplating selling their house to help Beau’s family in case he was forced to resign as Delaware’s attorney general.

“He got up and he said, ‘Don’t sell that house. Promise me you won’t sell the house,'” Biden told Borger, who had asked Biden to reveal a moment he would remember ahead of Obama’s final State of the Union on Tuesday. “He said, ‘I’ll give you the money. Whatever you need, I’ll give you the money. Don’t, Joe—promise me. Promise me.’ I said, ‘I don’t think we’re going to have to anyway.’ He said, ‘Promise me.'”

“And then I’ll never forget the eulogy he delivered for Beau.”

Beau ultimately ended up being able to serve the rest of his second term as attorney general. He died in May from brain cancer.

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Biden Says Obama Offered to Help Pay for Son’s Cancer Treatment

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Ted Cruz Super-PAC Has Just One Donor

Mother Jones

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A super-PAC backing Ted Cruz called Keep the Promise II just filed its campaign disclosure, and it stands rather in contrast with the filing this morning from Jeb Bush’s super-PAC. Right to Rise, the Bush-backing super-PAC, revealed a list of donors that included anonymous shell corporations, 28 former ambassadors, and hundreds of wealthy and moneyed elite from around the country, requiring this reporter to do plenty of math to determine how much came from big donors and how much came from very big donors. Keep the Promise II’s disclosure is much simpler.

One guy gave $10 million.

That’s it.

Although the super-PAC raised more money than the actual campaigns of 14 of the 20 declared major candidates, there were no other donors.

The guy’s name is Toby Neugebauer. He is the billionaire founder of a private-equity firm, and his father is Congressman Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas).

To be fair, it’s one of at least three super-PACs backing Cruz. The others have not yet filed their reports, but will likely list donors other than Neugebauer.

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Ted Cruz Super-PAC Has Just One Donor

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More nukes? Are you kidding? Enviros push back against Hansen’s call

More nukes? Are you kidding? Enviros push back against Hansen’s call


We told you on Monday about an open letter penned by James Hansen and three other prominent climate scientists calling on the world to ramp up development and deployment of “safer” nuclear power. The scientists argue that renewable energy isn’t enough to spare the world from the wrath of global warming, and that the power of the atom needs to be better tapped to help get us off fossil fuels.

Publication of the letter coincided with the buildup to this evening’s screening by CNN of the controversial pro-nuclear documentary Pandora’s Promise.

The issue of nuclear power bitterly divides environmentalists, so plenty of people were not pleased to hear Hansen, a darling of climate-activism circles, leading a call for more nuke power. Many of the environmentalists and scientists who have written rebuttals in recent days have focused on safety concerns and the flailing economics of nuclear power. Here are excerpts from a few of those rebuttals.

From the Natural Resources Defense Council’s blog:

As longtime leaders of NRDC’s energy program, we agree with [the authors of the letter] that “energy systems decisions should be based on facts, and not on emotions and biases.”  But the authors of this letter (and other nuclear energy proponents) are on the wrong track when they look to nuclear power as a silver bullet solution for global warming. To the contrary, given its massive capital costs, technical complexity, and international security concerns, nuclear power is clearly not a practical alternative. Instead, energy efficiency will always be the quickest, cheapest solution to our energy and climate challenges, and clean renewable energy is growing today by leaps and bounds.

From Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune:

If Fukushima, Chernobyl and Three Mile Island have taught us anything, it’s that nuclear plants are too expensive, too slow to build, and too risky. That’s why countries like Germany – one of the largest economies in the world – are going all in on renewable energy sources and decommissioning dangerous nuclear plants.

From Greenpeace USA nuclear power analyst Jim Riccio:

While we respect Dr. Hansen and his advocacy to raise the alarm about catastrophic climate change, we thoroughly disagree that nuclear power has any role to play in addressing the threat posed by global warming. If we are to abate the worst impacts of climate change we need solutions that are fast, affordable, and safe. Nuclear is none of these.

From ClimateProgress blogger Joe Romm:

I think their letter is mis-addressed and also misses the key point about nuclear power — because it is so expensive, especially when done safely, the industry has no chance of revival absent a serious price on carbon.

While solar power and wind power continue to march down the experience curve to ever lower costs — solar panels have seen a staggering 99% drop in cost since 1977 — nuclear power has been heading in the opposite direction.

It’s worth noting that Hansen et al. didn’t just call for more nuclear deployment. They also called for more nuclear development; more advanced nuke technology could, in theory at least, help bring down the price tag of nuclear energy.

Here’s the trailer for Pandora’s Promise:

And here are David Roberts’ thoughts on Pandora’s Promise and the whole nuclear debate.

Response to an Open Letter on the Future of Nuclear Power, NRDC Switchboard
Greens dispute climate scientists on nuclear power, The Hill

John Upton is a science fan and green news boffin who tweets, posts articles to Facebook, and blogs about ecology. He welcomes reader questions, tips, and incoherent rants: johnupton@gmail.com.

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More nukes? Are you kidding? Enviros push back against Hansen’s call

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Shale Gas: The Promise and the Peril


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Oil Firms Break Promise on Biofuels, Defying California

Oil Firms Break Promise on Biofuels, Defying California | Fuels America
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Oil Firms Break Promise on Biofuels, Defying California

Posted 23 April 2013 in


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Oil Firms Break Promise on Biofuels, Defying California

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